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Posts posted by evilash529

  1. I was excited to find this set today. I did have some issues with the packs I picked up though. The iron man Ronan pack, Ronan has 2 of the same arms and the face under Tony's helmet has red paint from his helmet on it. I bought the best wolverine sentinel 2 pack I saw but on all of them the eyes printed on wolverines mask were on the very bottom of the mask. I've seen plenty of pictures of others who are fine. I'm going to try and just pick up a new Ronan/iron man pack but if anyone is army building sentinels and has an extra wolverine with a good looking mask id be interested in buying another wolverine.

  2. I managed to get a Lori set today! This was the first time I've ever seen any walking dead Minimates at tru. They had a ton of the zombies and michonnne set but had 1 Lori set and no Morgan sets. So if my order for a Lori set turns out to actually be Lori I may have a set to trade.

  3. I'm trying to think of other characters I'd like to see the definitive "Best of" version, a bulked up savage Grey Hulk with The Leader (brainy head version,) Black Suit Spider-Man and Dr. Octopus, WWII Captain America and Bucky, that's all I've got so far.

    I think a bulk up grey hulk with the leader would be an awesome pack. A bulked up grey hulk is probably my biggest variant want right now.

  4. I got the Betsy/Nightcrawler set in the mail today, I picked up the Fantomex set in store. When I opened the Betsy/Nightcrawler set I discovered that Betsy's right arm won't stay on due to hole in the arm that connects to the shoulder isn't deep enough to hold the arm on. I've got tons of minimates and have never had this problem before? Hopefully I can get it exchanged at a store.

  5. I ordered both TRU sets and they said in stock when I purchased them and then I got an email saying the Fantomex set was backordered. The only reason I placed an order was to get both sets so I wouldn't have to go hunting for them. Has anyone had any minimates sets backordered, I'm curious if I'll eventually get it sent or should I just try to find it in the store.

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