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Everything posted by Nestlé

  1. Hey Tim, as the only one here who actually HAS them, I have to agree with you on several of your points. It IS just cardboard on the the back and I WAS a little worried about how strongly they would attach to the wall. That being said, there are several spots to use nails (I'm only using 2 in each) and they still seem fairly sturdy. Also, since I don't know what I'm missing out on these cases represent a great comprimise between my wife and I for cost. If you really don't want yours, LMK, maybe I can take them off your hands.
  2. Hey guys! Yeah Jeff, they hang on walls. They're awesome! I can't say enough about these cases. I was about to go buy the ones that TBT uses when I stumbled on these. A quick math calcution later and they're less than half the price. Now I just need to try and get ahold of enough of them.
  3. So I've been looking for some alternative for storing my mates. The parts cabinets work great in the respect that they store lots in a small space in an organized fashion. That being said labeling them is a disaster and when I'm looking for a specific mate for movies that I haven't labeled... Well it can take so long that I begin to think it somehow ended up in another room. Anyways, I was in Zellers Christmas shopping the other day and stumbled accross some Hot Wheels cases. They hold 32 and comes in packs of 2 for $20. BEtter still, they attach. I've only picked up one pack so far, but am so impreesed that I'm DEFINETLY going back for more.
  4. So Final Crisis #5 came out this week and I picked it up today. Normally I put off writing a review here for awhile... BUt get this: I'm actually EXCITED to write this review. Here Goes: Final Crisis #5 The book opens with the Trial of Hal Jordan. He's about to be executed when Kyle & Guy show up to tell everyone Earth is being sucked into a black hole/Hell and that Kraken is actually possesed but a God of Apokolips. Kraken beats off a bunch of GLs (Since she's an Alpha Lantern she can drain their rings), but Hal jumps on her andpunches her in the face a lot. She is arrested and Guy gives Hal the sit rep about what's Darkseid is doing on Earth and that it's tearing apart reality. Hal replys by saying: "The I say we go in after him, Guy. You, me, Kyle, anybody else who wants to. And we kick his ass" Salaak gives him back his ring and a Guardian says "Cleared of all charges, you have 24 hours to save the univese lantern Jordan." How's that for an openning? The rest of the issue is pretty much the war between THe AntiLife and the survivors. Mr Terrific and his group attempt to create a diversion at Checkmate so a team of heroes can attack Bludhaven and kill Darkseid. The castle checkmate is falling when Mister Miracle shows up with a plan for the heroes to escape. Meanwhile the heroes attack Bludhaven... All 18 of them. Seriously? I mean Black Adam & Supergirl are among them, but most of them are B, C or even D grade heroes. Don't get me wrong, My favorite thing about DC is that they use their D Grade characters pomonintly, but there's no way they should be under the impression that this plan is going to work. Anyways, Mary Marvel beats Black Adam & Captain MArvel Junior and the battle continues. Former-Monitor-Burger-Boy gets thrown in a cell with other people who AntiLife does not work on. It's fairly obvious they know he's a monitor and when he remebers he transforms into a being with glowy blue eyes. Meanwhile Calculator is being executed for betraying the Injustice Society... Turns out he's taking the fall for Luthor, which Libra may or may not know is a traitor. Hal and the Corps show up to kick some ass just as Darkseid comes into complete power. The Earth sinks into the black hole to "Hell" completely and... That's the end. For the last half year I've been saying "Just wait." "Final Crisis will get better." And it has! This issue was freaking awesome! Problem is, with only 2 issues left is it too late to salvage this story? Keep reading to find out.
  5. Gah! Tim, why didn't you post this YESTERDAY!?!?! I seriously just ordered a pair of these from Sears for $50. It's still a deal, but... (I got them as a gag gift for my wife. Shhh, don't tell.
  6. Uh-oh. I do believe Neo ran out of excuses. I was playing Rock Band tonight picking songs randomly with friends and I did a double take. Yep, it's true, apparently I have Underoath on my 360. That's yet ANOTHER christian band in RB. I didn't even know I had it, so there could be even more that I haven't noticed yet. Also, the music library continues to grow (Now over 500 songs) including the NOW CONFIRMED different genres:
  7. Seriously, I'm WAY more disappointed with the ending then we're even talking about. The "Villain" who Dan wanted to mutilate was only doing option #2 . That is the "Neutral" choice. How is that EVIL? Also, I chose sacrifice and it gives you 3000 Good. That's dumb. Don't get me wrong, my character was a good guy. Not perfect by any means, but he made the choices I would make. I didn't want to be perfect.
