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Posts posted by Glomit

  1. I think they would have to add something a bit...... more to the movie-style Spidey. The red on his costume is slightly darker than the other Spider-Men. Then again, might they make a sort've "from red to black" Spidey (like the poster that you see in theatres)? Who knows?


    EDIT: Whoops! Being discussed somewhere else!

  2. Greetings from afar!

    I got my first Minimates at a Virgin Megastore (long since gone) and got a serious kick outta them! But then, alas, they fell victim to the dark depths of my closet and their very existence was wiped from my mind :( . But all was not lost (these were LOTR Minimates BTW), for Christmas was nearing and my Christmas list was in need of an update. I thought "Why not, I'll go and see what my brothers are asking for", and to my suprise, I found out that Battlestar Galactica Minimates existed. That also meant that there were Number Six Minimates :). Searching "BSG Minimates" I found this site and joined the ranks without hesitation.


    Yes... Welcome aboard. You think it's just BSG you want, oh are you in for a shock.

    Well, I do have some other Minimates in mind, Marvel namely, but no conclusion has been come to.


  3. Greetings from afar!

    I got my first Minimates at a Virgin Megastore (long since gone) and got a serious kick outta them! But then, alas, they fell victim to the dark depths of my closet and their very existence was wiped from my mind :( . But all was not lost (these were LOTR Minimates BTW), for Christmas was nearing and my Christmas list was in need of an update. I thought "Why not, I'll go and see what my brothers are asking for", and to my suprise, I found out that Battlestar Galactica Minimates existed. That also meant that there were Number Six Minimates :). Searching "BSG Minimates" I found this site and joined the ranks without hesitation.


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