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Posts posted by elmeaux

  1. Didn't have time to do a proper shoot so iPhone camera pics will have to do. :unsure:










    I only got the two exclusives as I'll be getting the others from my LCS.

    Gabe's hips were stuck so be careful with him. Hydra guy has different upper thighs than normal figures. Really like the working holsters. :yes:

  2. Curious how you guys who display your minimates deal with all the extra parts that come with them?

    Do you have a system, just throw them all in a bin and not worry about it, or know minimates inside and out so well you could pick out an extra Black foot from the IM Hostile Takeover boxed set from a pile of parts.

  3. Found a fresh case of wave 4 stocked at my local TRU this morning, but priced at $7.49. Other mates were still $6.99.

    I picked up all three of the exclusives, with the extra MM/SW going to a local board member. Funny thing was after I found them, while I was on another aisle looking at some other figures, this guy comes trotting up to me and then turns around and walks off.

    My wife asked "What was that about?"

    "Oh that's just one of the Hot Wheels scalpers trying to see if I had 'the good ones'."

  4. 2. On the BTTF question: They can't reissue the old boxset as is but they can rerelease new variations of the characters (a la Marvel and Battlestar Galactica)? Hmmm...

    Well, he didn't actually say "can't" but instead "at this point would never". I take that to mean we can do it but we don't think the market is there.

    Makes sense as there's potentially a bigger market for a new BTTF1 set than a straight re-release. A new set potentially sells to those who already bought and those who missed while re-release would sell only to those who missed.

  5. I Would love Bill and Ted minimates (I can't be the only one) plus we get historical figures.

    Yeah, a boxset of those guys. Gotta wonder who would be the two historical figures to go in the box though.

    The three I'm leaning toward are Billy the Kid, Socrates, And Abe Lincoln

    They have most of the parts they need for the first two. And Lincoln is a very recognizable figure and fits in with Star Trek.

    Sorry, but you only get 1 historical dude. Any B&T set has to have George Carlin's Rufus. B)

  6. Question, could you tell what the case ratios were by what was on the pegs? I've been wondering how to divy-up my funds as I need a few more Raiders than Vipers, but don't want to deprive anyone in my zone by scooping-up all of the Raiders (better to buy a few and pick-up the rest at another TRU to balance things out).

    I found the flyers this morning in Houston (Willowbrook TRU). There were two of each on the peg; pretty sure they'd just been stocked.

  7. So I snagged 28 at my LCS today. Totally surprised me. I beg for years for them to carry Minimates. they won't, they won't, they won't, so I stop asking. And they start carrying them. And don't tell me. D'oh! They didn't have the Wolvy/Deadpool pack though, so looks like I'll be hitting up Luke if he gets any more in. Variant for $6 though. Can't beat that.

    What shop?

  8. Elm, which Target? And could you possibly tell if it was a LCS lot or specifically a target lot?

    Edit: LCS lot? That's a variant ST pack right there. Odd.

    On Eldridge.

    And yeah, the variant was one of the things that makes me think this is a vendor like the trading cards. I also noted the only Hulk pack missing was the variant.

  9. I saw this today at a Super Target in Houston.


    There was a 4 foot vinyl collector toys section in toys next to 4 foot of trading card games, which seems to have been moved for the latest plan-o-gram. Other stores that have reset in our area only have the tcg section though they do have bobble head toys at the bottom of those sections.

    I know that trading cards at Target are handled by an outside vendor. I suspect this new vinyl section is also being handled by an outside vendor, given the selection of older product I saw. I have a feeling the way this works is the product is returnable; in other words, if it doesn't sell, Target doesn't clearance it, the vendor just takes it back. Just my guess of course.

    So while this isn't 'great' news, I thought it was interesting. If these do sell, perhaps Target will take notice and carry new mates again.


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