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Digger T Mesch

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Posts posted by Digger T Mesch

  1. Dear Luminous Beings,

    How can I thank you? I'll start with THANK YOU LUMINOUS BEINGS!!!

    I was advised by the Creative Illuminate of Hollywood that IF and WHEN the 88 KICKSTARTER achieved it's goal, I should be prepared with a strong THANK YOU letter to launch immediately after winning.

    I just can't do "IF". You can't entertain "IF" in the entertainment world because the level of obsession and conviction required to follow through no matter how completely fucked up things get is so intense it bears a strong resemblance to mental illness.

    So, the clock struck 8:08 on 8/8 and I just had to shut down. I didn't have the strength nor the bandwidth to pick up the endlessly ringing phone , or look at the 2000 emails and private messages I got blasted with over the next 3 hours before I passed out. They still havent stopped coming! YOU ALL made it clear that this was worth a shot and BAAAMM! NOW 88 IS HAPPENING!

    I apologise for being unprepared with a carefully crafted masterpiece of words and feelings. Something that would even begin to express how deeply I appreciate the support we received from so many people ...most of whom we never knew before. Most of whom swooped in and GAVE GAVE GAVE just to make sure we exceeded our 88k goal. That clock was counting down so very close to us getting nothing and we wound up with $104k! All of which will be going into making 88 as kick ass as we can make it.

    This is truly what makes Kickstarter so amazing and adrenaline pumping! Everything is at stake! All or Nothing! Come and watch us give birth to the next big thing or come and watch me fall on my face at 180 MPH! Either way ...wholly entertaining.

    If I won't risk everything I have for this project I believe in than why should you risk anything? Even your time is too valuable with everything we all have going on in life. I wouldn't ask you to waste your time or your money if I wasn't going to give it my all.

    I have SO MANY people to thank and I really want to do it properly with a mind capable of chewing gum and walking fairly straight at the same time. A mind I'll have tomorrow. I promise I'll do my best to get that letter out without hundreds of people twittering, posting and pushing everyone to the limits of their sanity.

    We truly blew up the internet yesterday. It was final hours and I wanted to make sure we were HEARD before that bell rang. Press was hitting me hard in the last 15 hours to try and cover it and I was like seriously ...I'd love to but HOW CAN I ? We're at critical mass here! NBC was talking about us on air and asking us to come down after we won and I was just worried about getting through the next 4 hours without a seizure.

    The 88 campaign wasn't created overnight. It evolved over the course of 4 months but the level of evasive action that was taken to get us to the finish line is really worthy of it's own book.

    Ernie Reyes Jr said it best in his video interview...."We're really going to give everyone a run for their money." Well said!

    Jan Utstein-O'Neill was running alongside me 24 hours a day to make sure that all the brilliant creatives who stepped up on 88 from ALL OVER THE WORLD weren't doing this for nothing and I'm just so happy we made it. Thank you again!

    A small army of exceptional creatives and supporters who were passionate about what they were doing participated in a high octane 30 day Kickstarter campaign with very little time or press and raised over 62k in very last 4 days of an 88K goal that resulted in $104,701.00 in the 11th hour. AWESOME!

    Kay D'Arcy was next to me the whole last day watching in AWE as the numbers just keep going up and up from what seemed absolutely hopeless to the surest bet she's had since she arrived here 10 years ago from London. 10 years later at 80 she's got more fight in her to make it than anyone I've ever met.

    Be inspired!

    You rock,


  2. Hope you are all liking what we have going on. Pushing hard. Not sleeping much at all. Just did an updated video with Jon Schnepp director of Metalocalypse whos going to guest direct an episode that Im going to act in. A 70's flashback episode where he can do whatever he wants.

    Something else that no one has done before. Please keep your minds open. This is how we roll .

    Thanks for the support. MTV GEEK obviously remembers what I was doing back in the day. Makes it worthwhile.



  3. Thanks Luke ! U'r a star man. Press is launched about Minimates high and wide today- should see some 88 and HEAVY METAL MINIMATE press coming shortly

    Guys - please try to spread the word cross the other topic boards cause this is my home base here for the time being. Time is burning even with the army I have pushing to see us win.

