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Posts posted by lopez888

  1. 8 hours ago, cylonchaney said:


    I'm starting to think that John Wick went for drinks with with Bruce Lee, Thunderlips, and Wave 15 Ghost Rider.

    None of them are cancelled. Just drunkenly trying to find their way home from the bar.


    Dont forget the 80s Turtles too.

  2. 11 hours ago, luke314pi said:

    Legion of Doom and the classic WWF rings are approximately 75% finished - I expect them to ship next week. My next custom will be up for preorder this Sunday. It will also kick off a new subscription year option, which will encompass the period from approximately Wrestlemania 7-13 (but knowing me it might not always be accurate lol). Here is a hint for this release:  This wrestler's WWE career lasted over 26 years (longer than Hogan, the Rock, and Stone Cold's longest runs with the company combined).

    I hope its Mr. Wrestlemania HBK in his WM 12 attire.

  3. 6 hours ago, bzorio said:

    Zach, is there a release date for Batman Returns Batman & Catwoman Vinimate Vinyl Figure 2-Pack?

    Will there also be a Jack Nicholson Joker to go with them?

  4. 17 minutes ago, Nessex said:

    Damn - the MotU line is starting to fill out nicely
    What I wouldn't give for Minimates of MotU characters... Seriously thinking about jumping ship for these. 

    EDIT: Damn - looks like Stratos, ScareGlow, Evil-Lyn and Man-at-Arms aren't getting made :(

    Where did you see that there aren't getting made. I have the first wave and was looking forward to those as well.

  5. 53 minutes ago, luke314pi said:

    Later this year I will be figuring out my future releases to make sure I have the right parts set aside - who would you guys like to see from the years encompassing Wrestlemania 13-18? I am not as familiar with this era.


    There too many good wrestlers but I would like to see Stone Cold Steve Austin, the rock, big show, mankind, dude love, cactus jack, Mick foley, Triple h, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, physco Sid, big daddy cool disel, Kane, Undertaker american bad ass and the phenom versions, the acolytes, new age Outlaws, xpac, Owen Hart, Ken Shamrock, shawn michaels, rob van dam, brock lesnar,Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon,Vince McMahon, Matt and Jeff hardy, the Dudley Boyz, edge and Christian, goldust, Chris benoit if no one is offended, Eddie guerrero, Chyna, x Pac, Val Venis. There's too many to name this was wrestling best era

  6. 4 hours ago, MrClean said:

    So looks like a couple of Walgreens wave 9 are on eBay now, Kraven and Hobgoblin sets. At the low low price of quadruple retail plus shipping. Good grief.  I'd be happy if wave 8 would just show up. Or Infinity War wave 2. 

    I haven't even found wave 8 yet, but I'm I've been lucky to find a set of the Infinty war wave 2 out of the 10 stores I visted damn you walgreens.

  7. F*** Walgreens is all I can say, I was denied at three stores that had them. I tried to explain to  them what was going on but they didn't listen. They told me they were pulling them off the shelves for a recall, I showed them people who had them in hand and not even then would they sell them. This shit is getting frustrating, I don't want to resort to ebay for these.

  8. Could someone please explain to me how to resize decals to fit right? I have tried the copy and paste on to existing templates trick but to no avail. I finally have the parts I need to make some customs but these decals are setting me back from actually starting on them. What software do you guys use? Any help would be much appreciated.

  9. Found these on instagram by Minimates_Junkie





    And from what I read these were made by BrobotC for someone else, correct me if I'm wrong.


    These are just awesome, Let's get these made DST I need every single character starting from DB to DBZS, yes even DBGT and everything else in between,movies, filler characters etc.

  10. I bought some of those 66 figures a few months back, and didn't like them. There faces are a little weird and my Gokus arm broke off the ball joint with ease. I'm looking into getting my hands on some I-men versions.

