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Posts posted by CableNathan

  1. After enjoying this latest Wolverine wave I thought of this:

    You know what I really want? I may be alone in this but an Albert variant of Wolverine would be great. And who knows... we might get it eventually. In case you don't know who Albert is he was a robot version of Wolverine created by Pierce. He and Elise Dee ( a child robot) were created to kill Wolvie. Which leads me to something in the Logan movie:


    I wish that the clone Wolvie in the Logan movie was Albert. I thought it was Albert initially. I felt that was a missed opportunity. How cool would it have been to see him tear apart a robotic version of himself?

    So yeah, in another year or two perhaps we can get another Wolverine wave or even just a 4-pack that includes Albert, Elise Dee, Donald Pierce, and maybe Wolvie in a classic civilian brown jacket comic look. If we can expand to a whole wave, throw in Maverick, Classic Silver Fox, Dr. Cornelius, swappable heads for the Weapon X tactical gear (heads being Logan, Silver Fox, Sabretooth, John Wraith). You can call it Wolverine chronicles or something.

  2. Sold out at my closest ToysRUs :P Not sure if I want to go visit the others... The one I went to, by far, carries the most so I am not sure if it would be worth a trip.

    *Edit Nevermind! I found some in town not too far. They are holding them at customer service for me :D. Best free comic day ever.

  3. Any news on a release date? :D I think this wave may be my last purchase for a little while. I am not too interested in anything else coming out soon and my wallet could use the break for some holiday purchases. Of course I say that now but some awesome person will sell some stuff on facebook or I might find a good deal on ebay, heh. Always happens when I am trying to take a break. 

  4. On 10/5/2016 at 4:50 AM, bigvis497 said:

    That's not technically the Storm I was dispalying :)

    Seriously, nice work on that AOA custom! And you got the chronological placement right, lol. Very "official" handling of parts re-use too. Great work!

    Thank you sir! I am actually working on more AoA customs. I have 2 others done which I haven't shown yet. Maybe I will get around to it soon. 

  5. Makes me sad for Hastings. Got some great prices on minimates from them the past few years. But I loved them most for their used DVD/Bluray prices. I got Batman Begins and Dark Knight Bluray for under $10 bucks each. I think I got the first Avengers Bluray for like $12. Man now I need to find another used place for Blu Rays. There is a great place in town that sells super cheap DVD's and blu-rays but they rarely have anything current or super-hero type because I'm sure those sell fast.

  6. 12 minutes ago, bigvis497 said:

    CableNathan, you're a poor visual artist? That's news to me. You have a very strong understanding of light, these pictures look professional. No idea how you got the shadows and highlights to match so naturally. 

    Thank you so much for the kind words! Does that mean I get your vote? haha. Perhaps I was a bit hard on myself. At the very least I am untrained as a visual artist. This is only probably the 3rd or 4th picture I have ever edited. My lightning secrets shall remain with me for now but I will tell you I had to make do with just my phone for a camera! It was a pain in he @$$. It's an old galaxy s3, haha. At work I have access to many professional DSLR cameras but I didn't have time to borrow one today.

  7. "Please...Charles, we need you to hope again."



    Well, I hope I made the deadline! Anyway I just came across this contest today! I wish I had more time to work on something. I am an X-Men freak since I was 7-8 and would love to have that dio. I did my best in such a short amount of time. And honestly, I am a poor visual artist. I am a pretty good musician though :D. 

    Anyhow, about the picture... It is from the Days of Future Past movie. It's pretty much my favorite scene. I think it really captures the essence of Professor X's character. And the cinematography of that scene is just break-taking. Oh and the music is wonderful as well. John Ottman is the man!

    The timing for me just stinks so much! I actually ordered some spare x-men parts and some mini-playlets to use for making cool scene to take pictures of just last week! If only I had an extra week or some I could do something amazing. Anyway, congrats to whomever gets the grand prize. All of you are much better visual artists than I and deserve it! 

    Oh and here's the photo I used for reference:

  8. NEED.

    Recipes, please?

    (Also, as long as the glasses lenses cover the eyes, then the spacing should be fine.)

    You got it buddy. These are pretty simple.

    Masked Man:

    Iron Fist Mask

    Black shirt and legs with knew pads and boots from expendables.

    Wave 40 movie Bucky Barnes face

    Batons from Armored Daredevil

    Matt Murdock:

    Wave 40 movie Buck Barnes face and hair

    Swat Sarah Connor glasses cut out from hat piece

    Any grey business suit (Shingen, Aldrich Killian, etc.)

    Elite Heroes Search & Rescue walking stick


    Any grey suit.

    'Best of' wave 3 Ant-Man face'

    'Best' of Wave 1 Loki hair

    Phone and briefcase from season 2 '24' boxset


    Alice face from femme fatales 2 boxset

    Iron Man 2 movie Pepper Potts hair

    Chest and arms from Alicia Masters

    Clipboard from Battlestar Galactica line

    Any skirt piece


    Nova Corps Centurion face

    Iron Man 2 Happy Hogan suit piece

    Lee Christmas shirt chest piece

    torso riser

  9. Very long time since I updated! I have been busy and made quite a few customs since then. To start I made these Daredevil customs based off of the Netflix show for a friend for her birthday this month. We both really loved the show so I thought it would be a nice gift. Enjoy!


    From left to right we have The Masked Man, Attorneys at Law Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson, and their secretary Karen Page.


    Yeah I know his glasses came out a little big and a bit spaced apart but I always like molded pieces. I will probably adjust them in the future.


    And just for fun I did make a QC Wilson Fisk. I don't think he looks too bad!




  10. I don't know if I'm alone here but why oh why couldn't they do sculpted heads for the turtles? I just saw pics of Bebop and Rocksteady and they look great! I can't stand the figs with the normal minimate heads. They don't look like ninja turtles at all. Their heads are like their most defining feature and they need to be flat and round. Am I alone on this? I mean if they just changed that one thing I would be buying these all over the place because they look great otherwise.

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