  8. Handsome, considering that the HArmonix made BOTH guitars I'm pretty sure "dud factor" would merely be coincidence. As for 360 "Epic Flails," ... Well Trekker there are FAR more flails on PS3 in my opinion. Plus, 360 is also backwards compatible meaning it's missing MGS1? Big Wup. You wanna go back to playing games that old?
  9. I've said in the past that RB is like a religion here. That's actually why I've been TRYING to post pictures on this thread for the last month. Who knoes, maybe someday it'll work. As for the guitars I've tested a theory and it seems to be 95% accurate. Guitar preference comes down to whichever guitar you learned to play on. While more people I know prefer the GH there is also a large number (myself included) who would rather play on the RB. In the end it doesn't really matter since both guitars work in RB. After I get my new drumset in January our next step will be to start to buy the different guitars out there so that EVERYONE is happy playing at our house. I did see the Gene Simons guitar too, but only on PS2 & PS3. IS it out for 360 too? Oh, last but not least, did you guys hear the next Metal Gear Solid is 360?
  10. That's pretty exciting Tim. (And thanks for the pic ) Have you played RB? I prefer it over GHWT
  11. In a completely different topic is anyone able to upload pictures into this thread from their computer? It gives me the option elsewhere on these forums, but not here.
  12. Alright, thought I'd chime in here: I'm not going to touch on any of them complete randomness of this story (like Bruce becoming a heroine addict) but I will say that Neo, you forgot to mention the "flash forward." 6 months later no one has seen The BAtman and then the Batsignal comes on and he rushes to the rescue. Is it Bruce? Nope. Not in my opinion. Know why? Grant M. has been quoted that it IS Bruce in Final Crisis (he's writing that also) and that FC takes place in AFTER RIP. He also said Bruce will meet his final fate in FC. Dead? Maybe. But now you have to read 2 books to get the story.
  13. Explorer. Are there certain forums that allow images and others that don't? For ex: I haven't found a thread in the videogames forum I can post an image on.
  14. Whoa! Mines workiong!!!!! Not sure if anybody did anything, but thanks! :biggrin: Okay, nope... I'm very confused. I've just tried it a dozen times in different threads. So far the only ones it works for are this thread and BSG 7" toys. Help?
  15. Is there any reason why I don't have the option to upload images from my computer? This happened a long time ago too. When I asked for advice people would jusat say that the option was right there... But it wasn't. Then one day it appeared... Now it's gone.
  16. A couple other things I'd like to add: Reid, I picked up Sonic for $10 almost a year ago. It's sad to see how much Sega has ruined their mascot. Neo, you and Dan were talking about NXE a couple weeks ago. While I like it, I actually have some problems with the new layout. I think it's TOO EASY to buy things now. My four year old son rented some movies on my wife's account accidentally. *sigh*
  17. Remeber when we used to argue Neo? I thought I'd chime in and add Viva Pinata is awesome! It's great for you AND the kids. Currently (and for the last few years) it has sat in my "rotation." My rotation are the 3 games I might set down for a week or 2, but always come back to. They are Halo 3, Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise & Rock Band 2. If you're considering Viva Pinata, you can pick up the first one for cheap, or the new Trouble in Paradise sequel, they're both awesome. Just DON'T pick up Party Animals, as it is NOTHING like the others.
  18. Reid, if your looking for advice, I'm the one to listen. (That was a joke). Seriously though, I think I'm the "common ground" between TBT and Neo's opinions. About the games, If you're determined to buy, go ahead and pick up Fable 2. Fable 1's story DOES play a part in Fable 2, but if you haven't played it you probably won't notice the story plugs. I rented it, beat it and returned it. But, whether or not you rent or buy, make sure to play it, if you've got a 360 you owe it to yourself to do so. Sonic on the other hand is potentially the WORST game on 360. Understand that I LOVE Sonic Adventure 1 & 2. S360 however is painfully bad. In fact, unless you are INCREDIBLY gifted at Sonic games it's highly likely that you won't beat the first (official) level. I know you said you already picked it up, but I'm just warning you. I bought it for my son, but it's so incredibly hard that he cannot play it. It might be a good idea to trade it towards something else. If it's for yougsters, my son LOVES Thrillville: Off The Rails. Halo. I couldn't disagree more with Wii. Halo has one of the richest storylines in videogames. Sadly most people run through it and don't take note of what's actually happenning. If you think this is you, Wii is right. Jump in @ H3 since it has the best multiplayer. If you want a great story and campaign experience, you've gotta start @ 1. Sadly that DOES mean you'll have to put up with HaloCE graphics and a change in controls between H2 & H3, but in my opinion it's worth it. Oh, and Orange Box is good also.
