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Posts posted by Macross-Junkie

  1. Bit of a thread necro.

    I recently decided to open all of my Avengers Infinite figures and I was wondering if anybody could recommend me some good stands? I would prefer clear stands which I have seen in multiple pictures of displays but nobody has ever been able to say where they come from other than "I got them years ago" or something similar.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Here's a site that sells clear action figure stands...

    You would think some place like BBTS would carry them, but no such luck...

  2. Personally I love the idea. I've been reading Star Trek TOS comics by IDW for a while now, and they have some very well done stories and art. I'm actually quite excited for the POTA / TOS crossover. Naturally I won't buy it until the trade paperback comes out, seeing as I can't stand buying individual comics at 24 to 30 pages each, and wait a series of 4 to 6 months for the whole story to come out. But I'm patient like that...

  3. I know this is a bit off topic, but I think this little story of mine might rekindle faith in some of the younger generation falling in love with Classic Trek. So, about a week ago I took all my vintage Star Trek books, IDW Star Trek Comics, and my 2 HUGE Star Trek Comic Strip Collection Books (1976-1984), over to Edward McKay Used Books & More Fayetteville to sell to get some trade credit to help buy my son some PS4 games for his birthday. But I've had a sinking feeling ever since I got rid of the Comic Strip Collection Books (I really liked them and got them for X-Mas over the past two years). So flash forward to Sunday when my wife and I were out shopping for my sons Birthday gifts, we stopped by Ed McKays, and low and behold there was a cute young girl (short boy hair cut and glasses) that couldn't have been much more than 14 or 15 years old buying the Comic Strip Collections. I stopped in passing and told her that I had sold those earlier in the week and that I hope she enjoyed them, then she proceeded to assure my wife and I that they were going to a good home. She was very excited about them, and she about shit herself when she noticed that I was wearing a U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Jerzy. It made me very happy to know that there are still those in the younger generation that won't let the past of Star Trek die. And it made me very happy to know that the books I loved so much were going into the hands of another loving fan.

    So maybe, just maybe there's a chance that there are some younger collectors out there looking forward to the next wave of Mates, as well as what ever else DST and Art Asylum have to offer...

  4. Captain Paco, with all due respect, you've lost your frakking mind. Releasing ANY Star Trek waves without atleast one TOS two-pack is ludicrus. I read somewhere a year or two back that TOS product acccounts for 40% of the Star Trek liscensed merchandise sales, with TNG falling in second, then DS9, VGR, and finally ENT. So as much as you think there shouldn't be any TOS stuff, I'm affraid you'll probably sadly disappointed. Plus just because you have some kind of itch to scratch you want all TNG, VGR, DS9, and ENT, what about us TOS fans that have been waiting for stuff like a Enviromental Suited Kirk or Spock, as well as the Aliens. Hell, I'd even be happy for an Ensign Davies Red Shirt to kill off over any of the other lines, but hey, that's just my two cents...

  5. Personally I'm a HUGE Anime fan, and I'm also a member of Senior Staff for North Carolina's largest Anime Convention, Animazement, and even though I would love Anime Minimates, I have to agree with Zach, the markets just not there for it. Granted our attendance at Animazement has increased by atleast 10% per year since the Anime bubble burst around 2006 / 2007, which would make you think that if conventions are still pulling in the cash, then why not have the merch. To tell the truth, the major draw to conventions is the Cosplay, Guests, Panels, and Artist Alley, while the dealers room is put on the back burner.

    You see, while Japanese fans still go Gaga over Anime toys, the U.S. market is more interested in model kits, high end statues, and highly detailed trading figures. They are interested in what looks as close to the Animated character as possible, and not a cute posable figure. This is why Kubricks produces very few Anime properties anymore, and iMen is all but non-existant. The truth of the matter is, the U.S. market has far less people truely dedicated to Anime as a hobby, and far more that look at it as a passing phase in their adolesence. Hell, thanks to streaming and bit torrent you can't even get the casual fans to purchase their Anime anymore, they rather hurt what little industry the U.S. has left and pirate it.

