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Posts posted by fatcow

  1. Man, you had me until you promised that women's asses wouldn't be falling out. Who the hell wants to go to a gym without women's asses falling out? :angry:

    Anyway, I was going to suggest Pop Fitness, as in Pop Culture, but then I realized that would sound like you're catering to grandpas, so... how 'bout Crisis of Infinite Fitness? Best I've got on short notice.

    Ass falling = strip club. Haha, from a male perspective I do understand what you're saying but I feel like gyms have a creepy sexual vibe nowadays that I don't get. I mean I truly want to help people and don't have the patience for people who come to the gym for a social experience that doesn't include seriously working out. I want people to do a crazy hard work out, get results and relax in our lounge playing arcade games, drinking tea or just talking about things that don't involve Jersey Shore or any of the Kardashians. I know its asking for a lot but I know there is a market and a lot of like minded people on the forum too.

    If you're ever in Chicago you must stop by.

    Trying to build a life size Dalek for a center piece right now!

    Thanks again everyone and the ideas are much appreciated!


  2. No dumbbells or cardio machines? What type of equipment will you have? Kettlebells? Pilates equipment? Who's your clientele?

    As for names:

    Arkham Athletics

    Hyperion Fitness

    The Secret Lair

    The Hero Lab

    Calisthenica Gym and Collectibles

    The Exerciseum

    Grayson's Gym

    Chi-Town Playground

    The Chill Fitness & Collectibles

    Awesome names! There is a huge gap in Chicago in the fitness market for gyms catering to people who want to workout without the ego and weird sexual tension in most big gyms. No creepy personal trainers at our gym, and there will be a dress code that insures the following wont happen :women's asses aren't falling out of their clothes, men with unnecessarily tight shorts and essentially our gym not being a meat market. We are opening up in the Wicker Park area next to a lot of small, unique businesses ...I mean there is a coffee house with a delorean in it. Yes...a full size, replica BTTF delorean. So we are catering to a group of people that I can't put a label on but hope that helped.

    Equipment wise we have an indoor running track, weight sleds, kettlebells, pull up/dip stations, battling ropes, climbing ropes, plyos , a boxing ring, bags , tires/hammer combo, ube machines and a large matted area . Personally while I have trained with weights extensively , most of my life has been spent as a pro Muay Thai fighter so I believe a lot in functional training.

    BTW I just secured a deal on a 6 player X-men arcade machine...pretty excited.

    Keep the names coming guys.

  3. Aren't businesses registered at the state level, where it is ok for a gym in California to have the same name as one in Chicago? That is how it works for our engineering company. There is one in Texas with the same name, but legally it is fine since they are registered in different states. Maybe this other company is just trying to squeeze money out of you, even though they have no legal ground to stand on?

    Yes they are, this guy has his business registered in multiple states despite not actually running any businesses in said states under that name. I guess a rich guy with nothing to do.

    Love the names guys! I'm definitely going to be posting pictures of the construction process on here so you guys can join me on the journey. I get to buy lots of cool stuff haha.

    Some other suggestions I got from people :

    Dragon Slayer's : Fitness For The Discerning Dungeon Crawler

    The Minotaur & The Mermaid ( from my wife, suggesting the minotaur represents the male population of the gym and the mermaid the female )

    I'm leaning towards a name rooted in mythology perhaps, something sounding somewhat upscale. I realize I'm asking a lot guys and fifty dollars isn't much but its someone's to claim! Have at it!

    p.s. Any MMMV members ever in Chicago feel free to drop buy, planning on displaying my MM collection too!

    Fatcow's Sweat Shack

    This would inspire me to go.

    You could also go with a mix of the pop culture stuff and excercise and call it RetroActive.

    Or, similar to that, since you lost the name rights you could call the place REDACTED. I guess you'd have to pay Zach Oat fees for that probably.

    So far in the lead we have RetroActive!!!!!

    Everyone involved with the gym loves the name, if we end up going with this the money is groundhog's BUT there is still time for someone else to beat this. If anyone has any ideas on how to add to RetroActive, either a caption or additional words that would be much appreciated! You guys are awesome! Seriously, I am blown away by how nice everyone is.

  4. Hey guys, as you may or may not know I'm opening up a gym in Chicago. Its going to be an alternative fitness place with equipment that isn't used in traditional gym e.g no dumbbells or cardio machines. Because of the part of Chicago we are opening in and the fact that I am a huge comic book,sci-fi and general pop-culture buff we are decorating the gym like one would a comic book store or other similar geek outlet.

    With this comes the issue of finding a name, we had an identity designed but were contacted by a now defunct business in California who we had never met or spoken to saying they had already registered the name and asked for an obscene some of money to sell it to us.

    We now in a pickle, everything has been thrown off and we need a new name. Here's where the "contest" comes in.

