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Posts posted by stegron01

  1. Thundra started as an FF character. The Mad Thinker and his Awsome Android. The Wingless Wizard. She-Thing. Wyatt Wingfoot. There's still plenty of gems left to mine in the FF corner of the 616. Not counting all of the various costume variations.

    But if we're going to mine any corners for unmade charcters, might I not-very-humbly suggest the Avengers beyond Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, and Hank Pym? (not that I don't love them dearly)

    I humbly back you up on that one despite also loving them dearly. And on the FF topic, a frightful 4 to include thundra, trapster, sandman and wizard would be cool imo.

  2. Sorry to hear you've had all those problems with the wave MM. However, I really hope you don't stop collecting - there aren't many board members who seem to want almost the exact same classic marvel characters as me and that even coordinate campaigns to askdst for them! Let's stick with it and hopefully one day we'll get those inhumans and those thor characters! smile.png

  3. Well, there's a thing! Seems like sometimes you go to sleep for a night and when you wake up all manner of exciting things have happened!! I'm pretty excited for both of these although oddly enough I think I'm in the minority who are actually more pleased about lost in space. Something about the obscurity and it's place in tv sci-fi history just kind of appeal I guess...

  4. Honestly i dont care if we only get "movie" Versions of the Movie characters as long as they take the opportunity to give us a wave of Original guardians of the galaxy comic characters, Vance astro, Starhawk, Charlie 27, Martinex, Yondu and Nikki and throw in a Badoon for the army builder

    Yep, this is EXACTLY what I want. I'f be happy to see a modern team too (especially that racoon that I think got mentioned on here once!) but I really like that 1970's team. My first exposure to the GotG was the korvac saga in the avengers and that remains one of my favourite classic stories.

  5. Sounds a good plan. I'm with you all the way!


    Guys, suggest a comic Thor wave to Ask DST. Throw out specific classic Thor characters you can't believe we don't have. Chuck loves old Marvel Comics. I'm not saying Ulik is a no brainer, or Hela, but Enchantress? Executioner? We just announced a Master of Evil, so why not more?

    Chuck always seems pretty receptive to some of the more well known (relatively speaking) Thor characters. I kinda recall him saying he'd like to see the Warrior's Three, Executioner, and Enchantress. And I would too. So, Mystery Man, let me know when you start your Ask DST push. I'll definitely let my voice be heard.

    As for Thor 2 'mates, I really hope Hogun and Fandral make the cut. Hopefully they'll get additional screen time in Thor 2 to justify being in the regular assortments. Based on what's been announced, it looks like we have the potential for some good stuff: Hogun, Fandral, Heimdall, Malekith, Kurse, and Tyr. Maybe some dark elf army builders. I'm definitely more looking forward to Thor 2 'mates than IM3.

    Consider my push started. I just shot off he following to "Ask DST":


    I'd like to put the bug in your ear regarding classic comic book versions of the

    following Thor characters:

    Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Heimdall, Enchantress, Executioner, Hela, Mr. Hyde, Cobra, Grey Gargoyle.

    I think the Jack Kirby designs from their early appearances would be colorful, fun and compliment the existing comic-book Thor minimates. Any of these characters may or may not get made in "Thor 2" movie assortments... but the comic book versions really stand out in my mind as some incredibly unique costumes that would translate wonderfully to Minimate designs.

    I'll even lend you guys my copy of "The Mighty Thor" Omnibus featuring all these characters from the beginning of Thor's stories at Marvel if it'll help. Seriously.

    Thank you for your consideration,


    There are plenty others I'd like... but I'm a Silver Age fool, so that's what gets my love.

    And yes, it's 10 characters... 2 more than a what a regular series encompasses. But I don't get to do the planning on 'mates... just the wishing for characters from the 1960's. thumbsup.gif

    Well done for getting the campaign started MM and a very well worded question which I couldn't have put better myself - as DST will discover when I send off something very similar to them in the next couple of days!

    Oh and regarding Frog Thor, ironically enough I don't feel too strongly about him compared to the supporting cast/villains as I have never read that story but I generally like my minimates the standard size and thus "proper" minimates. Since we have a 2" galactus, we may as well have a 2" frog thor in my opinion.