  19. I know I'm late on this topic, but it's Dick. Jason had Yellow stockings and funky boots.
  20. DO NOT BUY A COOLING FAN!!!!!!!!! I am CERTAIN I've posted this somewhere a year or 2 ago. They are a HORRIBLE sytem that actually DESTROYS 360s. I have LITERALLY SEEN SEVERAL 360s get a RRoD from cooling fans. I can tell you stories if you want, but at this point I will leave it with: DO NOT BUY!!!!
  21. No, Sinestro Corps isn't finished yet. I'm currently working on the 4th and final installment. I have pretty high hopes for volume 2 of the movies though. It's something EVERYONE can relate to (including those who have not read Sinestro). The plot is so twisted and convoluted though, that I get a headache just writing it.
  22. Chaselon, Kyle and GAlius Zed are all customs done by Graham. He does great work. Especially on the creativity side. Not sure if it's visible in the pic, but Zed has 3 legs for instance. Graham, you rock.
  23. Alright, anybody know who Checkmate is? Didn't think so. What's cooler than a Superhero or a Superspy? How about a SuperheroSpy!?! I discovered the awesomeness of Checkmate comics in trade form awhile back at it quickly became a sick fetish for me. I cannot exaggerate how much I love Greg Rucka's writing, full of romance, betrayal, blak Ops, murder, suspense, ect. It hurts to know that someone took over the book after 2 years and drove it into the ground. (The book is now over). Of course, when I picked up: Final Crisis: Resist #1 I had no idea it would follow Checkmate, or that it was written by Greg for that matter. Reading this book makes Submit look even worse. I realize most people could "skip" this book and it not hurt their FC experience... But they shouldn't! I don't know if it would be too complicated for people who haven't read Checkmate in the past, it's highly possible. I'm not sure if I'm trying to sell you guys on this comic or Checkmate as a whole, but regardless... It's good. The story follows Checkmate trying to stop the "zombie plague"... And failing. Essentially, their base of operations is comprimised and 98% of them are turned into zombies including characters like Fire, The new Judo Master, Rocket Red & Madelmoiselle Marie. OKay, you might not rtecognize a lot of them, but I'll get on with it. Snapper Carr, Mister Terrific, Thinker and Black King manage to drag Shassa through some bunker doors where they seal themselves in. Essentially they remain locked in a room for a month with the rest of checkmate "zombified" outside. Snapper Carr (a silver age hero) can teleport when he snaps his fingers, so he goes and gets supplies and brings them back. Shassa is in a form of OMAC induced coma since she was infected by the zombies. In an attempt to protect her, her OMAC half has "turned her consciousness off." Eventually, Snapper Carr runs into Cheetah whom he teleports back to the bunker with him (teleporting more than 1 person is risky which is why doesn't do it). The Anti Life virus is getting worse, however and though he doesn't become a zombie, Carr loses his powers. Finally, in a last ditch effort Mr Terrific decides to "reactive" Shassa to get the activation codes to turn on the remaining OMACs on earth. Doing so, however contiminates her completely with the antilife. Using the codes brings 11 million OMACs come to the rescue who break the survivors out of the bunker... The be continued in FC #5.
  24. That's what I meant when I said you could still use the current setup. Alright, so I'm going to talk about Rock Band a bit more. I just downloaded the 20 free tracks for buying RB2. Some interesting stuff to note here: While I didn't take a good look at the list there are some very surprising bands in the mix... Like Kutless. Most of you won't be familiar with the band, since it is a christian group. Also, I NEED to point outhow great HArmonix is to it's fans. Before I was ALLOWED to download the new songs the made me tell them which bands I thought they were missing that they needed. I chimed in with Hedley (my favorite band) and Relient K (Kutless is there, why not?) band) and Relient K (Kutless is there, why not?)
  25. I think it's a ggod idea, especially since you can still use the old setup it you want.
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