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Posts posted by AFMcGill

  1. 6 hours ago, thereasonsy said:

    Her costume was different as it didn’t have a Tunic or the shoulder pad things. There’s also the case of her hair getting burnt off. 

    I agree with you on the deep cuts. It will be really hard to get to my New Mutants Holy Grail: 08bca41b6579417b39a0e0f642a2020c.jpg


    I did a kit bash Rusty in his Red shirt and khakis and one of Skids but sadly those two characters were victims of the Liefeld of it all. Sadly, these boxsets, even if sold at LCS need anchor figures and Cable *is* the X-Force anchor. So if I *have* to have one then I’d prefer the Mastermind/Professor X trick and have it be Cable as Stryfe. Exodus has come back into relevancy so I think that would also help. Sunspot also is a current star of the X-Avengers Realm. I do love the idea of just adding in the pieces to make both a Liefeld and a Cap Warpath. I was hoping we’d get a larger Minimate for him similar to Strong Guy but at this stage of the game, beggars and what not.

    I actually deleted a sentence in my reply about how I sorely want "Rusty Collins specifically in the Liefeld costume that he never wore in a comic". 

  2. I feel we only need the one Warpath (and wishing for more than one is ridiculous with the current snail's pace of releases). The design didn't change ENOUGH between Liefeld and Capullo to justify two. Capullo just gave him cleavage. The Marvel Legends figure is exactly what the Minimate should be based off (likewise, they did a Capullo Sunspot in that same wave of figures). I don't even remember Feral having a Capullo costume. Wasn't it just a pink bathing suit? I'd consider that a waste of a figure and over Warpath, (either version of) Sunspot or a Stryfe is terrible. Reignfire would be cool but again it feels wishful to think this line is going to ever have a character like Reignfire offered. I could spend ages asking what about Adam X the X-Treme? Gideon? I've long wanted a Rusty Collins and X-Terminators Boom-Boom. I don't think any of these are likely. I hold out hope for a Warpath and Sunspot to at least complete a line-up.


  3. Don't have the Batgirl head (and the spare Sentry parts I had are the other Sentry Minimate), but Frankie Raye torso works better for Hellcat and possibly matches well with the older Sentry arms you're using:


    Might have to track down that Batgirl head. And other Sentry. And Deathstroke parts so that spare Hobgoblin cape can get used for something besides Hellcat's accessory.

  4. Oh man, completing the 80s Defenders team is one of my dreams. I wanted to make Devil-Slayer for ages. Even pegged the same Deathstroke and Hobgoblin parts but could never work out the torso. Was going to settle for the old Taskmaster torso which I think I could live with.

    We still don't even have a Hellcat. I've no hopes we can ever get around to getting an actual Devil-Slayer or Gargoyle.

  5. Typhoid Mary is the only one I am remotely interested in (and even still I have to kitbash her with Jean DeWolff legs and a different arm to get her close to what she actually looked like).

    If she's gone, that's 3 "waves" in a row with ZERO for me.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Onyx_6 said:

    We already have Cap from a TRU wave, so finish the team:





    I gave much thought to Star-Lord's initial team from Annihilation Conquest because that could really work.


    So, the boxset would be Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Bug, Mantis and Captain Universe. Deathcry didn't last BUT it's dead easy to also include a Deathcry as a bonus - all you need is the head, then you could remove Mantis' skirt piece for the body.

  7. 11 hours ago, HellfireSamurai said:

    For a 4pk a re-release/update of some oldies with a New Fantastic Four set (especially given there is a current series that takes place after the original story from the 90's)


    Ketch GR


    Civies & hat Wolverine/Logan

    Joe Fixit Hulk

    Could include Sharon Ventura who was in that story and remains unmade (and otherwise unlikely) and then either the Skrull woman baddie that brought them together or Sleepwalker (who replaced Ghost Rider in one New FF reunion)

  8. Okay, one ground rule:  no teams that exceed a single boxset. No weaselling around the limit UNLESS something is already available. No proposed follow-ups or cheeky crossover (i.e. we don't get x in this boxset because he can be in y boxset instead).

    In my mind, this is mainly a source to suggest viable teams that work perfectly as a boxset/wave.

  9. 11 hours ago, Nessex said:

    Oooh - very nice. Who's head and hair did you use?

    Gotham Penguin is the head. Very happy to find a great use for it as the rest of his body is also in use by me for a Jarvis so now almost all of that Minimate is in use.

    Hair was just pulled from a bag of hairpieces, can't work out whose it is. Even that Penguin hair would have worked fine to be honest.

  10. Could the alt costume be Typhoid Mary. Her two looks are perfect for Minimate pieces allowing it.

    Typhoid - Marvel Comics - Mary - Ann Nocenti - Daredevil -

    You'd have a slip-on chest piece that has the pink top/shoulder pads.

    But to remove it, underneath, you'd have a tank top and then can place a jacket to have her modern look.


    This is almost too perfect NOT to be the case.

  11. Street level? I've wanted an updated version of yellow costume Daredevil JUST to make a D-Man since I started collecting.

    Classic Power Man and Iron Fist would be great.

    BUT, it doesn't seem that long ago that we had a street-level wave with versions of Daredevil, Power Man and Iron Fist...

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