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Posts posted by Macross-Junkie

  1. I'm with "youbastards" on this one. It seems like every other line gets exclusives and vehicles, and so forth. Lets look, Halo (which for the record still clogs my TRU pegs in excess) got 5 waves (WHY?), Marvel puts out multiple waves of stuff, in record amounts, and my TRU can't even get rid of them reduced to $4.99 each, Walking Dead (which is a great line in my opinion) is quickly coming to a Zombies crawl (my TRU and LCS have tons of series 1, 2, & 3 on their pegs), yet all these seem to be getting far more attention than Star Trek (which hasn't even been given a chance yet).

    Come on DST get with the game, all your doing is ticking off potential customers. Give us an Amazon 5 pack of any Star Trek crew (my votes for TOS) and I promise you they fly off the shelf (especially if you market them towards the holidays (X-Mas Bling)...

  2. Took a little bit of time last night to compare the 25th Anniversary Bridge Model and the new AMT set coming out in a few months. Here's what I've been able to surmise based on my own 25th model and pics of the newer one.

    New AMT has Nav. and Spock Viewers

    New AMT has redesigned Turbolift Door

    New AMT has better looking monitor and panel decals

    New AMT "IS" a complete Bridge, as apposed to the 25th only being 3/4

    Bridge panels on AMT can be removed for display at different angles, as apposed to the 25th being fixed or glued in place

    It looks like (and I could be wrong) the new AMT has redesigned floor panels

    So that's it folks. In a nut shell, the 25th may be similar to the new AMT design, but overall it's a completely re-tooled kit...

  3. So I've been up for 26 hours doing nothing but building my website for my Star Trek minimate photo comic, and in the process I got around to opening my Field Jacket Kirk. The first thing I did was lop off his head and put Walking Dead Ricks (wave 1) head on the body, and then I saw the problem... Kirk has specially groomed hair designed to fit behind that big collar on the coat, and other heads with shaggy hair or big hair need not apply. I did kinda force Ricks head on, which is why he's kinda looking down...


    I'm using the Rick head for a character in my story.

    I also decided to put a TWOK era Uhura together using a IM2 Romanov skirt, a Kirk dress jacket, and TOS head and legs. What do you guys think?


    For those of you interested in seeing my custom crew for my story you can go here:

    I've got several 1:32 scale Star Trek models I have to build (TOS Bridge, TMP Bridge, Shuttlecraft) as well as some 1:1000 starship models and some 1:32 papercraft models of Star Trek stuff. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but now that I have the website set up, it's really motivating me...

  4. I decided to take a trip to the only LCS within 70 miles that carries minimates today (trying to collect some field jacket Kirks for my TWOK era away team) and was disappointed that they went out of business. So I guess there's no getting around paying shipping costs.

    Hey Luke, I just ordered two loose Kirks, any word if there will be more, or will I just have to have some extra Khans lying around...

  5. I'm kinda glad TRU didn't take it because I'm trying to restrain myself from buying all three as it is. I'll get the ISS and the Tribbles versions.

    But if a Pike version is offered... dry.pngsleep.pnghappy.png

    If a Pike version is offered I'm on it like Donkey Kong. Kirk will always be my favorite captain, but Pike is such a mystery because so little is known about his career. Plus I like the pilot version of the Enterprise, it's design was an obvious choice for a photo comic I'm working on about the Corp Of Engineers...

  6. PkgMM_ISSEnterpriseNCC1701kirk1.jpg

    Yeah, that's what I figured. Still going to buy a few extra and modify them into Saladin / Hermes class ships. I think I'll also buy an extra I.S.S. Enterprise and see if I can get the Terran Empire logos off with some Brasso. It works pretty well for getting paint apps off lego's, so why not minimate stuff as well... Hey Zach, any word on if they're going to release a Pike version of the Enterprise? We're still waiting to hear where that mysterious Pike figure from Toyfair is going to end up...

  7. Went to my TRU today, and it looks like the same pack-out that everyone else listed. My store got in three cases and they were almost all sold out. I was able to pick up Kirk/Khan, Picard/Hugh, and Janeway/7 of 9. They were completely out of Sisko figures, which struck me as a little wierd (seeing as his little vest uniform isn't that cool), who knows, maybe it's the Cardassian Army Builder.

  8. You know, there was a Pike Minimate on display at C2E2 that no one ever talked about.

    I was just thinking that if DST were to offer another Pike, it would be great if they did it with his Away Team jacket and an extra set of arms for his duty uniform. I'm sure many would buy duplicates just to get that jacket and outfit the original Spock from "The Cage."

    So... what's with that Pike? Series 2 or leftover from DST pushing another Enterprise?

    I'd put my money on another Enterprise, because that is NOT the Pike from the series 2 set. He's missing the slight collar print on his shirt...

  9. Well I convinced the wife to let me go back and at least pick up 2 packs, and based on what they had on the pegs (2 cases), my pack out runs as follows:

    2 Rick

    2 Carol

    4 Glen

    4 Zombies

    As for what I picked up, I got a Carol and Glen...

    There is not a zombies two pack, the other set is Dexter with dreadlocks zombie

    >I read the first three TPBs this week, I had previously only a viewer of the TV show. It's been fun getting to know the versions of the characters that the minimates actually depict. Now I cant wait for an Axel/Thomas 2 pack with butcher knife and severed heads of Hershel's youngest.

    Although I'd love an Axel, I don't want Thomas, neither does Andrea. That dude was creepy and if we were to get him I'd hope he come with an alternate head of his own.

    I didn't pull them all off the peg to take a look at each one, but I'm sure the pack I saw as a zombie pack was Dexter. Our TRU has their pegs really close together because they have SOOOOO much inventory...

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