    Name the gym. It doesn't have to be directly fitness related, but can be. We have some keywords that we would like to work in but again they don't matter .

    Keyword: athletics, club, fitness

    General idea of the business : Limited member gym with a balanced gender ratio, creating a serious environment to get results in.

    We are intending on having arcade machines strewn throughout the place, prop replicas, comic busts and of course minimates.

    Prizes :

    If we go with the name, which after posting this if I don't follow up I will have a lot of explaining to do, you get 50 dollars ( not a huge amount but we are a small business after all ) and since we will be getting t-shirts printed regularly with novelty slogans , logos and other coolness on them you will receive one of every t-shirt, depending on when we print new ones.

    Not a huge prize but hey, I've exhausted options and this is a very creative community.

    Sorry if I wasted anyone's time!

  5. Thank you for the information! That is very helpful. :)

    If you do decide to go with a protein powder, and you're not going to be buying different brands to be had at different times of the day I'd suggest going with a blended protein e.g one that has whey protein, casein, egg and other protein varieties in it. Again if you need help picking, pm me or ask someone knowledgeable about nutrition. DO NOT trust any employees at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, they either try to sell you the most expensive product, a cheaper one and then they suggest a companion product, or they won't provide any helpful information at all. No offense to anyone who works at a nutritional supplement retail store, just speaking from my experience. There are of course always exceptions.

  6. Do you recommend protein powder to supplement strength workouts? If so, what do you look for in a good protein powder? There are SO many to choose from that I don't know where to start. And different blogs seem to have different opinions on the matter.

    Firstly, at sake of sounding patronizing, protein powder serves one sole purpose, to make sure you get the adequate amount of protein your body requires. This is variable for everyone, there are many formulas for calculating how much protein you need. As long as your diet contains a decent amount of protein you shouldn't NEED to supplement with protein powder, of course, because of the way urban life is nowadays and with hectic schedules it makes things a lot easier.

    Protein powder comes in all varieties, personally I'd advise you to consider a more natural brand, that has less filler and less chemicals in it. I mean at the end of the day you are trying to be healthier by working out, and filling your body with unnecessary chemicals that shouldn't exist nature is not the way to do this.

    I hope this helped. If you do choose to go with a protein powder, let me know what your budget is and I will send you links in your inbox.

    Also, one thing I would advise you to do if you feel like you aren't recovering from your strength training efficiently and find yourself sore for many days after is to supplement with BCAA's ( branched chain amino acids ). These can be bought for relatively cheap and help a lot.

  7. This was my FIRST comic convention and I have to say Zach made it infinitely more aweosme than I could have imagined.

    I go into the booth, Zach and a gentleman I don't know are talking about something, I hear Zach say, "we haven't made anything DC in years, I don't know why people still ask." I blurt out, "that's what we're supposed to do!".

    Zach asks if I'm on the forums, and I go yes! I'm fatcow! Zach gestures to the gentlemen next to me and says "this guy's from the forums too! Introduce yourself."

    I get a "Hey I'm youbastards." ( BEST INTRODUCTION EVER )

    Haha,I was a little taken aback as I've never met anyone from an website before without knowing them in person. Was interesting to say the least, we get to talking about the promos and how expensive they are on Ebay, YB assures me that prices will regulate and Zach tells me that they ran out of promos in 15 minutes on Friday. At this point I'm very disappointed but chuffed that I met YB and Zach, so I state that I'm going to stare at the gray retailer only BB and hope that it comes out of the case.

    Zach disappears and returns with a BB!!!!!!! I exclaimed that he was awesome, stuck the BB up to his epic mutton chops and took a picture which I will post soon.

    THANK YOU Zach and of course YB for the short conversation! I will definitely be giving you guys ( not YB haha ) as much of my money as I possibly can without going broke! BEST DAY EVER.

  8. I'm looking for a good routine for Lat workouts with free weights, any suggestions?

    There's a lot you can do for the lats with free weights especially. I have a lot of suggestions but they would be better tailored to your needs if I knew a few things first, you can pm me if you'd like.

    1. Why specifically the lats? Are you having trouble gaining muscle there? Or strength? Is it an aesthetic thing?

    2. Are you lifting regularly, if so what kind of routine do you follow?

    3. Do you have any shoulder problems? Because when working with free weights on the lats and back there is a lot of strain on your shoulders and ac joint specifically, you want to make sure the rest of you is healthy and strong enough to support lat movements and help them grow/get stronger/whatever your goal is.

  9. Well karamazov, that sounds awesome! What I always say is that people should do what works for them and what improves their own quality of life. Too often I see people pursuing fitness or working out for the wrong reasons. Some people even want to be healthy just to out do others e.g "Oh you're on an all organic,vegan gluten-free diet? SO AM I!". Good job on the weight loss and get well soon!

