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Posts posted by MiniMage

  1. Been waiting for someone to make an AT Thread! I honestly gotta say I really like this show. The art style is simple yet colorful. As for the writing, it's alright for what it is. I'm no hard-core fan but AT is a show in my top list, along with Young Justice and Avatar.

    Yeah, its a great show! Another property that could be a great fit for Minimates. With all of Jake's various looks and the supporting characters, it could be a great replacement to the Thundercats boxsets.

    I have been fantasizing about AT Minimates for a while...

    Absolutely love this show. And the fact that my 4-year-old daughter and I can enjoy it together for totally different reasons. I don't know how well they would translate into minimates though, some un-minimate-friendly designs. That said, I'd love to see DST take a shot at it. Give me a Lumpy Space Princess mate!

    If they ever do get the license they could do a slimer-esque design for Lumpy Space Princess.
  2. Woah! That's alooooot of accessories. I have the Deadpool Corps set and I loved that one so this'll be great! I'm alright with every character. Deadpool has so many costumes I'm alright with getting any of them in no particular order. Great job, Zach!

  3. Come on Young Avengers...Come on Young Avengers!!!

    On a more serious note I do think it's gonna be just another so called "hodgepodge" wave. And I sort of like those kinds of waves more. Since with Movie Waves we already have a general depiction of what the lineup's gonna be.

  4. Whedon debunked the Planet Hulk movie talk.

    George Lucas debunked Episode 7 ever happening, so.......

    I respect Whedon enough to take him at his word, but he doesn't own the characters and he's bound by what Marvel wants him to say. Marvel might actually have a different direction for the Hulk, but Planet Hulk does make a lot of sense, and while it would be expensive, it would blow the doors off some serious merchandising, which Marvel is incredibly fond of.

    Maybe the official story will wind up being that they "changed their minds" and decided to go with Planet Hulk? Things change all the time in Hollywood. Or maybe they will go a different direction with Hulk alltogether.

    The key is, they can do Planet Hulk any time, they can save it for years down the road or begin with it. But the main consideration is they could largely do it without using Mark Ruffalo, as it's the only storyline that works without him. Anything on Earth, and the fans will expect to see him. Since Ruffalo is only under contract for 6 movies, maybe this will come around after his contract is over? Then maybe they'll pay him for a cameo?

    I think the Movie-verse is too young for a Planet Hulk movie. We don't have any part of the Illuminati besides Tony and after The Avengers it made Banner and Stark look like best buds. Although it is a possibility that Marvel could change their minds. Once the fickle little Executives realize that it could be their best movie yet. Like you said they can save or use it immediately.

  5. The Ant Man costume looks alright. I highly doubt Nathan Fillion get's the role.According to that

    video there's an acclaim for him. But the thing I'm wondering about the movie if it's going to be either Scott Lang or Hank Pym.

    As for Doctor Strange I'm excited because the Sorcerer Supreme is one of my favorite Marvel Characters. Sad to say the guy doesn't even have his own Marvel NOW! title.

    Is Planet Hulk Phase 3 as well?

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