  11. My (hypothetical) DBZ Minimates toyline

    Wave 1




    Master Roshi/Turtle

    Wave 2

    King Kai/Bubbles




    Wave 3


    Kami/Mr. Popo

    Battle damaged Goku/battle damaged Vegeta

    Battle damaged Gohan/battle damaged Krillin

    Wave 4

    Frieza (1st form)/Cui


    Bulma (Namek outfit)/Dende

    Zarbon (second form)/Moori

    Wave 5

    Captain Ginyu/Goku with scouter and evil expression




    Wave 6

    Gohan (Saiyan armor)/Krillin (Saiyan armor)

    Piccolo/Frieza (2nd form)

    Vegeta/Frieza (3rd form)

    Super Saiyan Goku/Frieza (4th form)

    Wave 7

    Battle damaged Piccolo/Yamcha (with removable halo)

    Tien (with removable halo)/Chiaotzu (with removable halo)

    Chi-Chi/Ox King

    Dr. Brief/Mrs. Brief

    Wave 8

    Cyborg Frieza/King Cold

    Goku (Yardrat outfit)/Vegeta (Badman shirt)

    Trunks/Frieza soldier

    Super Saiyan Goku (Yardrat outfit)/Super Saiyan Trunks

    Wave 9

    Super Saiyan Vegeta/Android 19

    Piccolo/Android 20

    Bulma (with baby Trunks)/Yajirobe

    Android 17/Android 18

    Wave 10

    Android 16/Imperfect Cell

    Tien/Semi-Perfect Cell



    Wave 11

    Super Saiyan Goku (Saiyan armor)/Super Saiyan Gohan (Saiyan armor)

    Battle damaged Super Saiyan Vegeta/Ultra Super Saiyan Trunks

    Perfect Cell/Mr. Satan

    Super Saiyan Gohan (Piccolo clothes)/Cell Jr.

    Wave 12

    Gohan (high school uniform)/Videl

    Great Saiyaman/crook


    Super Saiyan Vegeta (no shirt)/Super Saiyan Trunks

    Wave 13

    Super Saiyan Gohan/Super Saiyan Goten

    Goku (with halo)/Chi-Chi

    Yamcha (yellow suit)/Oolong

    Supreme Kai/Kibito

    Wave 14

    Krillin (with hair)/Pintar


    Mighty Mask/Android 18


    Wave 15


    Pui Pui/Yakon

    Super Saiyan Goku/Majin Vegeta

    Battle damaged Gohan/battle damaged Supreme Kai

    Wave 16

    Super Saiyan 3 Goku/Fat Buu

    Gohan (Supreme Kai outfit)/Old Kai

    Gotenks/Thin Buu

    Super Saiyan Gotenks/Super Buu

    Wave 17

    Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks/Piccolo

    Mystic Gohan/teen Dende

    Super Buu (Gotenks absorbed)/Tien

    Goku (with Potara earring)/Kibito Kai

    Wave 18

    Vegetto/Mr. Satan

    Super Saiyan Vegetto/Super Buu (Gohan absorbed)

    Battle damaged Super Saiyan 3 Goku/Kid Buu

    Super Saiyan Vegeta (with removable halo)/battle damaged Fat Buu

    Wave 19

    Goku (blue outfit)/Uub

    Teen Trunks/teen Goten

    Adult Gohan/Videl

    Pan/Bongo the Rabbit

    Note #1: Yes, I know a lot of these match-ups might not canonically make sense, and some characters appear too frequently, but it was tough thinking up some of these waves

    Note #2: Each of the Yamcha variants would come with Pu'ar

    I like the pairings but I would tweak them just a bit.

    Wave 1 I would put Launch with Master Roshi, make her have alt yellow hair and have turtle as Master Roshi's stand.

    Wave 3 I would get rid of the battle damaged versions of the z fighters and replace them with Kaio Ken Goku w/Oozaru Vegeta, Oozaru Gohan and Piccolo suit Gohan.

    Wave 14 Replace Jewel and Killa with Supreme Kai and Kibito

    Other than that I would gladly spend money to get every single one of these characters. Who would you put in your hypothetical Battle of Gods and Resurrection of F waves? Mine would go like this

    Battle of Gods

    SSG Goku/Lord Beerus

    Enraged Vegeta/Bulma

    Battle damaged Goku/Whis

    King Vegeta/Kid Vegeta

    Resurrection of F

    SSGSS Goku/ Golden Frieza

    SSGSS Vegeta/Sorbet

    Tagoma/Jaco galactic Patolman

    Gohan green track suit/Videl

  12. Just picked these up using the store locator. I had to go to a Walgreens 15 miles away cause the one that is 1 mile away isn't cool enough to carry them I guess. They weren't on the shelves but a nice employee checked and said they had them in the back. He couldn't find them at first so he told me to leave him my number and he would call me once he had found them. Couple hours later he called and said he had found them, he said they were back there since last Friday's shipment. I told him I appreciated it and left with a big grin on my face.

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