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Posts posted by stack32

  1. I have all of Series 1 and everything from 2 except Kirk and Spock. I didn't know Series 3 was out yet. My closest Wal-mart has never stocked anything beyond 1 and even had them on clearance for a few weeks during their most recent reset. They're back at full price now but it looks like the pegs are just for Halo and CoD. I've also found these at Meijer, finally scored a Teela there a few weeks ago.

  2. I'm nearing the end of packing for a move which is quite an experience for a longtime collector. It's a little overwhelming to see the amount of stuff I've acquired over more than a decade and fun to rediscover figures that have been packed away for years. Anyway, despite my wife being very supportive of my hobby the transition from single to married life means less display space which got me thinking about prioritizing my collections and what I really want to display.  This is what I'm thinking I'm going to try and have out:

    Minimates: Obviously. My main focus would be Avengers, 90's X-Men, and MCU.

    Batman Black & White Statues: I have about 10 of these and I love how they look in a group.

    Mega Bloks: I definitely need to find a place for the Enterprise Bridge and the TMNT Party Wagon and figures.

    DCC BTAS Figures: The Batmobile must be displayed and I'd like to get a few figures with it.

    NECA Turtles: The comic versions have been constantly on a shelf for a while now, I'd like to get the animated ones worked in too.

    Star Wars 3.75": My first love in collecting even though it's basically dead now, I have a large collection and some of it needs to be out.

    Boss Fight Vitruvian HACKS: A current collection I really enjoy even if I buy them infrequently.

    Marvel Legends and Select: At least a few figures from each line will be out.

    I'd be interested to hear what other people make a point to display and how they decide.

  3. That's a very optimistic rendering of the situation. Still, I think Wonder Woman is a better comparison here and those figures did okay, certainly no worse than BvS or JL. Plus we can already see there are a number of interesting designs to work with so they shouldn't have to resort to Brie Larson in a jacket to fill out the assortment.

  4. I'm not yet sold on the idea of wanting all of the characters that wear similar uniforms though I can imagine it happening. I doubt it's going to happen. I just hope DST stops and reconsiders how they're offering movie minimates because I don't think the last few movie waves have worked all that well.

  5. 5 hours ago, MisterPL said:

    I'm generally a completist when it comes to Marvel but this assortment does absolutely nothing for me. Yeah, it's loaded with strange incarnations of (kinda) Marvel's most popular characters (sorta) but after missing the last three Marvel waves thanks to Walgreens, I've lost momentum. Hopefully the dam breaks real soon.

    It is a bizarre choice and I'm really surprised Walgreens would want it as their second comic wave. I hope it doesn't stop a third from happening. Personally, I can imagine buying Panther or Odin if there's a good sale but that's as far as my interest in these would go.

  6. But it doesn't mean they'd be interesting to buyers, and I say that as someone who has put together at least one What If? custom. There are definitely some I would buy but many more I would pass on.

  7. If they were styled to match comic minimates and not the animated ones I'd buy a full assortment, maybe even two. I think this needs to happen regardless of the 80th anniversary but finding ways to celebrate it sounds like a great idea.

  8. 9 hours ago, Gillbob316 said:

    ... It's weird when you realize someone offhandedly suggests Norman Osbourne be placed in charge of our country... and for a moment you think it sounds like a mild step up.

    Same thing happened to me w/ Dr. Doom actually... though I think Doom would be a full step up. Doom at least has ideals. A method behind his madness. So to speak.


    Yes, it's weird that people actually think that.

    Just a thought, maybe we could leave politics out of the conversation? Even wish lists are more interesting.

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