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Posts posted by winkerbean

  1. Wave 62 is a kind of Avengers.


    timing would probably be right if 60 is out in January/February, 61 say March/April, 62 around May (although if it's anything like this years movie waves it'll be about 4 months after the film hits)

  2. So our hero, who caused mass amounts of destruction in his last film, now not trusted by the government, and himself not very trusting of the government is going to be wanted by the government so they're going to get another hero (one who also doesn't play by the governments rules and who happens to be a billionaire with lots of gadgets) to bring him in...... what film am I describing?

    Captain America 3 opens 29 April 2016

    Superman vs Batman opens 25 March 2016

  3. Since she's going to be in Agents of shield I wouldn't be surprised if we got a mockingbird next year maybe a high evolutionary (if a certain character turns out to be him on the show)

  4. Hopefully we should have only 2/3* movie waves next year (*maybe 2 waves just for avengers 2) apposed to the 4 we've had this year, I bet next years gonna be very avengers heavy

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