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Posts posted by Roccothegreat

  1. Marvel has a hundred Boba Fetts, and a dozen Darth Vaders, we can't keep them all in production at all times. A lack of immediate plans for a third (living) Bullseye does not equal retirement. Nobody is retired, except zombie heroes.

    And the Fantastic Four. sad.png

    I doubt that will be a permanent retirement.


    Is it possible to include zombie parts of superheros in these? Like a spider man chest in this and an arm in another and so on?

    Pretty sure that's a big no.

    no machine man? im so sad

    Pretty sure he's not allowed in a zombie set.

    On the fence. Yay shots will be a deciding factor. I don't need zombies, but the parts may be useful

    I'll try to get you some yay shots. smile.png And I love that your phone (I assume) autocorrected to that, because that means you say it more often than "tray."

    zach, ultron is allowed though? both machines/robots, plus machine man had a book fighting marvel zombies so i thought it would fit with the set. just curious.

  2. For like a month max! I watch the trading pages on fb and I see the people display it for like a month then it's bye bye to the storage bins. Haha

    But I think dst has been having nice poping packaging lately. But I can see why people would want some fancy stuff but when it comes down to it I rather keep the costs low and have better items then a big fancy box like hasbro and Mattel does anyday!

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