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Posts posted by Garrison

  1. They are the mini-figs, but the case ratio sucks:


    It's going to be difficult to track down any Bowsers. :verymad:

    Thanks for the info Lurch! I will definitely be on the lookout for those Bowser's then. The one Target I found these in had all of the figures except for Bowser.

  2. Red Skull fully revealed:


    Oh yes, he will be mine. :D

    I would really like to get this, as well as the Captain America Hot Toys figure as I loved the movie (I did manage to get all of the movie minimates though). However I currently have the '89 Nicholson Joker and Keaton Batman on order and can't afford these two as well.

  3. Has anyone else seen the individual figures being sold at retail? Target had them when I stopped in yesterday. Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, and Bowser were supposed to be available, though I couldn't find Bowser. Best of all they aren't blind-bagged.

    Hey Stack, did you actually buy any of these? I saw these as well (my Target didn't have Bowser either) and just wanted to make sure that they were in fact mini-figs. From feeling the bags, they felt more like parts to make a small accessory. I just wanted to make sure that the actual figures were in there before I picked up any. My son has the Mario bike and the figures are really nice. I'd like to get them for myself without having to buy any of the sets if possible.

  4. Jeff, I just wanted to say that as a renewed Minimate fan, these interviews are awesome! Actually your whole site is pretty awesome. However seeing those designs for Batman Begins 'mates that never came to be, is truly heartbreaking. I'm hoping that Zach's cryptic answer regarding new properties could mean the possible return of DC Minimates. Even if DST could only get the licensing to do the movie properties (The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel), I'd be a happy man!

  5. Wow, I'm honored to be the 2,000th Member! I had no idea when I signed up.

    Way to go MMMV! :thumbsup:

    Does Garrison get some type of prize? Like a gold watch?

    More like a Gold Spidey*!

    *i.e., a Riot Attack Spidey covered with gold spray paint

    I'll take either one! :biggrin:

    "And when they numbered 2000, Zachariah of the Grain delivered unto them many revelations, beginning with the revelation that more revelations would be later revealed. And Chuck descended from on high and held aloft the purple and green grail, and he called it Kang. And to each of the 2000 he gave a Kang, and though it be small in size, it was magnificent to behold, and the 2000 cried out though as one, "Our Kang is come!" And they lived out their days in peace and harmony, until the groundhog called out for the squirrel."

    The Book of Minimates, 20:12

    I've only lurked around the site for a few weeks, but man you guys are jonesing for a Kang Minimate, aren't you! You hear that Zach? Give these guys a Kang already! The 2,000th hath spoken! :tongue:

    Welcome to the Multiverse, Garrison! Don't let these weirdos scare you off ;)

    Don't worry NorthRaider, I won't.

  6. Welcome to the Multiverse! :D You should get your son Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and some MVC3 Minimates, they're pretty awesome. I have Iron Man and he comes with a cool proton cannon, with Dormammu and Trish on the way.

    Thanks Dio! I actually was planning on picking up some of these sets as I am a Street Fighter fan and it's looks like I will be able to pick up some of the figures that I missed out on in the short-lived Street Fighter sets.

    Welcome to the multiverse, and welcome back to Minimates!

    I think you'll from the MMMV is a great source of for finding out more about minimates. To get some idea on what's been happening in minimates over the last few years, i can not recommend highly enough. It's the best visual catalogue online. Accept no substitutes!

    And if you're trying to track down some of the releases from years gone by, you should definitely check out the Buy/Sell thread & the Trades thread.

    Thanks Nessex! I actually have been visiting the Database quite a lot lately just trying to figure out what sets I've missed. And I will definitely be checking out these threads as there are a lot of 'mates that I need to pick up.

    First of all welcome back to the immensly awesome world of Minimates, i hope you have fun on the Minimate Multiverse Forum and of course don't forget the database here


    We're in the same boat really me and you, I got into them because of the c3 sets i purchased from a friend who was selling them, i'm now back (just recently) rebuying up the ones I missed and playing catchup, learning about some of the newer released MvsC Minimates that Dio mentioned.

    I hope you have alot of fun collecting them, and hopefully you'll drop by on a regular basis to read and contribute.

    Welcome back.


    Thanks Rich! There are actually some C3 sets that I didn't pick up back then that I'm kicking myself for not getting. Hopefully, slowly but surely I'll be able to get all the DC Minimates that I missed (even though it will probably hurt my wallet big time).

    Welcome to the 'verse, Garrison! Sounds as if you have a lot to catch up on. Enjoy!

    Thanks Bob! BTW I really dig on your customs!

    hello from the uk

    Hello from the States! :biggrin:

    I'm glad you signed up! :)

    Thanks to you! :biggrin:

    Welcome to the best forum on the net

    Thanks Eclipse!

    Welcome to the best forum on the net

    Seconded, welcome aboard!

    Thanks Youbastards!

  7. Hello everyone! I was sent in this direction by Luke Porter after I purchased some Minimates from his store. Now I'm not really new to Minimates as my first purchase was one of the DC comic C3 sets (can't remember which one offhand) back when that was the only way we could get DC Minimates. I ended up picking up quite a few of the C3 sets as I loved the figures. However after the C3 line came to an end, I kind of forgot about Minimates (what can I say, I'm a DC fan). That was until I took my son to my LCBS and he asked if he could get The First Appearance Ironman and Hulk two-pack. So after taking the pack home and messing around with the figures, I remembered how much fun Minimates were. I then started to look into what I had missed out on since the C3 days (I had no idea there were DC comic two-packs, Ghostbusters and BTTF) and found these great Minimate resources (including this forum and Luke's store). So here I am, trying to get back into the swing of all things Minimate while trying to play catchup on sets I missed out on (including those elusive DC two-packs). Thanks for letting me join the club!

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