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Posts posted by CountDestro

  1. So part of me thinks that DST is going to take full advantage of the Miramax deal and pick another movie to make this next line. And right now the only ones I can think of that have already had merch made in the past (thats not being done right now) with mass appeal is Reservoir Dogs and......THE CROW!!!! A property that fits right in with halloween. Just throwing it out there. Single boxed Eric Draven figure as the first introduction release for halloweenfest.

  2. Mass-friendly line as in FRIENDLY to all. A hint that says its prpbably kid friendly more then crazy collector style of figures. The hype is so large now that most will be unhappy about it but still buy them in the end. I wasnt down for the Peter Pan mates but in the end I got all of them. But it will still come out of left field like Plants vs Zombies. Didnt expect that line to surface.

  3. So just out of curiosity, what's the free giveaway going to be this year? I read that there are two this year, one from DST and another from a different booth. But Zach can you give out anymore info on that yet? Like what and who the other booth is going to be? We are about a month away from the show now and I thought last years was revealed by this time last year?

  4. I love minimates for lots of reasons, but a big reason is because of the Minimate Multiverse!!! Since finding this place I have never been more up to date on whats coming out. What already came out, and more up to date information on everything minimate related then any other website out there. Plus where else can you go and actually to talk to the people who make these wonderful items one on one? I might not post a lot but I do come here daily to check out what everyone else is saying, and thats God's honest truth right there! This place keeps my love for minimates going strong.

  5. See I'm not flipping the figures for a profit (scalpers). I just have a minimate addiction. And to be honest, one set was for a fellow collector here in town I am helping out so he doesn't have to buy them from these scalpers at a much higher price. Don't make me out to be the villain. I didn't take them out of a kids hand or anything!

  6. I talked to a guy who I use to work with at TRU years ago. He told me the distribution center had 1200 cases sitting there. Don't know if that's just for west coast stores or what, but it looks like they are just taking their time getting out there.

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