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Posts posted by MiniMateVigilante

  1. Unless this is the 80's property... Classic 80's Byrne-era Alpha Flight!

    Shouldn't be. There will be 2 different AFX sets. IIRC the 80's property one will be the start of a new license. Personally, I'm rooting for Star Trek The Next Generation.

    Didn't Zach say it was from a license with all nonhuman characters?

  2. I have every Minimate that Ivan shows on his magnificent Database . I have every packaging variation that there is a picture of on Ivan's Database.... bar two....these two post-638-0-52824000-1339857879_thumb.jpg post-638-0-38863300-1339857932_thumb.jpg .

    Oddly enough the only promo that Ivan doesn't show a packaging picture of is Yellow Toy Fair 2003 ...same year,same colour that I'm missing . I have official packaged items that do not appear on the Database ...all of which are C3.

    The Canadian Tongue-out pack is perhaps my favourite packaging variant of all ,I have a few & they're like old friends of mine. :biggrin:

    All that sounds a bit pompous ,forgive me but how do I answer truthfully without sounding so ?

    ...... & while were at it if I'm meant to be a Minimate legend :lol: then Ivan is a real live Minimate deity .....we are so fortunate to have him & the MMDB.

    Raise your glasses, Rob and Ivan!

  3. Thanks! Six hours later, I've just finished sorting/rebagging them all, haha. This weekend I'm going to resort my entire collection (probably around 6 or 7 hundred 'mates) and bag the figures by wave/set.

  4. So... that Kingpin would make an awesome Big Boss custom with a different head and a hairpiece.

    What. I can't be the ONLY one here who wants custom COPS Minimates.

    Blob's face, a widow's peak hairpiece and a silver hand should do the trick. Maybe Venkman's hairless cat as a stand in for his weasel pet thing...

  5. And for the Captain America and the Avengers game, we still need Whirlwind, Living Laser and Wizard.

    And a white Vision... hey I'd buy that as a boxed set. :thumbsup:

    After that we can start on the Children of the Atom missing characters. Blob, Pyro, Wen-Di-Go!

    How long was Vision like that in the comics? I don't think I've ever read any with him in that costume.

  6. Batroc will not join the Toad group. We will, however, gladly join with Falcon to make, without hyperbole, the World's Greatest Cap-Related 2 Pack Ever.

    I like the way this man thinks.

    Batroc was in the first ever Marvel comic I ever read ("War and Remembrance" trade paperback, which reprinted the Stern/Byrne run) so I would absolutely love a Minimate of him. And on that note where's my Baron Blood?

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