    We really need to move these A88 REDS thats would be a huge help. These were put up as a cheaper alternative to the other figures.

    We're about to launch a HEAVY METAL : THE ART OF 88 video in the next hour showcasing some of the 88 art with music from Goldsboro ( Sons of Anarchy ) .

  4. The verdict is in... no go on the second custom Minimate. My wife actually called me out and said the dinner better not be some lame excuse to butter her up. But bless her heart, she did let me pledge another $258 for the exclusive 10 Minimates bundle. So I used my work email address to create another account and pulled the trigger on the 10 pack of minimates.

    Damn, at least u got the chance with one. I agree Darth Vader with pink gloves would be great!

    Dude- thats awesome. Thanks ! Don't stress. If all you can do is spread the word it's a huge help. We're doing really good today man, Kay is going to be the happiest blood drenched war mongoring 80 year old woman on Earth soon.

    Is there a MMMV presence on FB ?


    The 2 missing minimates were suppossed to be mystery figures. That should have been written in the body of copy. I'll check with my partner to see if she can unlock the art and add that in now. once buying starts kickstarter locks you out of making changes.


    Twitter is the best way to follow the campaign whether you want to see us make 88 or fall on our face. Please sign up and help spread the word. I believe if ur going to lose ...LOSE BIG and publically. :) gets you in better shape for the the next mission from God.

    I have a few questions -

    How many Mates fans are on this site?

    What are the age groups here ? if one more person calls me the Grandfather of Minimates im going to shoot myself. I'm 43 ! not 88!


    Yes we need to make SHIFT Peter Mayhew taller for sure as a Minimate.

    Digger, your Kick Starter Campaign is full of goodness and I would not be surprised to see you reach your goals once we get closer. Sorry about the nut job in CO taking up the press and media outlets.

    Also not sure if you were joking but...

    PLEASE don't melt those Agent 88s!!! Please Please sell them to the community here! My stomach is churning thinking about a pile of melted mates....

    Colorado was an atomic tragedy- i'd dump my career to bring that kid back- something is seriously wrong with the world.

  6. Just crossed 8k . Been working hard to get our team to push on Facebook as well as calls all over to the right people to sell the Associate prodicer credits and Executive Producer Credits. I need help to get the word out to the rest of the toy world faster.

    Our press releases were held back because of the shooting in Colorado but we're turning it up to 11 over the next few days and I need everyone that cares enough have invested or is considering investing to push all the new material thats going to launch.

    My friend Jon Schnepp who directs Metalocylpse is going to be guest directing an AGENT 88 70's episode which im psyched about. I know that many of you don't know that Kickstarter is the future of creative funding for everything. With this better work is going to come out without the interference of outside parties that are only in it for the money. Creatives can make great stuff and go direct to an audience. Jons following as well as Titmouses following is pretty rad and they're going to get behind me.

    If this means anything to anyone...take a look at how many creative people in the business are rallying behind me in this over the next week . Must be a reason! If we don't cash out on Kickstarer then I'll get the cash privately from an investor and we wont make any of the stuff that's in the campaign which would be a shame because the whole Minimate aspect of it would have really gotten the message out that Minimates matter.

    Here's Jon's last project that he funded for a lot more than Im asking and they were no where near their goals for weeks and had a longer campaign than we have. They were over 100k away with no time left and in the last 5 days days the thing went through the roof and over funded.

    We crossed 8k last night which I was grateful for but I'd really like to see all those A88 Red Mates be gone in the next few days. I put them up here for minimates fans. If anyone could please help push that to the other topic areas that would be great. Look at what other people are offering on Kickstarter and look at what we are offering ? Not even CLOSE. At least 15k of the cash we need to work with goes to making high end books, toys, shirts etc etc.


    pledged of $88,000 goal


    days to go

    New video showcasing the Heavy Metal Art of 88 book coming out later today. GOLDSBORO gave us rights to one of their tracks Great White Buffalo ( Sons Of Anarchy ) for 88 series. IM going to use it for this today so check it out later. They're rad.

