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Posts posted by pappymojo

  1. When i think Femmes Fatales i think about women who are as dangerous as they are beautiful.... deadly, sneaky, knife-in-the-ribs dangerous. Covert, cloak & dagger types, rather than power-houses or leader-types. I feel like the title lends itself to women who operate in the shadows a bit.

    Based on previous Femme Fatale minimates, however, it doesn't seem like there is a precedent that they be cloak & dagger types.

  2. Found a Thor/Amaterasu in the Boston area but no Modok set (so far). Disappointed, but noticed that vehicles were on sale for $4.99. Picked up a M.A.X. stealth jet and a battlestar gallactica xylon raider.

    where in the Boston area, which store

    Brockton near the Westgate Mall. No more jets, but they had plenty of KITTs and a BTTF Delorean. Also on sale, X-Men First Class and video game sets (Unchartered, Jax and Dexter, etc.). They also had the new monsters. Guy said they get a new shipment on Thursday.

  3. A potential simple change would be to include a fold out poster that featured a background scene. So, if you buy a two pack with Spiderman and the Green Goblin, it includes a poster for a city skyline background scene. If you buy a x-men two pack it includes a danger room background scene. Probably want it to be non-glossy so that it can be used in photos. This would be especially cool in four pack sets (less fold lines in the poster).

  4. Maria Hill and Coulson as main cast would be enough.

    Except, yaknow, there's that whole

    Coulson's dead

    thing to keep considered and such...

    I thought...

    that coulson was really the vision and that he wasnt dead. there was that scene where coulson was able to break into Stark Industries so easily, plus there was coulson collecting Captain America cards from WWII (since in the comics the Vision was built off of the technology from the original human torch who fought beside Captain America in WWII. Plus we never saw Coulson die we just got Nick Fury's word that he died.

  5. Sigh.

    Niffleheim, Hela rules over Niffleheim, and a realm called "Hel". She is Loki's daughter, born from an afair with a soceress while Loki was secretly amassing dark occult knowledge. In mythology and comics, Odin decreeing the dangerously powerful Hela would rule over the non-honored as a form of banishment was one of the many things that filled Loki's heart with rage against his adoptive father. Hela has little use for her father's schemes. But Odin's later decree that she could no longer expand her realms with mortal souls when Asgard broke formal ties with Midgard made an enemy of the Queen of the Dead. When Thor lead warriors from Asgard to sucessfully thwart one of Hela's schemes, Hela cursed the Thunderer. She banished him to eternal life, and at the same time rendered his bones both brittle and unmending, so Thor would live forever in constant agony. Nice girl, that Hela.

    So she wouldn't have to kill Thor, her infamous Simonson era curse would make for a great obstical for Thor to work through over the course of a movie.

    This could allow for an easy Iron Man cameo, but it could also be saved for the third film. The story of being cursed and fighting through the curse and building the armor to protect his bones could make for a decent movie on it's own.

    Edited for not making good sense.

  6. This will be the first wave I don't pick up all of in some time as I have no interest in Ultimate stuff. Rhino looks beautiful though!

    Have you read Ultimate Spiderman (Miles Morales)? I think it's my favorite comic book being published these days.

  7. I think it would be cool to have artist-inspired Minimates sets, where they showcase four characters with whom the artist is most associated, with design styles based on the artist's drawings.

    For example, I would love an Art Adams four pack but it could be older, silver age artists as well.

    I think this would be pretty cool too, but I wonder if it's just not feasible, since I'd think you'd have to arrange for a licensing deal with the artist in question. I mean, the Thor Stormbreaker box set is pretty darn close to a Walt Simonson set without officially being one, so maybe that's as close as we'll get. And I also wonder if the stock Minimate body allows for an artist's style to really shine through; Torment Spidey doesn't look like he stepped off a Todd McFarlane page, for example.

    Agree that it may be hard to pull off due to licensing, where Jim Lee now works at DC and there are a separate line of toys called "Kirbys" etc., but the reason that I like the idea so much is that it could allow four packs of really varied characters. It would also allow for variations of the character designs while still remaining true to the character. For example, you bring up Walt Simonson. He is rightly associated with Thor but he also was a big part of the original X-Factor which introduced Apocolypse and Death/Archangel. I realize that those characters have already been introduced as minimates as well, but the idea of a retrospective of an artist's career that had characters that might not otherwise be associeated with each other is very appealing to me.

    Salvador Larocca, for example, worked on Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four, Heroes Reborn, Iron Man, Ultimate Electra, etc.

    Plus it would be cool to compare John Byrne Thing versus Salvador Larocca thing or what have you.

  8. Just wanted to introduce myself. I live in Boston, happily married father to twin boys, and just started collecting minimates in 2012. My boys were born last year and I love them. They were born in November and I really struggled with what to buy them as Christmas presents when they were one month old. Ended up buying them 2011 Proof Silver Eagles, figuring they were collectable and should retain some of their value. Since then started reading comic books again (haven't read them in forever, but kept abreast of developing storylines, mostly through reviews on aintitcoolnews). Bought some comics this year and notices Minimates in the store. Didn't buy any for a while though. Finally broke down when the Avengers sets came out at the Disney store. Since then have picked up the Thor four pack (on sale for $7.99), some best of sets (Iron Man/Thing) and (Wolverine, Sabertooth), some Marvel vs Capcom sets (Spiderman, Hulk, TaskMaster, Deadpool) and some of the most recent wave (Spidersense Spiderman/Punisher) and (Daredevil/Kingpin) and a couple of randoms that were on sale (black and white Frankenstein/Dracula) and (Gaby Jones/Hydra Flame Thrower).

    I don't think I'll ever order anything online. I like to buy it in person.

    Plan on separating the toys into two boxes to present to them on their 8th birthday.

  9. I would like a Marrow 'mate, but not sure she fits with the others as she was a baby in the Mutant Massacre and then there was that stupid time-slip storyline where she came back as a teenager with that mutant terrorist group. I think she fits more with the X-men than the morlocks.

    I love Leech. I think he's really underused. Kind of can't stand Artie. Also love Skids (despite the awful name).

    I think it would be cool to have artist-inspired Minimates sets, where they showcase four characters with whom the artist is most associated, with design styles based on the artist's drawings.

    For example, I would love an Art Adams four pack but it could be older, silver age artists as well.

  10. Congratulations! I'm a new father and a new Minimate collector (spurned on by having two boys). Something about being a Dad made me rekindle many geeky obsessions from when I was a young kid. I figure I'll just collect and leave all the minimates in one separate box that they can open on their 8th birthday. Maybe I'll separate them into two boxes, one for each kid.

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