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Posts posted by PrinceCuseCuse

  1. 4 minutes ago, Minimate said:

    Can the new wave have




    Molten Man



    I'm super down for this. Prowler and Deathlok would definitely count as villains turned allies. 

  2. On 1/20/2019 at 10:18 AM, Padrino said:

    Gotta say, I know it stirred a lot of controversy when first shown but I really love these green costumes. They are very sleek and the accessories are awesome.

    I didn't understand the hate. I think the green suits look rad as hell.

  3. 2 hours ago, HaoMate said:

    Fingers crossed prowler for the allied villain!

    Man I hope it's Prowler! I'd like to see Shocker and Scorpion get some updates too. Spidey PS4 hopefully. I can't wait for this reveal!

  4. 23 hours ago, DSTZach said:

    Pretty sure we made an old lady or two. Boom. Skrulls.

    Without sounding too rude, as I love Minimates, that's a pretty sorry answer. I really hope the Skrulls play a bigger role in the future of the MCU because I'll be awfully bummed if the only way to get an MCU Skrull is through this box set.

  5. 5 hours ago, FightTheDead118 said:

    Does the description have the wrong name for the skrull? It says Nuro but the main skrulls, which that looks to be, name is Talos

    I was wonder that too. Because I'm already disappointed that we're only getting one Skrull but if we don't even get the main Skrull advertised for the movie, then I'm gonna be even more disappointed. 

  6. On 5/16/2018 at 7:10 PM, FightTheDead118 said:

    Wasn’t happy with how generic the Iron Fist mate looked, or the general look if the Jessica so I made some modifications. Iron Fist has the emo peter jacket painted green, and Jessica has Micheal Knights jacket


    Where's this hair from? I like it a lot more than the official hair. I know Goliath comes with a similar hair piece but it's orange, not yellow.

  7. 2 hours ago, OvenproofBug6 said:

    I disagree; the reason all of the Marvel Netflix have kept me watching is for some of the darker tones and themes, things that aren't portrayed in MCU films. I would definitely not be as excited for future continuations of the Marvel Netlfix properties if they went with a lighter tone.

    I'm not saying ALL of them need a lighter tone but I think Luke and Danny could benefit from it. Maybe it's just me, but neither of them strike me as dark and gritty like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, or The Punisher.

  8. On 10/23/2018 at 7:40 AM, MisterPL said:

    If Disney Play does offer a Heroes for Hire series, it'll most likely fit in with the established MCU. That means no f-bombs, n-words, nudity, or the kind of graphic violence we've already gotten from the Netflix shows. It'll be a soft PG-13. 

    It'll be interesting to see where Disney puts Fox's Marvel fare. Even the PG-13 flicks feature harsh language and Hugh Jackman's butt.

    As long as it actually fits in with the rest of the MCU, while still being connected to Daredevil and such, I'm okay with this. I think that Heroes for Hire could also benefit from a lighter tone.

  9. Has anyone suggested Scorpion? I know he was recently made in one of the Animated Waves but it's been a long time since we got the classic version.

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