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Posts posted by kaipo

  1. I think a lot of times with teams, it's really hard to pick who you want exactly. For example, I really want to see the Brotherhood made but I want the entire Brotherhood, not just one or two so it becomes difficult to determine who to lead with. I'd like to see more comic-Avengers characters, but then you start seeing a debate in terms of who everyone wants most. Tigra, Jack of Hearts, Vision, a new Quicksilver, Black Knight, Falcon, Mockingbird, and so on. If you asked me, I would have a very hard time choosing because I want all of the above. Same with the Brotherhood. I want Toad, but I also want Pyro, Blob, Destiny, Avalanche, Mastermind....

    ...and updated Mystique! ;)

  2. Just picked up the Alpha Flight box sets from Luke's, and Aurora's black hairpiece doesn't fit on the head (it's too small). I've tried to force it on, but no luck. Anyone have this problem?

    Kaipo, you probably wanna check the Alpha Flight thread. In short, boil water then put the piece in the water for a minute or two. The plastic will get nice and soft then you can slip it right on. When it shapes to the form you desire, dip the piece in ice water for a minute so it hardens. Shouldn't give you any problems from there. This method works for straightening out claws, weapons, etc. This was a problem on all the Aurora mates.

    bigvis, thanks for the response! Totally makes me feel better that everyone had this problem, and it wasn't just an unlucky day for me. Misery loves company I guess.

  3. Yeah, but a dump wave of nothing but Iron Men would be cool.

    +1 to this


    Although, if they did this, would we get 12 different armors? Or would we only get 5 different armors?

    I think that is what the unconventional box set is designed to give us. Five, six, or more armors in one go. Maybe more with alternate arms/legs.


    If we get 12 different ones, I'm getting a case.

  4. Awesome guys, will look around Wal-Mart and sporting goods stores. Might have to stowaway some minimates in my pockets so I can measure. Don't worry though, I'll take stealth iron man or invisible woman, they're undetectable. thumbsup.gif

  5. Leopard-print Shanna would make a great addition to a Savage Land box set with Ka-Zar, Zabu and Stegron the Dinosaur Man. (hint hint).

    ...And Dinosaur army builders!

  6. These are awesome! Epic Spidey collection btw. I am jealous...

    They work especially great IF you've got spare dividers laying about. Unfortunately the boxes only come with 24 even though there are enough slots for 46. It's probably easy enough to make your own out of stiff cardboard, I suppose.

    That said, recent pictures I've seen of these tackle boxes suggest that Plano has altered them so they only have the capacity for 24 compartments. That sucks because the majority of my 'mates manage to fit into the smallest compartments. Characters with bulky armor or capes tend to need a double-sized compartment. Then there are ones like Reed Richards or Galactus who require an even bigger space due to accessories or excessively pointy hats.

    Either way these boxes seem to be a better value than DST's collector's cases. They're less expensive, feature adjustable compartments, and you can see what's in them without opening them. They just don't come with an exclusive Minimate.

    >Mine are currently scattered among various desks, some on display, some in cases, some in a bad person

    None of mine are on display. They go from their little plastic jails right into their prison cell blocks after a quick inspection. I'm a bad person, too. sad.png

    Thanks MisterPL, that's unfortunate about the compartments. Only being able to fit about 24 would mean I would need more than 10 of these. And that might take up more space than its worth :/

    picked up a few of these cases for my mates... works pretty good


    Nice, too bad it didnt fit more though.

    Anyways I think I'm going with the ziplocks within ziplocks (zipception?) for now. and those in cardboard boxes. Meh. Would like to display them all eventually (like Luke does)

  7. Following the same established formula I see - compliment the main specialty wave, and give us a bonus expand-on-a-previous-theme pack!

    Thanks DST! I still love this strategy, and I love to see you guys flesh out our collections in this manner!

    Agreed. Great strategy and gives us incentive to buy the box sets! (I have to admit I picked up the Fear Itself sets just 'cause the Hulk and Juggernaut in wave 15 were too cool to pass up)

  8. -Stan Lee

    -Bulked up "Clobberin Time Thing" with She Hulk in FF uniform (to match the wave 48 ones)

    -Updated Peter Parker/Mary Jane so they look good next to the wave 43 Aunt May and JJJ (maybe an Uncle Ben too?)

    -Banshee with updated Thunderbird

    -non phasing Future Foundation Invisible Woman with the Annihilus Human Torch

    -Pirate Deadpool, Sheriff Deadpool, Dogpool

    -Updated Luke Cage, Updated classic Nick Fury

    -Squirrel Girl

    -Rocket Raccoon

    -And lastly, bag of the clear acrylic bases that came with the Best of 2 Wave.

  9. I started buying the Plano 2-3700 tackle boxes for my Star Wars figures a while back. I only used nine of the 24 dividers and always had plenty left over to create storage for my Minimates. I love 'em:

    These are awesome! Epic Spidey collection btw. I am jealous...

    I use the $4 storage bins from walmart, where you can adjust the trays. With 12 slots, I can fit 4-6 minimates per slot, withnaccessories. It's also ideal for Joes or other 3 3/4" figures.

    do you have a link of which ones you use ?

    Here you go.

    These look awesome, any chance of posting a pic of them with your 'mates inside? :)

  10. Hey everyone, I have almost 200 marvel minimates (collecting since wave one!), I currently have about half of them on my shelf, but I want to know what everyone does for storage solutions? I have the non-displayed ones in mini ziploc bags with their accessories. However, once they go up on the shelf to be proudly displayed, I keep the accessories in their bag and store those bags in a box. This keeps each figures' accessories separate and helps me not lose anything. The problem is, when I want to, say, change out a hairpiece or display one of the figures differently, I am digging through a cardboard box filled with mostly-empty ziploc bags searching desperately for the correct bag. Anyone have any ideas to help me keep things as organized as possible?

  11. Hey guys, if anyone is interested in Marvel Heroes, I'm a beta tester and I have a discount coupon code for 10% off the special presale Founders Packs. the code is good for the first 3 people to use it, here it is up for grabs. 1409-8381-1711-8018

    Let me just say Marvel Heroes is epic, if you like Ultimate Alliance at all you will love the game, not to mention the hero and costume collecting aspect should appeal to any minimate collector biggrin.png

    Just go to and punch in the code when you check out.


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