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Posts posted by rabozza

  1. Found some finally at the 3rd TRU i've visited. They even had a hulk through teh ages, and age of ultron set on the shelf still.

    All of the minimates I saw were clearanced (Even tomb raider).

    You sure about that? Hulk TTA and Age of Ultron were not released at TRU.

    absolutely. they were both labelled 19.99, and what made me really remember them was they had the prices sticker stuck on the plastic in front of the mates so you couldn't see them as opposed to being on teh cardboard box somewhere.

  2. I checked 2 of the 3 TRU's in my area and so far as I can tell they are not carrying any new mates. They have a small clearance section of walking dead, sfvtekken, and a couple random monster ones but that's all. One had a few wave 16 on clearance also (i believe 5 or 6 bucks).


  3. I guess it all just depends on what your definition of 'what it was meant to be' is. I personally feel that it's going it's own way and still holds true to itself.

    I have not read ultimate iron man mini's so i have no opinion one way or the other on them.

    to each their own.

    The Ultimate universe is a complete mess now. I've kept up with it (wasted time), and it's unrecognizable from what it was meant to be. Iron Man has had 3 or 4 different "origins", the X-Men corner is, at least to me, more confusing then the 616 mid 90's X-Men. And this is all coming from someone that enjoyed Ultimatum....

  4. I enjoyed all of the lines through and past ultimatum. I never really read spider man initially (i picked it up later in trades), but his death in the ultimate universe was very well done. Ultimate X-men has been pretty good lately also even though it did have a bit of a slow start under Wood.

    I disagree that the characters don't matter in the ultimate universe. I believe they simply put more emphasis on the stories and allowed them to play out regardless of the ending which is something the main Marvel and DC universe simply doesn't allow to happen. Reed Richards a bad guy in the Ultimate line is a well written story in the main universe that is retconned where it was only a dopple ganger pretending to be Reed (ala Grant Morrison's new x-men run with Magneto).

    Enough people enjoy the line that it keeps it going. If it was as terrible as ya'll describe, and universally hated then it would have been cancelled years ago.

    Mainstream marvel adopted some of the ideas that the Ultimate universe was doing, because they were good ideas. The problem is when mainsteram marvel adopted them it was no longer cutting edge, it was the norm. That doesn't mean that what they are doing is bad, it only means that where the Ultimate line stood alone, it now stands alongside other books and can't differentiate itself as much.

    The same thing happened to Wildstorm via DC. Only worse.

  5. I may be incorrect, but i don't kirkman has written an issue of thief of thieves. I believe it started off as his idea and he helped plot some, but i believe each arc was written by someone other than kirkman.

    There are certainly better comic writers, but to say Kirkman is terrible is pretty silly.

    To the topic at hand though, i enjoy the series, but not sure how interested I am in the mates. Invincible yea, thief of thieves.. not sure yet. If it takes me to buy some to help this line succeed so we get more Image mates though i'll do it.

  6. has been wierd today. when i got up this morning they had 60 listings for minimates, now they're back up to 94 (yesterday it was 98). not sure what's happening over but they're all over the place today.

  7. As a life long X-men fan i have to disagree with everyone on the quality of X-Men & X2. I thought they were both terrible.

    I did think First Class was decent though and of all 4 of the movies it was the only one I would personally consider good even though the characters were kind of all over the place as far as the roster goes. To each their own though.

    However the Wolverine movie though was easily as bad as Daredevil.

  8. I get the feeling that this is as far as this line is going to go. I hope I'm wrong but every year we see art or even prototypes that don't get the retailer demand needed to move forward. I think we're looking at one now. confused.gif

    I know people who are HUGE invincible fans that will buy these that do not otherwise purchase minimates.

    The comic has a pretty cultish following. I think it'll sell well enough. But we'll see.

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