  6. You forgot Grey Gargoyle, Mr. Hyde, the afore mentioned Wrecking Crew, Mongoose, and Quicksand, just so the Midgard side of Thor's Rogues' Gallery is represented.wink.png

    Sorry, my head was clearly in "Asgardian mode", thanks for the help there. tongue.png

    Oh and while we are discussing him, I actually liked the stone man - he was a case of a minimate I never expected to see so came as one of those pleasant surprises DST throws at us from time to time!

  7. Good to see these are out and a great deal at only $53 shipping to the uk!!!ermm.gif

    i'd noticed shipping seems to have gone up in the last couple of days to the UK but thats ridiculous

    Absolutely! I can only think they must hand deliver! lol

    On a more serious note though, you are right, shipping to the uk does seem to have gone up suddenly. Slightly unfortunate with so many cool minimates coming out!

  8. Interesting debate. Now that I think about it I guess thor's supporting cast, ie friends, have done pretty well in being "minimated" (is that a word?) and are perhaps second only to spidey's. However, in my opinion you would be hard pushed to find a more colourful and interesting-looking bunch than the asgardians, so it's not surprising that they translate well. I guess as an old school thor fan I'm just greedy and want the warriors 3 etc too. Oh and maybe a don blake as we now getting a few more civilians/alter egos!

    However, it's his villains that I'd really like to see increased as they are still pretty sparse (loki aside). I appreciate they aren't exactly "A" listers but enchantress, executioner, ulik, surter, hela and a comic accurate larger destroyer for example would all make great minimates imo. Still, in a way I guess it's nice to think maybe there's as much chance of getting some of these characters in a non-movie year too...

  9. Why is there no other time to make Thor comic Minimates than during a Thor movie period? We make obscure characters all the time, and I'm sure Thor's characters are as likely as others. We aren't Hasbro, and Minimates aren't Marvel Universe, so making comic Thor Minimates when movie Thor Minimates are out hurts sales of both.

    And Marvel may "frown" on multi-movie box sets, but our license for each film only lasts a relatively short period of time, like a year, so we'd only ever be able to mash up two movies, max.

    I wasn't suggesting that thor comic minimates could only appear when a thor movie comes out Zach, in fact I hope and am glad that's not the case as he's my favourite marvel hero and his minmate rogue's gallery/supporting cast is still relatively small compared to most of the other "movie stars". My thoughts were only based on past observation when it seems that often comic related releases for a character seem to coincide with their movies, eg wave 36 around iron man 2, TRU12 which gave us balder, crossbones etc. around the time of the thor and cap movies. Thus, a thor movie seemed a likely time for maybe a couple more. But you are right, you do frequently make obscure characters and that is a large part of the fun when it comes to guessing what you are going to release next, and I hope you know that's much appreciated.:)

  10. No comic-based Thor assortment planned, but definitely movie Minimates. The designs are, as they say in Asgard, muy fantastico.

    Good, if unsurprising, to hear there will there will be movie 'mates for thor 2 though disappointing if not even one new thor comic character gets made, simply because there doesn't seem like any other time they are likely to get made. Still. hopefully this just means there's plenty of time to plan the

  11. I think this was one of those occasions where there were so many awesome characters in the poll that whoever won we would always be clamouring for more! I was very happy overall as I voted for songbird and zemo, and as an old school avengers fan first and foremost I was really glad to see daddy zemo as the variant! However, black knight was probably my top want from all the characters featured and I suspect he may be quite a long way off getting made as there aren't the same film opportunities for him to be brought to the fore as maybe there are for falcon or winter soldier for example. However the main point has to be what a great thing it was for Zach to organise it and let's hope it does well as a wave to maybe make something similar possible in future - and of course keep him popular at DST!

  12. Missed out on all the "alternative venue" chatter about this wave last week sadly but just wanna say I'm generally pretty impressed by the line-up! I wasn't too excited to hear it was Marvel Now! as I prefer characters in their classic looks generally but it's nice to see some fairly unexpected character choices in an LCS wave like this. I really expected the latest versions of the ususal heavy hitters tbh so to get sauron, shanna and maria hill in particular was a great surprise! Also good to hear about the steve rogers parts with nfj as it pretty much gives us 2 figures in one! :thumbsup: Let's hope we get sharon carter parts with maria hill too... :whistling:

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