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Posts posted by goods4life

  1. Love to see a 10 figure boxset like the Iron Man se,t to coincide with the upcoming Spiderverse event.


    I didn't even know there was a new Spiderverse event coming up. I am so far behind. I wait until they hit trade paperback to read them because its to expensive to buy single issues. Pretty much Spiderman and X-Men are the only Graphic novels I still buy unless they are super cheap.

  2. From the direction the Marvel movies are going along with DST envisioning "Best of" being a starting point for new collectors I'll go with this for wave 4:

    • Hulkbuster Iron Man (different paint job) & Ultron
    • Professor X (classic with dofp chair) & Magneto
    • Black Suit Spider-Man & Kraven
    • Weapon x Wolverine (with pants for battle damaged look) & Dark Phoenix

    I would love to get my hands on Kraven....that would be a great choice.

  3. When you say "I can't get the TRU Minimates right now, so I'm not going to buy the LCS assortment," I guess I interpret that as "now or nothing." Otherwise you'd buy what you CAN get now, and buy the rest later. Right? I wasn't trying to paint anybody as an extremist.

    Two sets are heavy-packed, and two sets are made in smaller quantities. That's just how the line is planned out. The first series did much better than we anticipated, and Glenn and Shane turned out to be TV fan favorites, so the exclusives sold out quickly. Series 2 had the pet zombies, and turned out to be the same story. But Series 3 and 4 I didn't think posed many problems. And Series 5 seems to have just been caught up in the Minimates reset at TRU. I don't think their rarity represents a new reality for stores or online. I assume more will turn up at some point, but two sets will still be more rare than the others.

    As I said in another thread, if you get no enjoyment out of collecting a line with what you would consider regular problems, then you have to do what you have to do.

    other people can quit more for me wahahahahaa!

  4. I'm voting for the Spiderman variant!

    Funny thing is, this is one of the few events with which Spidey had nothing to do with. He showed up in some of the tie-in Avengers comics in some non speaking parts and that was it. Maybe because it was still Ock in his mind and Hickman doesn't like handling other's continuity.

    I am looking forward to Peter Parker being back! Down with Doc Ock. I know some people hated it but it was actually in my opinion a fun read. I always knew Peter Parker would be back. Now if they would put him back with Mary Jane where he belongs.

    As far as Kostisfire guesses I would love any of those ones you are guessing at. Come on Cosmic characters!

  5. I didn't mean to question anyone's commitment to Minimates, and I certainly apologize if I have offended anyone with a clinically diagnosed disorder.

    There is nothing going on with the line. There is nothing going on with the distributor. One retailer underwent a reset, and that seems to have affected availability of two exclusive assortments in two separate lines (Marvel and TWD). I certainly understand that previous assortments have sometimes required a hunt, or merely a delay of gratification -- if this is the straw that broke the camel's back, and you no longer get enjoyment from the line, then you need to do what makes you happy.

    But new assortments of Minimates will arrive at TRU very soon, and I don't anticipate any distribution problems. And those hard-to-find assortments may make themselves available at a later date, much like the Tomb Raider Minimates did. So simply biding one's time may eventually pay off.

    And I don't want anyone to HAVE to pay a premium, but in my experience it is something that completists need to do on occasion -- even I did it for a couple of lines in my day, and I was never a completist. I'm sorry for suggesting it in the TWD thread, it was only meant to help.

    Sometimes it just depends on the TRU or sometimes they don't order as many. Mine does that. Sometimes only orders one box and never orders again! Thats why its good to have forums that way people can hook each other up. Sometimes distribution is better in some areas I don't live on other things like Neca figures is a prime example. Sometimes TRU skips whole waves on me! Thankfully I know some great guys in other states that have been able to help me out!

    That being siad I have a hard time finding some of the TRU exclusives as well but thankfully I am not a completist! i also don't believe in little plastic coffins for me figures either though. To quote William Wallace FFFFRRRRREEEEEEEDDDDDOOOOMMMMM

  6. I would love the TRU wave to be movie while the LCS wave to be comics, but we know that won't happen.

    So besides the main 4, who else is there?

    Glen's Nova Mind thing, the Collector, the main villain, who else?

    I would much rather have comic versions but the movie ones look fun. Either way I will give in and buy some.

  7. Well I feel like given the fact that 2099 is getting his own series this year, the chances of getting him are pretty high!

    I was really happy to hear that. Really enjoyed the older run even though it was a little cheesy. But thats part of what made it so fun.

    Spider minions would be a great army builder for a Spider-man wave. I'd also love a translucent blue Peter Parker to follow SpOck 1 around.

    That would be fantastic!

  8. Here's the last of the Furious Basterds! Here's


    Fury remarks:

    'I don't know much about that lad born as Nathan Christopher Charles Summers, but I know enough to rely on him. He knows a lot about weapons and a lot of weapons is what he carries around. Besides guns and revolvers he got a left arm made out of unbreakable metal. I'm neither a physicist nor a doctor, but as far as I see it, that artificial arm is no armour, it's something like a prosthesis. Nobody knows how it works, but it does. Same for his glass eye, providing him enhanced eyesight. He says something about coming from the 20th century and some fellow called Nikola Tesla built those gadgets for him. But there is no such man known in the scientific community. I don't know what those 'visions' of him might be, but you can count on him when it comes to hunting vampires, so I don't ask questions which answers might scare the blazes out of people. And as long as nobody thinks of himself being some kind of a mythical God, I can live with that.'

    Cable was fun to create! Initially I didn't planned to do a FB version of him, but after painting Iron Man, I really wanted to do another character using some wheatered metallic parts. After playing around with some pieces, I created his arm and I loved it. After that everythink was pretty easy. I wanted him to look a little like a Cowboy with a truckload of weapons and some badass equippment. That's it.

    The recipe: I used a decal for his face, since I'm not the biggest fan of the Cable design we got. Most parts are from the $-trilogy box sets and I added Deadpools soulder-belt-thingy. His arm consits of an Endoskelleton hand, parts of Mark I movie Iron man and a shoulder-pad-thingy from Classic Iron Man. And a lot of weapons, including that gun from Terminator.

    FB-Cable01.jpg Cable.jpg

    "Bloodsucker, if you're looking for trouble, I'll accommodate you." (Cable)

    Wow man just wow.....You have motivated me to buy up all mini packs I see on clearance to see which ones have custom potential....

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