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Posts posted by bigvis497

  1. An updated Leader with sculpted shoulderpad-collar piece would be nice. He should come with two heads, the long head similar to the first release, and an alternate "popcorn" head

    I would love to see the Astonishing X-Men done proper (especially Beast, and a John Cassady Wolverine with very short mask) but it seems unlikely now since we're beginning to see a lot of the San Fransisco costumes, which only have some minor alterations from the Astonishing versions. But in my mind, the Cassady-designed Astonishing costumes are much better, the San Fransisco costumes are too faux-90's for me.

  2. This generation doesn't have it so bad with the "female figures don't sell" theory. If anyone collected figures in the early 90s, you would know what I mean. Us X-Men fans had Storm, then for a while nothing. We got Rogue and Phoenix years later, and they were hard as hell to find. Now we get Dani Moonstar and Magma in the same pack. We've come a long way baby!

  3. There were more then two Quasars. Wendell Vaughan and Phyla-Vell the most notable. Richard Rider was briefly Quasar and Nuetron from the Shi'ar Imperial Guard was once called Quasar. I would love to see a Wendell Vaughan minimate, off the top of my head, I don't think he's ever been made in any toy form.

  4. FINALLY found the TRU series! Picked up MODOK and Doom sets. Didn't notice any of the tampo/breakage problems that others have mentioned. There were 3 MODOK sets total. Surprised how freakin' wide he is, every box I saw was bulging out with MODOK goodness (ewww). The tape was just barely holding him in on all three sets I saw, kind of surprised DST didn't use a bigger box. For MOC collectors, it might be tough finding a NM MODOK/Akuma. Lucky I'm not an MOC guy!

  5. I REALLY wanna see how DST would do up Shuma-Gorath.

    I'm guessing it would be a combination of the Ghostbusters ghosts (body on a clear stand) and something like the six-armed Spider-Man, but with tentacles instead of arms. After MODOK, I think anything is possible :biggrin:

  6. The exchangability of minimate parts and accessories definitely works in Power Pack's favor. The kids changed abilities with each other quite a few times. As far as the height issue, Puck is already out of the bag and he looks fine. I say give them all slipper feet and really cutesy-up the faces to make them look younger.

    And would we get a Snark army builder and maybe a Kofi in a TRU wave :rolleyes:

  7. Impossible Man is listed as 6'4" (variable) in the handbooks. He can shrink to Franklin size but is usually drawn at regular human height. I don't think he would look out of place at all using the regular body.

  8. Wow, everything looks incredible!

    Just a couple questions; what exactly is the criteria for getting a TRU exclusive sticker? Because as fas as I can tell, these are all unique.

    A suggestion for the future, for characters like Iron Man who show up frequently is it possible to bring back the prefixed names? Like "Extremis" Iron Man, "Neo Classic" Iron Man, etc. Its less confusing that way.

    Really can't wait to pick these up, all the TRU series have been incredible!

  9. These are all great looking figures coming out . . . but i wonder if maybe we could have seen the selling power of SpiderMan & Cap used to release a more B character in two separate packs, rather then both together? SpiderMan & Puma, then Cap & Madame Hydra or some such.

    I was wondering why we're even getting an Ultimate Cap in this wave, wasn't he just done within the past couple years? And I believe Cap has only had one costume (besides the WWII stuff). DST has been good about giving us alternate costumes or features when it comes to "necessary evil" characters like Spidey or Iron Man, is there anything that differentiates this Cap? I would have liked to have seen one of Spidey's rogues instaed.

  10. Kind of surprised that Alpha Flight never really got a fair representation in any toyline before. There's something about the designs that just screams toy-friendly. Looking forward to Sasquatch/Shaman/Snowbird/Aurora and Vinidicator/Box!

    Yeah, there were three Toy Biz 5" 2-packs. Not bad figures at all.

    And Byrne does great costume design. Most of his stuff is very toyetic. His stories often veer off in unexpected, un-kid-friendly directions, though.

    I remember those, they were pretty hard to find. I think they came out when the 5" ToyBiz line was pretty much dead, and they were fluctuating bewtween 5" and 6" figures and couldn't seem to decide on which. We never got any Alpha Flight when the X-Men line was at it's peak. It's nice to get nearly the whole team all in one shot!

  11. Yesss! These came in the mail today, some quick notes:

    Marrina's hair and Guardian's mask are TIGHT. Both made a trip to the ice cube tray to loosen up. Interesting, Marrina has a peghole head but no peg on her hairpiece. Is this re-used from an older mate I'm not aware of? Just seems odd.

    Hoping that Aurora gets a single leg flight base so I can match her with Northstar. I use the double leg base for Guardian.

    That Puck handstand is so many kinds of cool, wondering if we'll see it on a future Spider-Man or other acrobatic characters.

    I can't explain it, but Puck just looks so...right. Even though he's not quite to scale there's just something so iconic about how he was done, might be my favorite in the set.

    Need to stress again how awesome it is to be able to create alternate looks without needing to buy unwanted variants. Two looks for Northstar and three (!!) for Guardian. No other toyline gives you bang for your buck like Minimates.

    Kind of surprised that Alpha Flight never really got a fair representation in any toyline before. There's something about the designs that just screams toy-friendly. Looking forward to Sasquatch/Shaman/Snowbird/Aurora and Vinidicator/Box!

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