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Posts posted by Ridureyu

  1. Thanks for the info, Lobsterman! I'll fix it...

    And my TRU charged me $10, but some stores are "Bump-Up" stores and do that. I'll edit it.

    Fun fact - the spider under the bed? His leg fell off while I was carefully placing him there, and he collapsed. But the pose worked, so I kept it.

  2. Hey guys - nice custom work!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, I picked up some of the TRU exclusives (the two new figures and one 2-pack of repaints). The followup review will go up on Nerditis tomorrow, and I'll link it here. Essentially, I really like the two new guys with only minor nitpicks (though Antalor's hands won't stay on), but Spidron has the exact same problems as Fenruk, and that's sad. So it'll overall be more complimentary in tone, but still be upset about the quality control.

    I love the new spider colors, though!

  3. A fun little pastime is taking figures meant to be permanently stuck to a base, and then trying to stand them without it.

    Well, we'l get a better look at Fenruk when I grab the Toys R Us repaint... whenever I find it. I can always find a way to prop the original up, and then have Bilbo Baggins fight them off for a photo!

    And hey - I just learned about a hilarious QC issue that's probably just a one-off thing. Apparently, the 6" Hobbit orc reviewed on Poe Ghostal's blog has a visible and clear fingerprint in his face paint! But I will definitely admit this - compared to some Japanese capsule figures, where you are almost guaranteed to have missing or duplicated pieces (or both. Two left arms, yay?), the Beasts are a walk in the park. At least they HAVE their parts!

  4. Well hey, it's great terrain for my Egyptian setup... which is a weird-ass combo of Indiana Jones and Alien vs. Predator accessories/stands.

    Also, here's a review of something non-MiniMate, but I touch on quality control a little bit (the QC for this stuff is good, but previous series' from NECA were pretty bad):

    QC is a big thing with me. I'm fine with some stuff arriving stuck, loose, broken, swapped, or whatever, as long as it's not common or "standard." The QC problems with the new Masters of the Universe line, for example, are Very Bad Things for that reason. 75% of Fearless photogs shipped with cracked lenses? Frostas forearms are always swapprd? Goddess's pelvis breaks? Those kinds of things just aren't good for business.

  5. Hiya! I'm the dude who wrote the negative review, and who also founded the site that ended up becoming Little Rubber Guys (waaaaaay back in the late '90s. jkaris is doing a better job than I ever did). Please don't take this as defensive, I'm actually REALLY JAZZED that people noticed it! Seriously, I saw this site as a referrer in the traffic from Nerditis (please keep visiting there!), and then noticed the mentions of Little Rubber Guys, and it's kind of amazing. So I just thought I'd bring a few things up:

    -Honestly, I don't spend much time in the Beastformers section of LRG, so I can't speak for them, but I've had a lot of really good friends from years from that forum. There are a few asshats, but by and large we're really good guys.

    -I'm normally not a very negative guy. You can find some of my reviews on MWCToys, and there's a new one on Action Figure Fury, and I have a tendency to GUSH.

    -I'm really grateful for Zach's input, especially on some of the corrections he gave me as per DST's Battle Beast's' license. And even when there are things that are bad (like the quality control), he's not responsible for it.

    -Yeah, I owned the original Battle Beasts, and yeah, I would have appreciated had the new ones resembled them more (so you noticed it, eh?), but BB's aren't exactly a huyge part of my personal toy collection. I had known that these new ones weren't cyborgs for a long while, and I'm fine with that. It's just a little thing that seems odd when you add it to the other ways this differs from the original license. It's like... something like this is going to rely a LOT on nostalgia to make sales, but it doesn't actually prey on that nostalgia?

    -I don't hate Minimates as a concept. I don't own MANY Minimates, but I really like the ones I do have. Especially the Universal Mummy with his casket. See the end of my comment here.

    -It was really the quality control that killed the new BBs for me. Take Fenruk, for example - he's absolutely my favorite of the new Battle Beasts. I love spiders, and I think he's a great-looking design. But mine can't stand under his own power. He droops, wilts, then collapses and faceplants. If this is a one-time or really rare problem, that's fine. But if it's a common problem... well, that's bad. Adult collectors can't pose him on a shelf. Kids can't play with him. Yeah, there's the superglue trick for strengthening joints, but "fixing your own toys" shouldn't be a common requirement. Fenruk's face plant was really the last straw for me as I was figuring out how to write the review.

    -I didn't come into this negatively. I was really excited for the new Battle Beasts, and I didn't even really mind the inclusion of humans until after everything else piled upk like the quality control issues. I still think that maybe the humans should have been saved for Wave 2. They look odd in contrast,m since the other figures are stylized to not look like MiniMates, whereas they are.

    -I'm probably going to pick up the moose and bat if I see them at Toys R Us. And post a followup. If they have better quality control, there will be many happy comments. I'm likely to even grab the spider repaint because it has a chance of not being broken!

    -THANK YOU GUYS for your input and opinions. I'm glad to see that some people agree, some people disagree, but more importantly, people are capable of explaining why they agree or disagree. Understand, I want the new line to improve and succeed. If they can fix the quality control, then it could be really great. But if they don't, it's like MOTUC's constant forearm-swapping, or NECA Predators Series 1 and the "Quick-snapping knees" action feature.

    -8-year-old me would have been upset that the toys are broken right out of the box. Other than THAT, they're fun.

    -Believe it or not, I'm not a huge collector of the new Japanese Beast Saga figures. In fact, I don't have any.

    -And, uh... yeah, I am a work-at-home freelance writer/editor. But it looks like I'll get to be adjunct college faculty soon, too!

    -I dunno how closely I'll watch the thread of the forum. As I said, I don't have MANY MiniMates, though I enjoy (most) of the ones I do.

    Oh yeah, and I really love that Universal Mummy. The one with the sarcophagus. See?


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