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Erik Mona

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Posts posted by Erik Mona

  1. You can get the Ostog 2-pace for $9.99 at

    So I'm not sure how "_much_" cheaper Thor is, really. smile.png

    how "_much_" cheaper Thor is, really. smile.png$3.99 cheaper
    Paying full MSRP + shipping is rarely the best way to go when looking for a single Minimate part, as with shipping from Paizo the total is almost $14.

    As Baghead pointed out, the Thor Dark World wave has been at retailers for over a year now and often clearance prices are in effect. Plus, Luke is willing to ship loose figures for a reduced shipping cost. Also, if you have Amazon Prime, the Thor pack is $7.43 shipped or roughly half than $14.

    I wasn't taking a crack at the Paizo price by any means, but I do find it odd that you choose to reply to my post (helping out a fellow member) regarding price, but didn't chime in one time when MovieMars was charging $6.66 per Promo Goblin when we were all in scramble mode. sad.png

    That's a fair criticism.

    If you're looking to save money and the specific hair color isn't important, I fully support getting the Minimate part as affordably as possible. I was sort of posting in "casual mode" there, not so much trying to pimp as I was posting my surprise that it would be cheaper elsewhere. That was proven with a link, which is great.

    To be clear, it really makes no difference to me whatsoever where people buy Pathfinder Minimates, so long as they buy them. I'd like to make more, and as long as there is unsold inventory it's a little more difficult to justify doing more of them. That's really the origin of my comment, and my POV.

    As for MovieMars, I was absolutely livid when I read that they had the goblin promos, and expressed my concerns, as is proper, somewhere other than a public forum. As it turns out, there is a logical explanation for how that site got a few of the Minimates. I learned how it happened at ToyFair earlier this week, and it really isn't that big of a deal.

    I didn't chime in earlier because the whole Minimates Mystery took far longer to unravel than I expected, and I had to back-burner the issue while I focused on other things, not really expecting it to be resolved. In that time, I didn't monitor this site as closely as I should have, for which I have already apologized and now apologize again.

    I should not have done that, and I'm not trying to excuse it, but there you have it.


  2. Awesome photo, Showdown!

    Day 3 of ToyFair just ended, and I'm happy to say I had a very productive few meetings with the folks at Diamond Select Toys. The Mystery of the Missing Minimates has been solved, and I expect all the remaining minimates to be shipped to Paizo shortly. When we get and inventory them, we'll put them up for sale on

    We have "hundreds" to "more than hundreds" of the goblin promos, so if you're missing one, you should be able to fill your collection shortly. We'll be pricing them at $5.00/each, so they're even pretty reasonably priced as army builders, if you're so inclined.

    Thank you for your patience.

    We're also discussing more promos and other future plans, but it is too early to discuss any of that yet!

    Also, you guys should know that the Diamond booth is packed with amazing Minimates from a variety of licenses. The Avengers 2 set looks amazing. I'm going to have to get the Vision for sure. He looks great!

  3. Hello, everyone.

    First up, apologies for my lack of presence on this site for the last few months. The truth of the matter is that I expected this issue to be resolved in October and lost track of it a little since then. I've just reached out to Diamond Select Toys to encourage them to look into the fate of the missing promos, and to remind them of my intention to order more for sale on, in any case. I expect the situation to be resolved quickly, and will follow up at our scheduled face-to-face meeting at ToyFair next month.

    So, again, I'm sorry I haven't been here much since this mystery stalled out, but I am on the scene and will do everything I can to make sure that the missing goblins are found, or re-created anew.

    I also hope to talk to DST about new Pathfinder Minimates at ToyFair. Now that they have early sales numbers for the first boxed set I suspect they will be ready to have that conversation, as well.

    As an aside, I just recently got my final packaged Pathfinder Minimates boxed set, and I'm really pleased with how they came out!

    Thanks for your support (and, a bit unfortunately, for your patience)!

    --Erik Mona


    Paizo Inc.

  4. YES!

    I had a chat with the DST team at NYCC this week, and I was THRILLED to learn that they believe they've found the rest of the goblins in their office. As a brief recap, we had about 2/3rds of the total run sent directly to the show, and Diamond told me that they didn't have any left, even though they should have.

    I assumed that they'd just sent the whole shipment to Gen Con, and ordered another run of the goblins. In the meantime, they appear to have found the missing goblins, and while I have not yet heard back from them about when we can expect them to arrive, I'm very pleased with this news, as it means you should be able to get them sooner rather than later.

    I also learned that the Pathfinder 4-pack has been delayed from its scheduled October release, but have not yet heard a definitive date on when Diamond expects them to hit retail stores.

    I'll drop by here and let you guys know more as soon as I know more.

    I haven't even seen at least one of them, anywhere but in pictures.

    This is exactly why I was speculating that they didn't all get sold or given away via dice rolls at GenCon.

