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Posts posted by mcg031

  1. Inter changeable parts is interesting but the idea of having parts to an another character would open the door to B or C characters like Mockingbird,The Wrecking Crew or......Blue Marvel :) just saying

  2. Very disappointed not 1 minimate on display in the Cincinnati area Toys R Us let alone wave 19 I'm getting the feeling that I'm going to miss this whole wave just like how I miss the wave that had Miles Morales and the Rhino

  3. With the conclusion of Spider-verse and the "love" of Spiderman Chuck has I don't see why there isn't a Spider-verse wave coming in the near future. If you read it you'll notice all the other versions of Spiderman you see that look awesome and add the fact the Peter really didn't do anything until the last issue. But losing out on these potential characters in a minimate form would be a shame....

  4. Here is a copy of my receipt. I hope it helps. I can take pictures of the UPC later in the day.

    What makes this whole finding wave 19 frustrating is the fact that I went to the Toys R Us web site and did the whole chat online feature and they have no clue what's going on basically saying it's not in yet but people are buying these across the country

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