    To sum it all up, I'd love to see Anime Minimates. I think a set of Ranma 1/2, Strike Witches, or Fate/Stay Night mates would be charming and awesome, but in reality DST is somewhat familiar with the Anime toy market (seeing as they've gone to Japanese toy shows before like Wonder-Con), and I don't think we'll ever see these wishes come to fruition.

  6. Cool. I used to have the original Revell (?) kit when it was first issued. Didn't even think it might work for a Minimates backdrop. Does this kit use those toolings?

    To be honest, I never had the pleasure to build one of the Revell kits, but I've heard from fellow modelers they were ridden with flaws and inaccuracies. But the Möbius kits for the Viper mkII and mkIV are phenomenal, so I'm guessing this one should stand up to scrutiny...

  7. I'll admit that I haven't done anything with it yet, but last year I picked up one of these Normatt 1/20 Winnebago Chieftans. It is a little oversized (Minimates are closer to 1/26 or 1/28), but I think it will look great in a display. They are fairly hard to come by here in the US, but I do see them show up on eBay from time to time.


    When I was doing some scale modeling with my Star Trek minimates, they came out in the same scale as the AMT Shuttle and AMT Bridge Playset, which was more around 1/32...

    Scroll down about halfway through this thread to see an example of the Enterprise Bridge...

  8. I didn't read the entire thread, so I don't know if it's been mentioned, but doesn't Disney own the rights to Star Wars now? And we all know they own Marvel, and we get Marvel mates, so regardless of the situation with Hasbro, is so hard to concieve the idea that there may be a slight possibility that we may see Star Wars mates some day???

  9. I'll agree that Enterprise's captain isn't as recognizable (I own the Minimate, and for the life of me can't remember Scott Bakula's character's name), but I don't believe that Janeway isn't recognizable.

    I never watched Voyager or Deep Space Nine, but I'd say she's more well-known than Sisko (whose name I didn't know until the first Minimate came out).

    I've always known who she was, and I'm not quite sure how (since I never watched the show), lol, but I do.

    I think the reason you know Janeways name is that she got the reputation of being a stone cold b!#€h early on, which set her apart from the lack luster performance of Sisko, and the short lived career of Enterprises Archer...

  10. Something tells me this is going to be a once-a-year offering at best, with new Minimates revealed annually at Toy Fair. That seems to be the most reliable pattern when it comes to news.

    Chuck did say that if they offered another Minimates vehicle for this line, it would most likely be the 1701-D Enterprise. That's an unusual admission from someone who often doesn't reveal things in Q&As even when they've already been announced elsewhere so I can't help but wonder how far in the development process that ship might be. (Note on a napkin? Concept art?)

    It doesn't look like the NCC-1701 flew off the shelves. Despite this being a movie year that features characters from TOS, and as much as I love her, the old gal just looks dated. Maybe they should have gone with the refit or the -D or -E, something with a more contemporary aesthetic. Maybe that would have caught TRU's eye.

    Well, if they did bring out the D, it would be a ship I wouldn't be interested in. I'm more interested in the Shuttlecraft (which is something that has potentially made it further than the D in development), and I hope they would move forward on this project. But I do understand DST is ultimatly a business, and if ships don't make them money, then I can see the reason for them to discontinue the line (of ships). It would be nice to see the refit version though...

    As for the mates themselves, I know my TRU has a few Kirks & Khans left (which I will be soon cleaning them out of), but it seems the rest of the line did fairly well. I know it didn't blow the doors off like the first and second wave of The Walking Dead, but it did O.K.. It would be nice to see DST give the line some more attention than just once a year, because as a Trek fan who actually makes diorama's and plays with his Minimates, I just want more. There's so much demand for aliens it's ridiculous. You can't swing a dead cat in this thread without someone asking for a TOS or TNG Romulan, a TNG Klingon, or a TOS Andorian. Plus with Salt Vampires, Muggatos, Elosians, Ferengi, and more, the equation is almost endless. I just think DST is shooting itself in the foot by alienating a proven fanbase, their only problem is they don't listen to what the fans are saying, which is why we ended up with 4 Spocks (including the god awful Spocks Brain), Gladiator Kirk, 3 different Bones, no Red Shirts, and 1 Scotty in the original Minimate lineup...

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