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Posts posted by minijames

  1. Sweet cloaks and eyepatches I cant wait. I'm most excited for Prison Lori and baby Judith, the one and only zombie in it rocks so hard I bought it twice and the TRU exclusives have some awesome zombies. Cant wait for series 5 for Civilian Tyreese and maybe even Negan.

  2. I've always been a sucker for slave Leia but without an in scale Jabba The Hutt it wouldn't have much of a place in my collection. I'm very impressed with these, it amazes me when I am more into the figures than I am the license the toys were born from. A New Hope Leia, RotJ Luke and Emporor Palpatine are some I'd like to see in 6 inch scale.

  3. New photos of Mars. Something looks off about the yelling face and I think even though there are things that are better about this figure than Moon or Mercury (her color scheme, the heels, the articulated hair) it is the weakest entry so far and is lacking some of the charm the previous two had. Still can't wait.




  4. Sailor outfits, mini skirts, color coding, crazy light show sequences, a variety of different shoes.......I'm pretty sure I still enjoy all of the same things that the little girls who it was intended for did. Its a girly show buts its f-ing glamorous, teaches you morality in a way that is much more entertaining than The Bible, and the voice acting just makes me laugh. Love that Serena is such a f*** up and gets horrible grades, is always late and has an extremely loose grasp on her emotions. Never cared for all the romance but I guess it served its purpose.

  5. I honestly don't know how I could be so obsessed with two lines of figures of which I own none of (power rangers and sailor moon) but I'm ordering the Red Ranger and Sailor Moon from Amazon towards the end of this week. I'm eventually getting everything they have to offer except for the armored Red Ranger and the price is only a little bit of an issue. They are spread out enough to where I'll eventually only be spending about $45 a month after my initial splurge on what's out already, and at the end of it I will have two collections of my favorite childhood characters that are absolutely fantastic. I am DYING for Sailor Moon and I know as soon as I have her I am going to be crazy impatient for the rest of the senshi, especially Venus.

    Can you post some size comparisons for Sailor Moon and The Rangers? I know they are smaller, but id like to see them next to minimates and female Marvel Legends since I dont own alot of the figs ive seen them compared to.

  6. Hoping Jupiter gets a close eyed face with antenna coming out of it, as well as a different bangs piece with windswept bangs. Ill be happy with Artemis for Venus in addition to the extra hands and faces, but none of them come quite as stacked as Sailor Moon.

  7. Really digging the articulated hair on Mars in her attack pose. I believe her 4 faces are smirking/yelling/open mouth smile and eyes closed. She doesnt have "stoic stare" like Moon and Mercury. Easily the most excited for Venus, least excited for Mercury.

  8. Sailor Moon released in Japan and has been getting rave reviews. It is going to be a LOOOOONG wait until October for me, but thankfully I just finalized a deal to sell my collection of wrestling figures for enough to pre order both Moon and Mercury from Amazon today. After that I believe I am going to spend the extra cash to get the japanese releases of Mars, Jupiter and especially Venus from Can anyone vouch for this site? They are $50 with $20 for 10-15 day shipping and should arrive at least a month before the US releases.

    Look at this tray shot, so sick! I want it right this second.


  9. What does this Michonne look like under hood? I'm actually looking forward to having two of these so I can display her differently.

    Same blue vest thats under series 2 michonnes jacket with bare arms and im hoping a better fitting head. Every QC I try with Michonnes head is super wobbly.

  10. I am going to be CONSTANTLY changing the parts and posing the Sailor Moon figures around. I can see it now. I hope Jupiter comes with an electricity effect coming out of the antenna in her tiara. Just realized they can all share hands, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Venus showing up light in the hands department. I remember the four inner senshi having individual wands for their transformation at some point in the english dub. Would be cool to see those released. Tuxedo Mask would be cool, and there are a few monsters that could be interesting. I don't remember much about the plot or if it was very thick to begin with but I just like the motif of 5 girls in Sailor Outfits shooting rainbows and ribbons out of their wands and teaching you life lessons before you went to school in the morning. Im happy with Moon-Venus and then I'm sure my wallet would hate me after spending $200+ to allow me to invest any further.

  11. Some QC ideas this series has given me....

    *Ricks hair on Lori to make an 'unskilled haircut' prison Maggie. Survivor Rick's hair for regular hair Maggie.

    *Michonne's head/arms on Dexters body for a prison Michonne.

    *Gabe's gut repainted for a pregnant Lori

    *Governer's vest/pants on Andrea for civilian Andrea

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