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Rex Raygun

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Posts posted by Rex Raygun

  1. Yes, "One and done." One crew member per series, and then "we're out of here!"

    DS9: Sisko

    Voyager: Janeway (OK, Seven of Nine)

    Enterprise: Archer

    Next Generation: Picard

    These new figures were great, far above the previous level, to the extent that you can't even place any of the previous wave figures with this most recent wave without them looking out of place. And then what? We're still waiting to find out. I don't believe that the series was called "Star Trek Captains," was it? If so, I don't think I was the only one who missed that. I went out and hunted down these sets, several in duplicate, in the hopes that this was going to be the start of something great, which it should have been.

    I hope we get some good news on this front, but it sure doesn't sound like we're going to.


  2. I'm hoping to maybe see a dark blue Cyclops with alternate parts for both the Byrne era and the 90s costume (with jacket parts even!) I hoped one might show up in the Best of series, but that hasn't happened yet. A new Giant-size X-Men Storm would be great, and Gambit, who could use a re-issue. Maybe early-appearance Rogue, and for a villain, Toad!


  3. I'd like to see, in a future "Best of" wave, A dark blue Cyclops with parts to go from "Dark Pheonix Saga" Cyclops to 90s Cyclops, both with gold visors, and maybe the eye beam. I'd like to see it paired with a Giant-Size X-men 1 Storm, as that figure is pretty dated.


  4. Am I the only one hoping that Hawkeye comes with another set of arms in the darker color, so I can make both the long-sleeved, and one-sleeved, EMH look?

    Of all the minimates shown so far, these are the ones I am hurting for the most.

    At least until we get some more trek news...


  5. Didn't the film rights revert back to Marvel? Maybe they want to eventually reboot him for another film and distance it from the Nic Cage films? I like the design. But remember, the classic vintage Ghost Rider rode a horse, so a change of vehicle isn't unprecedented. And yes, I'd like Dukes of Hazard minimates with the car, but would they even do it with that rebel flag on the roof? What about Supernatural? Isn't Dean's car a Dodge Charger? I liked the new Ghost Rider design in the first pic, but it looks awful in the second pic.

    Dean Winchester's car, the Metallicar, is a black 1967 Chevy Impala.


  6. I'm kind of disappointed in the SDCC showcase. I was hoping to see new Walking Dead and Star Trek mates.

    Maybe the Trek minimates aren't doing as well as they thought? It feels like a lack of confidence to not see anything at an event as big as SDCC. I hope this isn't as bad as it looks.


  7. Wesley Crusher QC!!!


    LOL. George McFly head, hair is from beast, I think. Picard gave the rest.

    I'm putting my Star Trek uniforms/bodies up for trade/sale if anyone is interested. I'm keeping the heads and some accessories; i'll post a pic of what is available in the the trade thread.

    Ok, this is a great custom. Got an extra Picard on order for this. I'm trying to track down the hair, but I can't find it. Looked at both Human Beasts and neither of their hairs looks like this. Anyone any ideas?

    Take care,


    I think it might be the hair from Bucky from the Captain America moviemate.


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