    Please help move those A88 Reds. If they dont move in the campaign -Ill melt them into silly red slag -they wont wind up on ebay. :)


  7. AFHUB did an 88 story last night if anyone is interested. I met Peter Go ( AFHUB ) while I was in Manila in 2007 at a convention/ signing and he's been a good friend ever since. His video interviews were hip, cut well and had a rock edge. The philipines is full of rockers and American comic/ toy/ film fans./ I was going to stay there in Cebu to study for awhile but it didn't work out.

    Next life

  8. Someone in UK got Spidey G ! Take care of him he's traveled the world! Not listing his name in case he doesnt want it listed. Took a long time to receive anything back to my email last night. UK gets up earlier. "Mate" was inspired by the English term for Friend. Maybe some poetic justice there.

    Subject: Gold Spidey

    Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 09:36:53 +0100

    Hey digger

    It's uk collector from the multiverse. Just wanted to ask about your gold Spidey. I'm hoping I was first to email, been desperate for one f these since day one.

    Name your price my man!

    Many thanks


  9. My issue is that the Agent 88 high value prizes don't appeal much to me flying out to california and all that show biz stuff is just not where I am at this stage in my life.

    I am more interested in custom mates of my own design and there are only 2 custom mates left. So the max I can put in is maybe another $2000.00 under 2 bogus email accounts but pay for it and ship the same as the other 3 orders. But again that's 5 orders under 5 different email addresses going to just my home address. God damn that site makes buying a really weird process. The sad truth is... I love minimates and only willing to invest in that. And that's not meant as an insult to DIGGER or his artwork.

    If maybe Digger could entertain some real custom mates (I would sell a majority only to this site), I'd be willing to drop 5,000.00+. Like a limited release of my Colonel Tail Slap character. But otherwise...


  10. I just spent the whole afternoon with the the most amazing man ever, writer, dirctor, producer DEMIAN LICHTENSTEIN of 3000 MILES TO GRACELAND. He created a brilliant film with Kurt Russell and Kevin C. One of my heros who somehow lives right around the block from me in a perfect home studio, adjacent to the semi hood I'm raising my infant in. I had a good friend of mine Scott Jay from NYC call me repeatedly to call him, so I did today. He toured me through his gorgeous house. Everything in perfect taste. This man has fought every system his entire life with GENIUS TO BURN. I was walking up a stairwell making small talk with him when Gene Simmon's name came up. I said, "I worked on a few projects with Gene back in the day."

    We reached the top of the stairs and there was ART ASYLUM'S 24 inch Gene Simmons doll in the middle of his living room surrounded by nothing else but things he had collected around the world. I suddenly felt very good about my misunderstood time in the toy industry. Demian had created THE GIFT,his own religion inbetween 3000 MILES and his new video game tranzmedia bad mother fucking concept PAYBACK. Look it up. It's awesome! I can't imagine how much time, love and creativity it takes to create my own from the heart religion inbetween projects.

    This is a man worthy of life long respect. He truly loved what i showed him today and convinced me we are on the right track.

    I only have one gold anything left to give. Sadly, It's not Vorin. I gave him away to someone today. It's my Gold Spiderman. Email me first and it's yours . Take it ! I have enough to carry these days. It's signed, It's my only one, it's war torn from 10 years in Asia and back it's mother fucking yours.



  11. Mates,

    I started a new topic AGENT 88 and Im going to post there if you're interested please come there. Time is burning and we're shorthanded. Thanks!


    ^^^ That's correct Santos. Kickstarter is an "all or nothing" type deal. If Digger reaches or surpasses the 88K he's set then people's CC's get charged and they receive their rewards. If he doesn't reach the goal, he doesn't get any money and people don't get charged. I hope this encourages more Multiversers to contribute now because a 'wait and see' approach will insure these Minimates don't get made.

    EXACTLY ! All or Nothing!

  12. Mates,

    I'll be posting any updates here for the AGENT 88 project for those of you that are interested. We could really use your support to make this project happen.

    At 8 pm EST TONIGHT we will be putting up the last 88 A88 RED Minimates. All of them will be signed. Please spread the word. Comic Con put us radically behind with our campaign and we need to catch up fast.

    Thanks for your support in all this. Anything that anyone ever needs of me please ask . My personal email is



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