    Theres that one (which according to my friend) was extremely hard to get and the other one which you had to spend $100 to get....not likely they sold that much single $100 + transactions.

    Actually this was the first one to sell out. We debuted a $60 boxed card game and a new $40 hardcover at the show, and a lot of customers picked up both, thus automatically qualifying for the free Minimate.

  5. Thanks for letting us know, Erik, but I'm getting an error when I try to view my cart after adding all 4 packs.

    Weird. I just did the same thing myself and it worked fine. Maybe try it again in a little while? Try logging out of the site and logging back in and see if that works. Every once in a while a ghost "instance" of the site persists after it should have been executed, and the logout/in shuffle is a good way to summon a new instance.

    Sorry about the trouble!


    Happy, happy Cappy dance!

    Erik, I am already on the Paizo email list -- will you also announce when the 'Mates come online via the mailing list?

    The weekly mailing list is compiled from the store blogs. Since today's blog is about the Minimates, it should appear in this or next week's "This Week at" store email.

  6. Thanks for posting. The figures look great and I hope you have a lot of success.

    Q1) will there be any other accessories not shown in the images?

    Yes. The Ghoul has two sets of hands. One set are claws, and the other are normal "human" hands (albeit in a color that matches its skin) holding viscera and organs, from a Walking Dead zombie figure. It also comes with an alternate skull head.

    There may be a few other pieces here and there. Isiem comes with a purple swirl of magic that he can stand in. I think it's from the Strange Tales Doctor Strange set, again in purple instead of red.

    Q2) depending on success of these sets, do you think future sets/figures would incorporate new parts?

    The October 4-pack is loaded with new parts. Whether there will be more of those is really up to Diamond, and I imagine it will depend on sales. I've got plenty of the Gen Con 2-Packs left after the show (they sold pretty well, but we ordered more than we needed for later sale on, which just started presale today). I plan to reconnect with Diamond Select Toys later this week to discuss where we go from here. I suppose it's possible that con and exclusives would get new pieces, but I'd guess it's relatively unlikely. A lot of the new pieces will likely come in the 4-packs distributed to game and comic stores like the one coming in October.

    Q3) any character types (armored knights, dragons, something else) that you, personally, would like to see developed?

    I'm really interested in "army builder" type creatures of common fantasy gaming monsters like goblins, orcs, skeletons, and other stuff like that. I'm probably less interested in dragons or big monsters that really push the mold (heh) in terms of the base Minimate design, but I suppose anything is possible!

  7. Ok, thanks for all the interest and questions, folks! I'm back from Dragoncon and a short vacation that followed, so apologies for being out of communication since my last post.

    First things first: The four Minimates 2-packs from Gen Con are currently available for preorder on!

    We're still cataloguing the promotional goblin figures after Gen Con, so those aren't on sale yet.

    Thanks for your interest in Pathfinder Minimates!

  8. Hey, folks. I'm Erik Mona, publisher at Paizo. I've been working with DST for more than two years to produce Pathfinder Minimates, and I'm thrilled to report that they were a big hit at Gen Con last weekend.

    As you know, Diamond will be putting out a 4-figure boxed set in October featuring our signature goblin and three of our iconic hero adventurers. We'd originally hoped to have the set ready for Gen Con in August, when I have 60,000 gamers under one roof hungry for more Pathfinder coolness. Many of our tabletop gamer customers are not aware of Minimates, so it was imperative for me to use the convention as a way to get the word out about the line.

    As it happens, I am a Minimates collector myself, so I was able to put together the 12-figure preview using exclusively pieces that DST had already sculpted for other models, since there wasn't time to get new tooling done by August. Luckily, the tooling for the Goblin figure had already been completed, so we were able to use that as the basis for our four goblin repaint promo bagged figures. The four 2-Packs are more or less random selections from our game, based on what looked coolest from Diamond's HUGE storehouse of completed components.


    The four goblins sold out rapidly at the show, but we sent a full half of our total order direct to the offices for later sale on The 2-Packs did not sell out, so we have lots of them coming back to the office with the rest of our booth and merchandise, winding its way by truck from Indiana to Seattle. It'll likely be a couple of weeks before we sort out everything, put it up on the site, and start selling it. Prices will very likely be $5/each for the bagged goblins and $10/each for the 2-packs. I'll announce them as live on sale in one of my Friday Publisher Preview blogs, very likely two weeks from tomorrow or very shortly thereafter.

    As long as you're paying attention around then, I expect we have enough of everything to go around. Our company owners are some of the biggest Star Wars collectors in the world, and they have very strong feelings about getting screwed out of convention exclusives because they couldn't get to a con on a specific day on the other side of the planet. So all of our exclusives WILL appear on our website. I can't promise they'll last there forever, of course, but they will be there.

    Here are links to the gallery images of all 8 2-Pack figures:

    I'm happy to answer any other questions you guys might have about the Pathfinder figures. I'm really proud of what we were able to put together, and I suspect you guys are really going to dig these!

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