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Posts posted by kaipo

  1. I just asked DST if they could make little Snarf/Wolfrat style Squirrelpool and Dogpool.

    I've seen some pictures of people's custom ones on here though. What do you use? Legos?

    Just curious. Also please post some pics as I can't track them down :P

  2. Bravo! Did the final prints come out that smoothe, or was there a lot of sanding involved?

    There was zero sanding. Some of the pieces had to be printed with support material, which leaves tiny nubs on the final product that I cut off with a hobby knife. But otherwise these items are directly out of the printer. If anyone is curious about the whole process from start to finish, check out the video here.

    >Once color arrives I can picture some awesome flame effects.

    Does the clear material work to make various ice stuff for Iceman to use? Ice sleds, ice blasts, ice weapons...

    I already have an ice blast in the works. smile.png

    too awesome,

    i dont want to do too much wishlisting but iron man armor bays and giant defeated sentinel parts would be too awesome for words

  3. Wolverine is a shorter guy, however this is comics and a certain level of artistic license just needs to be accepted. A Dave Cockrum Wolverine will look different than a Humberto Ramos Wolverine. A Sam Keith Wolverine will look different than a Jim Lee Wolverine. So just because He looks like a troll when drawn by artist A and looks like an average-sized man by artist B it doesn't mean you can point to one or the other as gospel. His official height is 5'3".

    I don't ever want to see Wolverine use a different sized body just because he's a few inches shorter than the average guy. KEEP MINIMATES SIMPLE. Fussing over a difference of a few inches is just over-complicating things. Part of the appeal of this line is the uniformity of the scale. My opinion is that only in extreme circumstances should the aesthetic be changed. I don't believe we've ever seen children in the Marvel line yet, I do think an exception needs to be made if we ever see something like Power Pack. As MisterPL said, it's about proportion more than actual height. I'm ok with shorter "adult" characters using slipper feet. But kids need to look like kids and not small adults. That's the only time I want to see the Peter Pan parts used in the Marvel line. YMMV.

    i agree 100% with this. I like the universal 2" scale and after 50 waves its proven to work. only kids should use the short bodies, the peter pan minimates are of kids after all.

  4. I have two cents!

    I think it's more about proportions with some characters.

    Kids, sure, they could use the shorter bodies.

    Ant-Man is more a question of overall scale. I'd be fine with a Tinker Bell-type accessory for him and Wasp. I don't think the shorter arms and legs would look right on him.

    Wolverine was always meant to be a short, stocky guy but he might only need shorter legs. I've seen artists exaggerate the size of his forearms to justify those claws.

    As a dwarf, Puck could probably be done with the shorter arms and legs.

    my main argument for regular size wolverine is that we have 40+ wolverine figures... to change it now kinda ruins the other figures. kinda like what they did with hulk by bulking him up. now pretty much all the past hulks dont look right next to the new bulky ones.

    However, i think everyone agrees that the bulky hulk looks great so it was worth it, but to make wolverine shorter now... especially after releasing four brand new wolverines... (five if you include marvel now in TRU 16), would be a little awkward imo.

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