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Posts posted by stack32

  1. There's a posting at another message board that says a DST employee at Wizard World Philadelphia mentioned that a Black Bolt / Captain Marvel two-pack was in the works. Has anyone seen this anywhere else? There was supposed to be a DST Q&A at the convention, but I'm not aware of any other reports yet.

  2. I dunno, I could name 100+ female villains that could be given Minimates, many of whom aren't any more or less obscure than Spymaster, Tarantula, Gamora, or Shocker. :)

    Are any of them Spider-man or Iron Man villains? Or starring in a current comic? I'm sure we could all name a ton of characters that are no more obscure than Spymaster or, say, Hydro-man, but ultimately there's a reason why some of those characters got picked over others.

    That being said, I'd love an Enchantress / Executioner pack, and I'll pick up just about any obscure characters to increase the chances of the ones I'm really interested in being made.

  3. But the only similarity is their ability to mimic others' powers and that they're both robots/AI rather than people.

    I guess you are right--one mimics the JLA's powers, the other mimics the Avengers' powers. Night and day! :P

    At least Mimic isn't a robot.

    While I'm sure Amazo inspired the Adaptoid, it seems like one of the those ideas that's bound to come up when you're dealing with teams like the JLA and Avengers. Or even the Fantastic Four, as the Super Skrull is the same basic concept.

  4. I just talked about this recently over in the Minimates thread at Action Figure Insider. My dream box set (easily) is the Squadron Supreme:




    -and either Power Princess or the Whizzer (I waffle as to which I want more).

    I'd buy that.

    If I had to pick, it would either be Guardians of the Galaxy:

    Major Victory


    Drax the Destroyer

    Rocket Raccoon

    Or the Immortal Weapons:

    Fat Cobra

    Prince of Orphans

    Steel Phoenix

    Orson Randall

  5. I'd agree that it would be tough to cash in directly on the movie's success. Unless there were plans already in place, a set of 'mates probably can't be turned around fast enough. But if Trek is generally more popular even after the movie is out of theaters, who knows? Trek was basically dead a week ago, at least now it looks like a viable franchise again.

  6. You can't say stryfe is there to create confusion for readers without accepting that is also the case for cable. Whats more retar-um confusing than shooting your baby into the future, then cloning it. Actually Im kind of hazy on how exactly stryfe came to be.

    That's where things get squirrely. When Liefield was originally working on Cable, Cable and Cyc's timelost son were two different characters. It was after Liefield left without telling anyone where he was going with the whole who-is-Cable mystery, that someone decided to make Cable Scott's son back from the future, and thus further complicating the Stryfe confusion.

    It's even more confusing if you consider that at one point Stryfe was intended to be Summers and Cable the clone. I think that would have been more interesting, but I don't know that it would have made Stryfe much better. But he's going to be featured again soon, so who knows?

  7. I think they'd be different enough to sell.

    I mean we have the completely new:

    - Nero

    - Flight Suits (from the drill scene)

    - Romulons

    - Red "Academy" Suits

    - Old Spock

    Plus, changes in all the characters warrant enough from them to stand out against their original series counterparts.

    I'd buy all those if it would convince DST to give us the DS9 crew.

  8. :wallbash:

    Gosh, you're right. The newest movie in the franchise is going to pull in around $77 million in three days and is currently getting a 96% rating at Rotten Tomatoes. People are buzzing about how Trek is "cool." It's crazy to think that just maybe this could lead to a general resugence of interest in Trek that DST might be able to take advantage of.

  9. I love that quote about Moon Knight. It defines how crazy he is.

    I think this is the definitive quote about Moon Knight's costume, and how crazy he is, from Moon Knight #1:

    "Hawkeye thought a lot of things were funny. 'Let me get this right, Moony. You work mostly at night? And you dress all in white? Har-dee-har har.' Thought that was a riot. Told him I don't wear white to hide myself. I wear it so they'll see me coming. So they'll know who it is. 'Cause when they see the white, it doesn't matter how good a target I am. Their hands shake so bad, they couldn't hit the moon."

  10. You're also forgetting Beast in the Jim Lee X-Men thing... We've gotten him in his classic Avengers look in the Secret Invasion box and his Astonishing look.

    I think it's more accurate to say we've got Beast in his classic look and something that sorta looks like Beast.

    The only drawback to the Hydra agent is that he can't easily be turned into Bob, Agent of Hydra. But I'll take that tradeoff to have the two different versions.

  11. Hotness.

    I love Storm's lightning crackle, and Moon Knight's cape looks sweet! For those following the comic, this is his modern incarnation, right?

    Oh, and Matt, more code-cracking tomorrow? :)

    That's his current costume. I'm really impressed with the cape and brass knuckles. If it ends up looking as good as the picture it's easily going to be one of my top 5 favorite 'mates.

  12. Are there any differences from the neck down between the Heroes set Captain America and the Invaders set Captain America?

    Would the modern mask from the Invaders set work with the four pack Cap's body.

    I'm on the fence about whether to get the Heroes set or the TRU 2-packs and an extra Invaders set, as I want extras of Doom, Magneto and Gobby.

    The only difference I can see is that the shades of blue are different, so the Invaders mask on the 4-pack body doesn't look right.

  13. I just got my sets. Did anyone else have issues with Cap's mask? It looks great, but mine might have been mal-formed... it was ultra-mega tight, and now I can't move it. So now I want to buy or trade for another one.

    Anyone interested in trading the Wolverine from this set for a Captain? I'm assuming someone out there wants to build an army of blue/yellow X-men...

    [edit: yeah, maybe this should be in the trade thread, but I really do want to know if anyone else had problems with their Cap mask]

    My Cap mask was completely stuck, but I was able to get it off after putting Cap in the freezer for an hour. Which kind of makes me want to do a custom...

  14. I think it probably would die in peace, except DST keeps teasing with false hope that something is gonna happen - as was the case in today's Q&A. Once again, they decided to emphasize the "on hold" aspect of that line. DST are the ones who keep this alive...

    I agree. If DST decides to answer a question about it, even if they're saying nothing, of course there's going to be posting in this thread. I don't like that they seem to be leading us on, but it's understandable that people are going to want to comment. I don't see why people feel the need to pop in and say "Stop beating a dead horse!"

    Of course, I guess I could do something more useful with my time, like go vote for Symbiote Bond Spider-Man...

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