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Posts posted by CBMM1

  1. You know I think there may be another problem with shops getting these. I went to one of my local shops (the owner's a buddy of mine). He didn't know he was supposed to be getting one of these and said when he opened his ComicFest box that everything was together nicely. When he pulled all the items out, there was a crumpled up ComicFest bag at the bottom (among other stacked flat bags) so he figured it was trash and went to throw it away. It wasn't until he squeezed the bag a bit that he realized there was something inside it. He uncrumpled it and found Jack inside. Perhaps these should have been package better instead of a crumpled up bag at the bottom of the box. Just food for thought.

  2. How does one contact DST customer service? Is there a specific email address I should contact? A phone number? Bug Zach on Twitter? (kidding about that last one... mostly ;) )

    I too would like to know this. I sent an email thorough the 'Contact Us' page earlier this week(about my missing Spunkmeyer) but haven't gotten a response. Is this what everyone else does and if so, how long will it take to get a response?

  3. I think Cap's already disturbed by the events of Winter Soldier. I mean, when you find out the government you have trusted and served is corrupt, you'll probably be more sensitive to this kind of invasion of privacy. Cap fights for freedom, and you're not free under the Regestration Act. Let's not forget that it's not just the big heros that we already know about, it's every person with superhuman powers.

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