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Posts posted by rikfenix

  1. Nice work! Very cool custom. One of many on here.. still blown away by that awesome Nightmare someone posted a few weeks back!

    Very excited about the chance to get this guy if this set/ wave does indeed happen, and unfortunately has not been confirmed yet but still. There is hope at least. When I brought up Orb on wishlists recently I didn't think there was any chance we'd actually get him, so obscure I almost left him off..

  2. You guys did... May Parker? And ultimate? But the 616 Spider Girl WAS Arana but is now wearing a modified Julia carpenter costume

    That Ultimate Spider-Girl mate.. wow. I'm always taken aback by it. Not familiar with the character but that's gotta be one of the silliest looking things I've ever seen. Looks like Spidey in a bad wig!


    Photo courtesy of Ivan

  3. So Longshot is still like new? Lol. I like that mate! Know how you feel. Some of my favorite mates have seen better days. Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider is missing his wristbands, Meg-Rage Hulk an arm and poor Neo-Classic Iron Man is falling apart completely in every conceivable way. Didn't all happen naturally though - my faves will often be on my shelf and end up as knock hockey toys for my lowlife cats! The ignored like Puppet Master and assorted civilians though are stashed away and kept like collector's items so go figure.

    Cool you have a Panther, been looking for him since I started collecting mates and saw him on MMDB. Have run across the Zombie one but want a classic.

  4. While I don't think anyone in their right mind would consider him an 'anchor' character, Moon Knight is VERY visually appealing and definitely worthy of another mate IMO. Love the original version and was extremely lucky to find that pack for 8 bucks at NYCC in 2012.

    Black Panther however I never could find and have held off on buying the original due to the price and hope DST would make a new one eventually. Yeah, it's been a long wait!

  5. If I had to put money down on it I'd guess Predator.. realize in the same post other licenses were denied but Predator was not.

    Do think there's a chance for Apes though. Don't care for new Planet of the Apes but would LOVE mates of the original movie. Those, along with Flash Gordon may be the only mates I'd collect not Marvel or DC related. Believe Chuck has shot down Flash Gordon in the past, though.

  6. Does sound pretty interesting Zexion, especially the team of Strange and Punisher. I'll have to check it out.

    It'd make a solid specialty wave:

    Dr. Strange/Punisher
    Orb/Mindless One
    Watcher/Mindless One

    That sounds like a great wave. Expand from boxset to full wave.. as long as we get THE ORB!!!


  7. Based on the most recent Ask DST it sounds like we may be getting an Original Sin boxset..

    Matthew K.
    I have one question. Will you guys ever make a Watcher Minimate?
    DSTChuck: I would think it’s very possible.
    Kelly B.
    Hi, just wondering if you’re going to be doing any Original Sin related mini mates? Just got into comics and figures and I’ve noticed that there aren’t really that many Watcher collectibles. Thanks!
    DSTChuck: That’s possible as well.

    So Zach, any chance this can be confirmed? If not it's understandable. If it is coming though who else would be included in the set besides Watcher? Not familiar with the story but based on the internet some options would be:

    Black Panther

    Moon Knight

    Emma Frost

    Scott Lang

    Winter Soldier

    Dr Strange



    Along with Watcher I personally would love a new Black Panther, Dr. Strange (blue pants this time please) and the Orb, an awesome Ghost Rider villain I NEVER thought I would see! Already have Moon Knight but I know people would love a new one.

    Anyone read the book at all? The pics I see are a dead Watcher with his eyes ripped out so.. yeah. Looks pretty dark for my liking..

  8. Wow did I miss the shitstorm in this thread! Can understand why some people would be upset but I'd prefer a Champions version anyway. Besides, Iceman is usually displayed on ice I would think?

    Anyone here read the comic? Know it's supposed to be very good but kinda wary of all the continuity stuff, kinda makes my head spin. For example, so now there are three different versions of Beast? Current, past All-New and the evil future one? That's the kind of stuff that throws me off. And why is X-23 there? So now a version of Jean is alive yet again? Still pissed they brought her back for X-Factor! Still may check it out though, love X-Men (obviously) and the reviews are excellent from my understanding.

  9. My regular ASM2 Spidey has some bleeding of red on the right eye, will try to post a pic if I can. The centering was dead perfect at least. It does bother me a little and would appreciate if customer service can send me a new head but it's cool, thrilled to see new mates at TRU after months of nothin!

    One thing I really do like about the wave is the proportion of the head.. looks a lot better than the slip-ons. Agree with Rocco, Battle Damaged Spidey is a great mate. Really like Goblin too, lotsa detail. He looks extra cool on a spare Glider. My TRU had the GG and Electro but no Dillon/ Flashback pack.

  10. As far as Punisher, I've been very happy with the Best Of and 1st Appearance mates, think those are great IMO. With Dr Strange the last one was cool, if I had one request though I would like to see the pants a lighter shade of blue if they do another. The outfit he wore briefly in the late 60s would be cool, too..


    Still never got Black Knight btw, still waiting!

  11. Great list Kostis. Ones I'd most like to see would be Puma and Prowler along with classic Beetle, Speed Demon, Boomerang and Jack O Lantern. I'd also like to add Demogoblin, The Rose, Rocket Racer and Tri-Sentinel. Not that it's likely some of these would be made but still. Some of these could come out awesome.

    Would gladly buy just about every two-pack you mentioned.. most wanted combos would be Scarlet Spider/ Jackal, Jack O Lantern/ Venom and GR/ Scarecrow.

  12. Hmm.. that is strange. I've had flight stands start to yellow but thought it may be due to smoke.

    Know how you feel - I get sentimental bout my earliest figures too. Just recently took out my first mate, Mega-Rage Hulk, to display ( play with). What a great figure! His right arm falls off repeatedly but no interest in replacing him.

  13. Here's a picture inspired by the trailer of the movie. Hope you guys like it

    Very cool pic! Can't wait to see the movie. Trying to avoid spoilers desperately, which kinda means avoiding the internet at this point. Very optimistic based on the reviews here.. I don't think hardcores like us are easily impressed, either.

    I forgot, are these mates specialty only or is there a TRU wave?

  14. Looks like a pretty good wave. I really like that Spidey. The Green Goblin look I think I like better as a minimate than the shot I saw from the movie, guess we'll see. The rhinos on his shorts are pretty funny.

    I might be in the minority here, but I really don't like civilian minimates at all for the most part. Although many are well-done, I find myself passing up sets time and time again. They just kind of bore me.

  15. Nope.. I'm in Queens and pretty much gave up at this point, stopped checking TRU a few weeks ago. Maybe we'll see tons of them in 6 months or so like wave 16. Unlike 16 though, these weren't even at the Times Square one. It's crazy. Why wouldn't they be sent to this part of the country?

  16. Even in that list of obscurity, there are a LOT of B-listers that i would like to see made.

    Period themed waves could be quite fun. classic heroes in their looks from a certain decade paired with more obscure heroes/villains of the same decade.

    60's Miniskirt Jean with Mesmero

    60's Blue & Red Beast with Kazar

    70's Banshee with Garokk

    70's Defenders Hawkeye with Hellcat

    70's Wasp with Moondragonthat Green Jean


    I would really enjoy time-specific sets - especially a 60s X-Men set so we can have that Miniskirt Jean and blue/red Beast, along with that awesome yellow/red/blue Angel I always bring up on these threads. Mesmero would be great, so would Vanisher.

    I like time-specific stuff, especially 60s like 1st app Doom, Iron Man, green costume Red Skull, original uniform Captain Marvel. Still can't believe we got that green/purple Mandarin.




    Love it!

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