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Posts posted by Wes

  1. Great stuff! I love the tweaks to Magma and I really like the idea of using the Human Torch appendages for Rachel! I am definitely going to borrow a few of these tweaks! Thanks for posting and can't wait to see more!


    I've only used clear decals but I'm going to try white with my next project. The benefit of white is you can use white in your design without applying the decal to a white base. The drawback is matching decal color to paint color for seamless appearance.

  2. Thanks! I'll post my other team pics tomorrow. It was fun seeing them together. I didn't use any decals on any of these. I just watched ebay and found them here or there loose or in inexpensive lots. Definitely took me a while to gather enough!

    As for the Marauders, I might not remember every part, but I'll take better pictures and put them in my thread over in the custom section. They are super easy recipes. :)

    quote name='Jatta Pake' timestamp='1351387103' post='249265']

    Would you be able to give a recipe for the Reavers? They are awesome!!

  3. Hey guys!

    Here are some of my team photos. These are all Xmen based, and many of them are mods using existing minimate parts to make new costumes or characters. I took some license with some of the costumes, mostly because I like to use parts already out there instead of painting, etc. I have to take a lot more pictures to get all of the teams I've put together, but here is what I have taken pics of so far.

  4. thanks Rheul! i really love your stuff, so I take that as a great compliment! feel free to rip off too! Some of my customs were inspired or downright ripped off from others too! Just finished a couple more. :)

    Next up, I'm still working on Rusty, Skids, Sunspot, and I've gotten some ideas for revamping my Hellfire Club a bit. :)

  5. i know what you mean! I was just about to upgrade Banshee's hair when I realized that we are hopefully getting a new one really soon!

    let's see about recipes for those:

    Moira- Anne Bonny head, 24 Nina hair, Nova torso and legs, Drax belt and boots, jacket from battlestar galactica guy. :)

    Shaw- Clarice Starling's jacket and arms, any green legs (I think I used Iron Fist) with the white stockings painted on, Shaw hair from the X-movie, can't remember who the face was..., decal by Luke. :)

    Pierce- Captain Britain hair, face I can't remember, jacket from 24 Jack, legs from AOA Sabretooth with stockings painted on, decal by luke. :)

    Leland- head/beard from Thor's rotund friend from the Thor movie..., decal by Luke, but recolored by me, jacket taken and modified from a 24 character, pants came from a Star Trek guy, I think..with white stockings painted on, I also used a First appearance beast chest piece to make him look fatter.

    Wyngarde- hair from battlestar galactica guy, face is from a Wolverine (the one with bone claws, maybe from the movie), jacket from Anne Bonny, boots from another pirate, decal by Luke, legs are Ocean Master

    Havok- Angel headpiece, Terminator jacket, ghostbuster guy's arms for the rolled up sleeves, Hawkeye hands, X-factor Cyclops chest, Captain America legs and belt with 90s Cyclops straps.

    Polaris- Polaris head, She-Hulk hair, Shadowcat arms, 90s Jean shoulder pads, AOA Wolverine legs, 90s Cyclops belt modified, 90s Cyclops gloves, First Appearance Marvel Girl boots and chest, tiny X-sticker applied

    Wolfsbane- Wolfsbane head with Wolverine hair, 90s Wolverine shoulder pads, First Class Marvel Girl chest, Wolfsbane arms and legs, 90s Cyclops belt modified, x-sticker applied

    Multiple Man- Madrox head, altered First Appearance Beast mask with x-sticker applied, Madrox coat, AOA Cyclops chest and legs, First Appearance X-men belt, 90s Cyclops boot strap things

    Strong Guy- Cyclops head, Storm mohawk modified, 90s Cyclops gloves and boot strap things, AOA cyclops legs, blue arms from someone, silver shoulder pads from two different Magik figures, extender feet from maybe Ant Man or some derivation, First Appearance Beast chest piece and tiny x-sticker applied.

    Hope this helps, and if you need any other recipes, just let me know! I'm a little fuzzy on where some of the faces came from, but I'm sure someone here knows, or I can check the Minimates database. :)

  6. Thanks so much! I am actually working on a few over the next few days, and I'll post them when they are done. I have an 80s Colossus, 80s Rachel Summers Phoenix, X-force Sunspot (orange shirt), Rusty and Skids in the works. Had to take some artistic license with a few of them, but still excited to get to them. :)

  7. Hey guys! I just recently got into both collecting and customizing Minimates, and I have to say, this site is awesome! I have gotten so many great ideas from looking at your customs, seeing the decals created by many talented people, etc. My customs are all pretty much kit bashes at this point. I try to avoid painting whenever possible. I have created a couple of decals, but i have also borrowed many from Luke (thanks!!), and i have gotten a ton of idea from other people on this forum and elsewhere, so hope you don't mind me borrowing. :). I have a lot of customs to post, all focused on the X-Men. Let me know what you think!

    Here's some more!

    Here's some more again...


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