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Posts posted by BuffaloDelorean

  1. How about the Squadron and Nighthawk's team from Squadron Supreme? Scarlet Centurion would be good too.

    It's not because he's obscure, but I can't really see DST making a pirate Nightcrawler and I'd love to get one.

  2. The teen Groot minimate looks like it has the same small chest as Rocket to me.

    Marvel Legends Thor is in a different costume than the minimate, so that could be a second chance to get his new hammer.

    There seems to be a pretty clean split between green and grey for Black Widow's vest in merchandise. I prefer the grey, but I'm not sure which is more accurate.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Gillbob316 said:

    The cruel irony of the way toy lines work would dictate that you'll get your wish, but because you failed to request Shaw... he'll never be made.

    (Naw, I'm kidding, we know they won't)

    I actually skipped Shaw because I think he has a shot at being made. The same goes for a redo of classic Emma Frost.

  4. Iron Man and Thanos are the only ones so far I feel like tracking down, but Proxima Midnight, improved Rocket, and teen Groot all look good too.

    There are twelve minimates in these three-part assortments, so my guesses for wave 2 are:

    1. Captain America (definitely shared)

    2. Hulkbuster (probably shared)

    3. Hawkeye (probably shared)

    4. Scarlet Witch (not LCS exclusive)

    5. Vision (Walgreens exclusive?)

    6. War Machine

    7. Falcon (not TRU exclusive)

    8. Gamora (Walgreens exclusive?)

    9. Black Panther

    10. Corvus Blade

    11. Ebony Maw

    12. Cull Obsidian


    Captain America & Hulkbuster

    Hawkeye & Black Panther


    Falcon & [Black Order]


    War Machine & [Black Order]


    Vision & Scarlet Witch

    Gamora & [Black Order]

  5. 7 minutes ago, MrClean said:

    and Hulk seems to have grey hair at his temples.

    That's true, he seems like a Banner/Hulk hybrid to me.

    Mk 50 Iron Man solves my only issues with the Homecoming version (the helmet and the colours), and looks like one of the better movie Iron Men so far.

    I don't really like this design for Thanos, but the new Infinity Gauntlet is appreciated.

    Strange and Quill make sense as Walgreens exclusives since they weren't on board for the Doctor Strange and GotGv2 assortments.

  6. It's very easy to find, it was the first result when I searched "minimates infinity war" on eBay.

    Iron Man & Thanos

    Iron Spidey & Hulk (with a face that looks like normal Ruffalo only green)

    Walgreens exclusive Star-Lord & Proxima Midnight

    Walgreens exclusive Doctor Strange & Thor

  7. Hank Pym is one of my two favourite superheroes, so the Yellowjacket we got was a big want of mine. It's alright, but I wouldn't mind an update, especially if it was the version with yellow lenses.

    I'd like updates of Goliath and classic Giant-Man too, but DST hasn't really figured out a consistent way to represent growth powers.

  8. I don't think we've gotten anything official, but what I've seen is:

    - Marvel Wave 76


    - Kingdom Hearts Wave 2(?) and Tron Motorcycle



    - Sonic box set(s)


    - an NBX assortment of some kind


    These have all been posted elsewhere on the Multiverse but I thought it might be good to have them all in one place.

  9. It's impressive that we've gotten four Black Cat minimates and they've all been in different costumes.

    I think I can pass on the Venom and Carnage packs, but I'm definitely in for Cloak and Dagger and maybe Spidey/Black Cat.

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