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Ronan The Accuser

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Posts posted by Ronan The Accuser

  1. These look awesome! I really try to avoid the movie lines and stick to the super hero stuff only but i think I'm going to enjoy these. The variety is great and it sounds like they'll hit all of the major characters... I'm in.

    As far as the female head, If it's an extra head I'm fine, If it replaces one of the male heads, not so much. i'm only basing this on my particular purchasing, I plan on buying three Crazy 88 sets and don't need/want three females. I'm fine with switching one head out for Miki, if I even do that, but I don't need Pony tail lass.

    Looking forward to eventually seeing that 4th box set, bring on Bud!

  2. Yeah, TRU has become a mystery to me... everything has changed. I've checked multiple stores in my area on a weekly basis and never seen a hint of wave 18 or the Tomb Raider sets. I assumed they would eventually show up but with Walking Dead wave 5 now hitting in multiple stores near me I'm not so sure. It seems TRU may have skipped western PA with both waves.

    Sure I'd love to find them at sale price, but full price would have been fine too. Even if i miss them at the store, as long as I have a chance to buy them i'm good. Not having a chance and the situation seeming as if I never had a chance, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If anyone knows of either wave showing in the Western Pa area I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

    Also, what's up with all of the Minecraft merchandise at TRU lately, does that stuff sell? Not knocking it but I really don't understand the attraction, It looks like a bit-map nightmare to me. I can't see a parent buying their kid that pick axe they sell for like $20.

  3. I missed the voting, I'll have to make sure I catch it next year.

    Wave 16 was pretty awesome, I bought a ton of those packs. I used that Torch for my Invaders set (Torch and Toro) and in my modern FF set. The Ben Grimm outfit was perfect for a rocket ship FF set. I know, they wore purple in FF #1, but until I acquire four purple bodies these will do. Annihilus was amazing.

    Another minimate that I feel may be overlooked due to the fact that there was no sculpting is the Hector Ayala version of White Tiger. I absolutely love how that figure turned out.

  4. I'd like to see a Captain America: Secret Empire wave. For me personally it would knock out a few classics, a few never been done's and a possible army builder or two!


    Classic Falcon

    Classic Black Panther


    Secret Empire #1

    Secret Empire Soldier

    Moonstone ( original, male... not the K. Sofen version)


    other possibilities...



    Quinten Harderman (wouldn't mind his bro, the original Viper either at some point)

    Sanitation Squad flunkies

    I'm a sucker for a bunch of the 70's era storylines and characters, looooove to get a bunch more Cap stuff from issues 140 through 190's.

  5. The title "Tomb Raider Scavenger" should be reserved for the idiots selling them for $16.99 ea on E-bay. dry.png

    I've yet to see any of these in my area, hoping TRU remedies that before they're all gone. I'm not a huge TR fan but the two exclusive packs look like perfect random villains or thugs. If I see them I'll buy a few, if not, more loot for the next Marvel set.

    No loot for you E-bay scavenger! no.gif

  6. Firelord and Gabriel the Air-Walker are very underated imo. I love everything about that pack. For two characters I never thought would see the light of day after not getting picked for the Heralds Box set these turned out fantastic. I really don't think they could have been done better.

  7. Add Western PA to the list of "stores that TRU forgot". Never seen a remnant of the wave in any store and i've checked a ton. When the TRU sale started and these were starting to show up I covered huge areas, even crossing into Ohio trying to find them. Never saw a thing. After a month of that I scaled the search back to local stores and still found nothing. This week I decided not to check at all. I picked up a WS and Absorbing Man loose on e-bay and i'll wait patiently to see if the rest ever show in a local store. Same with the "rumored" Tomb Raider line, never seen one in the wild.

    Anyone else prefer Creel without the bulked up pieces? Appreciate the fact that we've got both options but i like the smaller look myself. Winter Soldier looks great, love the color blue they used for his outfit. If classic Blizzard ever gets made I hope they use that shade.

  8. Hello everyone, nice to be here!

    I'm a former member who has returned and by "returned" I mean I signed up and promptly forgot my password sometime in 2012.

    Sooo, I finally got that straight and now I can post! Don't know how much I'll be contributing daily but hope to chime in every now and then on the various MM lines. I'm pretty much a Marvel, DC and Max guy but look to some of the other properties for parts and such.

    I've been lurking pretty much daily for the last 6 months so I'm up to speed on current MMMV topics and glad to be here!

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