    To answer turtle, I say combat athlete because I competed in professional Muay Thai, boxing and Mixed Martial Arts. Usually the mention of MMA (aka cage fighting) is associated with general douchebaggery that I like to distance myself from, hence I use the phrase combat athlete. I wish I was a pro wrestler ( life long dream ) or an american gladiator...unfortunately I actually get hit in the fact haha.

    Turtle, for flexibility, personally I have specific muscles that aren't as flexible as I'd like them to be so I target those groups using specific stretches. A good list is here : .

    You can pick and choose as you like. For a more regimented stretching program, if you'd like I can message you one or the name of a particular one. I'd rather not post here as most of them are heavily advertised etc so it would be like I was pushing a product. :)

    Hope this helped!

  10. I am a professional athlete by trade, or at least I was until I had my son. Haha, his birth has caused me to re-evaluate a lot of things and brought me to the conclusion that combat sports were not in his best interest for my future. Oh well, not a big deal, I like to think that I have a lot more to offer the world than just being a fighter and minimate collector.

    I am currently a certified personal trainer, reasonably educated, have a lot of training experience and am opening my own gym in Chicago. The gym will be a limited membership affair and cater to people of substance...for lack of a better term, I am opening the anti-gym. No "bros" allowed.

    Gym decor is going to consist of kitsch,sci-fi and of course comic book decor. We are going for a really unique feel and offering completely unique training solutions for people who want to be healthy without going on ridiculous diets, taking pills, medical procedures or having to endure hours of broscience lectures from their local trainer Brody Mcbroderson ( sorry...I just have a lifetime of experience dealing with bullies as a child and then idiots as an least I got to fight them though and punch faces).


    If anyone on MMV is interested in getting healthier or working out,message me and I will help you as best as I can (NOT ADVERTISING...this is FREE)... I just feel like I have met some of the most intelligent forum go-ers on the interwebs here and if I can help you guys with health and wellness like you help me with customs, I would be happy to do so!

    I'd like to reiterate, not charging money for anything or making a profit. :) just want to offer my help.

  11. I am wondering what the repercussions of this event will be...I mean I do know the Marvel hype machine is very good at their job, they can get me hyped up for anything, and to be honest, as a comic book I do love being excited. I want to see something new happen...I can't articulate what I want to see otherwise I would be writing the comic.

    Jean Grey is great, would love to see her back, but in what capacity? Emma going back to the Hellfire Club...okay...I mean this is 2012...times have changed, but it seems that writers continue to do what they are good at which I love. I'm not exactly sure what I'm saying but if the writing team behind AVX, X-Men, Avengers and every comic in the MU that is going to be affected by the events of AVX goes out of their comfort zone and does something insane, I am sure I will follow.

    Preferring Marvel to DC most of my life, lately I have found myself blown away by the New 52 by DC. Its all so new. The characters have the same names and similar costumes that I've grown to love, but I feel like the storylines are fresh,exciting and I have no idea what's coming next.

    Maybe I'm just ranting...sorry.

  12. Okay guys, been lurking in this thread for quite a while, I live in Chicago so making it to c2e2 should be easy...but its not. I can only make it on Sunday, which is killing me. Sunday is from 10-7pm...what time should I be there? Will there still be BattleBeasts....what do I do!!!_(I!_#(@#

    This is my first convention ever, and I'm attending it with my wife and 4 month old. Haha should be a blast, fulfilling a childhood dream and getting a battlebeast!

    Anyone have any tips on what time I should get there and anything I should definitely check out?

  13. Hey guys! So we had my son on Dec 1st and I decided it was a great time to start customizing. I chose the wrong paints ( just regular acrylic, not model ones and didn't seal anything ) but this is what I have so far...I kind of like the homemade feel to it, should I seal it? If so with what?

    Used X-Men First Class Xavier and Sebastian Shaw head combined with decals that someone ( will go back and check your name and post it here ) very generously made for me out of a CUbeeCraft design...didn't want to spend 30 on a Hal Jordan on eBay so I made my own!


  14. Hey Guys,

    So I am looking for more additional friends on facebook, and if you're occasionally using a chat messenger like MSN, google chat or Yahoo I'd be really pleased to talk to you from time to time. It's all up to you, i'll put down my details on here so if you send me a request i'll add you. Alternatively reply to this post with your details and i'll send you a friends request, either way works :)


    Yahoo Messenger:

    Facebook: My Facebook Profile


    Skype: Superiorraw

    All i ask is that if you send the initial request on any of these services send a little note attached with your MMMV Username and say hello, then I know you're not just some random internet person :lol:

    Hopefully talk to some of you soon!


    Awesome idea! Especially for the newer guys on the forum!

    googlechat :

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