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Posts posted by Reideen1313

  1. oh, i'm sorry guys, i did forget, they did say bsg is not dead, chuck actually said that he tries to keep lines alive as long as he can. as of today the only lines that were on hold that are dead are ghost rider, only because the licenses expired

    So there's still a chance that Street Fighter could return? :D

  2. Unscrewed is going to repost the CBR Lying in the Gutters Shocker related thread in it's entirety. It isn't up yet because the PDF is HUGE - we were up to around 104 pages before the thread got pulled due to what was reportedly an absolutely insane phone call to Jonah (of CBR) from Gwarff himself.

    Jonah's info on why the thread was pulled:


    I'm going to shut down this thread. After repeated calls and e-mails and threats from Geoff about this thread, of which I don't believe any of it is actionable, I have decided to shut this thread down. This does not mean I am supporting Shocker Toys work in any way, just that I don't want to deal with any further calls of the level of which I received yesterday. This would be the second call I've received from him and while the first last year was unprofessional, his call on Tuesday was completely out of bounds. His call has been logged and his actions noted with my attorney.

    Shocker Toys is no longer welcome on the CBR Forums and their accounts will be banned. If any users who are familiar with their account names could get in touch with me via PM, I'll add them to the list.

    In 12 - 24 hours I will soft delete this thread -- that means that while the posts will not be publicly readable, I'll still have access to them should there be that need.

    I do this if only to avoid further interaction with Shocker or its employees. While I will not go into details, the call yesterday was the last straw and once again I will reiterate that there is no belief on my or my lawyer's part that any legal action can take place as a result of this thread.

  3. They are different yes

    I can't say much though because I don't know if it would cause any issues for the site or if it would be frowned upon by DST

    Unless someone from DST specifically asked people who attended the panel not to release info on the exclusives, I don't see a problem with sharing the info.

  4. Yes. Yes you are.

    The packaged Scud factory test shot Gwarff has been showing has a leg that looks like its already broken off in the package. I can't imagine the NYCC con exclusives - that won't be available at the show mind, you can pre order them - will be any better.

    Kabuki has no facial scars AND she's got a man crotch.

    Shadowhawk is a very 'meh' character regardless IMO. The novelty of the character wore off about 4 issues into the 1st run of the comic for me.

    The Maxx is too small and McFarlane did a much better figure years ago.

    Don't even get me started on the generic female they're claiming represents Katchoo.

    These figures should've shipped 12/31 according to Gwarff. Then they were delayed to the Chinese New Year. If the figures were manufactured, the New Year 2 weeks later wouldn't have affected product already on the water.

    The fabled 'air shipment' of the NYCC figures isn't going to make it either - again because of the New Year.

    All of this is just more of Gwarff's BS. The less people talk about Shocker the better the world is.

  5. On second thought, upon reading through the other material, carry on.

    And Dino - there could be a nude blank mate floating around out there somewhere. When (if) I ever move I might be able to find time to post a pic. Can't right now though because my stuff is all packed. (Has been for almost 3 damn months now...)

  6. Not too familiar with that comic, but I LOVE IT! He looks so perfectly character-accurate! And the gas mask is awesome.

    It is worth picking up a TPB or two. (Or all - that's what I'd really recommend) Matt Wagner is one of the best writers in the business IMO.

  7. We need anything Inhumans, Thunderbolts (hell I'd even take the Dark Avengers) or more cosmic characters. God... we more subjects to talk about. :ermm:

    I look forward to the day when I can safely look at my Kang and Black Panther minimates and not have to ask about them ever being released.

    What do you mean? I have a Black Panther mate on my shelf.... what's left of him anyway. :)

  8. Due to my (still) impending move, I'm not going to get to participate in this, so I'm giving my idea away. I'd love to see a Rod Serling mate based on this image:


    Could be an easy quick custom for someone wanting to enter before the deadline.

  9. Accessory packs and blanks/generic 'mates have been suggested by fans for years. AA and DST aren't interested at this time. Cost to produce vs return wouldn't make it possible.

    Which is why someone other than AA/DST will have to create accessory packs. Perhaps such a project has already been in the works for a few months now... Oops, did I say that out loud? ;)

    BITE YOUR TONGUE! Are you effing serious? :blink:

    Perhaps we should starting labeling new threads with a disclaimer in the title to lessen the ire of the mods (and... youknowwho). Two magic words: "Wishful Thinking"

    Really? Ire of the mods?!? Really?

    We allow SF threads to continue to live years after that topic has been flogged to a bloody pulp. We allow 'next person on the list' type of spam threads to continue. We put up with members bitching, moaning and flat out calling the mods out when we're no different than any of you here. We're here because we enjoy the toys. Yes, we moderate the forums. Yes, we're the old timers. We've probably forgotten more about minimates than some members will ever know. We generally don't ban people. If we do, its because that member has proven to be either an ass or is ripping forum members off. We usually don't lock threads up. Again, if we have, its because a duplicate thread exists or the topic is against the rules (ie in the flea market). Generally speaking, we let the members police themselves for the most part.

    That's ok. That's the kind of forum we run here. Newbies (usually) aren't beaten and used as ritualistic sacrifices to the team at DST to get specific characters made. We frequently give stuff out to anyone that signs up. We have members who attend shows and debase themselves to get exclusives to send to other members worldwide - for the love of the hobby and this forum. I personally run the secret santa exchange every year. Unless you are a complete tool (IE High Ass Roller) you are welcomed here by most members. Many people here will send parts to someone to complete a custom just because they're asking for them (and so we can see the finished product).

    This forum exists because a group of members from the AA forums wanted a place to gather to continue to discuss 'mates. They paid for the site out of their own pockets and continue to do so to this day. (Yes, advertising helps offset some costs, but mailing con exclusives out isn't free.) I, of all people, am the last person many of them ever thought would be a moderator here. TBT could probably shed some light on that if you buy him enough beers... My point is - everyone - is welcome to prove themselves here.

    I've seen some griping about the mods lately and I've bit my tongue. I'm not anymore. For anyone who thinks we're being too heavy handed, taking away your fun when we interject something of value or facts - instead of simply saying 'yeah dood. that'd be so totally cool. I'd buy 10 bajillion accessory packs!' then tough shit. Go find another forum to play in.

    All we ask is, think before you post. We don't care about post count here, so posting 200 times per day gets you absolutely nothing. You gain no respect in the eyes of anyone for having 5000 posts vs the person who's posted twice - as long as those two posts are something that contributes to the discussion.

    You have a problem with the mods, talk to them. You don't like that suggestion, talk to Shane. I guarantee we'll get together and hash it out.

  10. Umm...are we missing something?? I just checked toyWiz's site, which i do frequently, and they list the Cylon Wave (5) as IN STOCK. My reaction was "umm...what the f*ck??" Anyone tried to order them, because i'm about to go out on a whim and try it...Just for the sake of hope...

    EDIT: Not only that, but they also have an unannounced Leoben and Kara 7" two-pack! Is DST up to somethign here??

    I'm not sure why you'd look at Toywiz for anything. They're one of the absolute worst online scalper shops out there. I doubt they know anything reliable on this.

  11. No, because it looked like everyone guessed correctly already. Give me a minute...

    Skull buster assigned to boyd

    jjwspider assigned to luke314pi

    minimateespo25 assigned to jcastick

    karmazov80 assigned to blacksun1520

    mcdurg assigned to tm2dinobot

    bob harris assigned to gledzee

    deadpool assigned to homestar17

    homestar17 assigned to reideen

    blacksun1520 assigned to deadpool

    luke314pi assigned to pickle

    fo shizzle assigned to mcdurg

    mattallica assigned to vbpanizzi

    thepunisher:D assigned to karmazov80

    gledzee assigned to buttheadsmate

    vbpanizzi assigned to thepunisher:D

    pickle assigned to minimateespo25

    dan assigned to bob harris

    boyd assigned to mattallica

    tm2dinobot assigned to jjwspider

    buttheadsmate assigned to dan

    jcastick assigned to fo shizzle

    reideen assigned to Skull buster

  12. That was 'sculpted' by (and bragged about) by an admin at an action-figure website. Based on the quality of the sculpt, I'm shocked he didn't turn it into a lucrative career in the action figure industry.

  13. Just finished a few books recently.

    I've been reading the Emberverse books by S.M. Stirling. Got done with A Meeting At Corvalis. Not bad, but starting to get predictable.

    Also just got done with The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks. Rather enjoyed that one.

    Name of the Wind is another good 1st in a series book by Patrick Rothfuss.

    If you want some light horror/humor, you might try Gil's All Fright Diner by A. Lee Martinez. In the Company of Ogres is another good book by him as well. They're both short, but good reads.

    Right now I'm reading The Man with the Golden Torc by Simon R. Green. I like his Nightside books, so I had to give this series a look. It's similar to the Dresden Files books but with a larger cast of characters.

  14. Just picked up Battlefield Bad Company for $6.29 at Target. (It was the only copy they had and it wasn't in their computers, so the cashier decided that was an acceptable price.) :D

    Also picked up Dead Rising and absolutely love it so far.

    Bad company is fun... it's kinda cool to blow stuff up but in the end the blowing stuff up is a bit gimicky. Online play is a lot of fun though, if you get on line with it let me know I'm always up for a match :)


    That probably won't happen until next month sometime. I'm still waiting to close on our new house. Grumble grumble grumble...

  15. Is it me or would the Hulk figures be just a smidge better with hands similar to those on The Thing?

    You'd look awesome with thing hands Reideen, maybe you're right and the hulk would too ;)

    of course if they did that then they'd have to go back and remake all those hulks with different hands!


    Actually, I have 2 pairs of Hulk hands somewhere around the house. Both the original foam rubber ones and the newer cloth ones from the recent movie. I think we've got Hulk feet somewhere too... I don't wear them often though as they make me look like a duck. DST really nailed the sculpt on those! :D

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