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Posts posted by Prowlar

  1. Rejects

    The Rejects are a group that has banded together because they have nowhere else to go. Their reasons for not fitting in range from mental instability to powers that are not considered acceptable by other super hero or villain groups.

    Codename: Mr. Fabulous

    File Name: Samson, Trevor James (T.J.)

    Powers: Super Strength, Super Speed, and Invulnerability

    Mr. Fabulous is the Rejects current leader, at least until someone better comes along. He hates having everyone looking to him for answers when he'd rather go back to his normal life of hiding in the closet while working as a bank manager. The reason that he is a member of the Rejects is because his powers only work when he isn't wearing any clothing. The less he has on the more powerful he gets. It isn't a politically correct power to be running around using. He discovered his powers when a villain, using a nanotech weapon that destroyed the clothing of the people it was fired at, attacked his bank. While everyone else was trying to hide themselves, Mr. Fabulous stopped the criminal and kept himself relatively decent by moving at super speed.


  2. XL

    The XL are time and reality displaced children of members of various mutants. There is no rhyme or reason for them to have been pulled through the reality barriers however the current believe is that it is related to a continuity error created by continual interference in the fabric of reality. While some of the members may share parents it is entirely possible that they will never be born in the prime timeline.

    Codename: Alchemist

    File Name: Ellen Drake

    Parents: Robert Drake and Lorna Dane

    Powers: Metal Transmutation and Manipulation

    Alchemist and Elemental, so far, are the only members of the XL to come from the same reality. They are the twin children of Iceman and Polaris. They say little about their future but it seems radically different to the known timeline. In their reality the X-Men worked as an officially sanctioned act as a super powered police force attached to the U.S. Secret Service. Mutants, while disliked by some, were considered heroes by most of the country. When the pair was pulled out of their world they weren't happy. Unlike many of the XL both Alchemist and Elemental want to return to their reality.

    The twins share a low-level psyonic bond that allows them to trade their powers back and forth. It is probable that they both have the same powers but for some reason they can only access a limited skill set.

    Alchemist is able to change non-organic matter into metals and then manipulate those metals into just about anything she needs. Her favorite form is a hammer that often confuses her enemies into believing that it is of mystical origin. This is often reinforced if she switches powers with Elemental and begins firing lightning bolts or takes to the air.


    Codename: Elemental

    File Name: Allen

    Parents: Robert Drake and Lorna Dane

    Powers: Elemental Manipulation

    Elemental is able to manipulate the four basic elements of wind, water, fire, and earth. While theoretically he should be able to manipulate metals with his earth control it seems that power is blocked from his use while Alchemist is using it. He has instead focused on learning to manipulate electricity and wind for flight. Since he has mastered those skills he has begun working on water manipulations. His favored form currently is mastering converting water into ice and then utilizing it as a whip.

    While he wants to go back to his own reality as much as Alchemist he has accepted the fact that they may be stuck and has started to at least try to learn more about their new home. He is also actively seeking out other time displaced mutants to see if there are any similarities in their stories that may give him a key to discovering why so many are being pulled into the same reality.


  3. Codename: Takedown

    Primary Power: Elemental Control

    Secondary Power: Photographic Reflexes

    The post apocalyptic world Takedown was born into isn't exactly what most people would envision. When the Runners first arrived they thought that they had arrived in a world where Europeans never discovered the Americas. The air was clean, forests and grasslands stretched as far as the eye could see. However it didn't take long for them to find that the tranquility was only skin deep. The world had only just recovered from years of darkness caused by a nuclear winter. The human species was down to a few scattered tribes. Their replacement, Homo Superior however was faring much better. Still growing up in a world of nature loving mutants isn't very glamorous when everyone else is much more powerful.

    Takedown's elemental control would make her stand out on many worlds but in her home village she was nothing more than a glorified gardener and even then she was considered as skilled as the villagers that could make plants grow instantly. Basically she was exiled to the outskirts, never really shunned but made to feel second-class nonetheless. She survived by using her secondary ability to copy the other villager's physical skills.

    When the Runners arrived it was Takedown that gave them a place to stay. She couldn't believe that the Runners only used their powers when they really needed them. They were like no one she had ever met before. It wasn't surprising, to Wildside anyway, that she quickly fell in love with Hardline. After the Runners had overstayed their welcome, something they do fairly rapidly no matter what reality they land in, Takedown begged Hardline to stay with her. With the help of one of the Village's far-seers Wildside and Redzone teleported to the Pegasus Galaxy before jumping between realities. However when they arrived at the new reality Hardline was there as well as Takedown. Though traveling with the Runners isn't a perfect life as long as she's with Hardline Takedown is more than willing to make the best of it.


  4. Just wanted to say I'm enjoying the high quality of your customs as much as I'm enjoying the world you're building with them. It's fun to have a new character continue the story every morning. And I love how you can pick and choose parts so well.

    Thank you, unfortunately I'm starting to run out of customs that are ready to be released into the world. My rejects team is waiting on the Halo box set three Elite Combat (gold/yellow)armor to complete a character and my Neo-Olympians require a few more Lego parts to complete Poseidon, Bacchus, and Hera. So far only Zeus, Hades, and Hermes are ready to be shown.

    As far as the story component goes, I just wish the Muse would finish singing about character bios so that I could get back to writing my character log and maybe finish a couple of short stories that have been setting on the shelf for way too long.

    Picking parts is the easy part. I find a part I like and then build the custom around that part continually switching out until it looks like it was meant to go together.

  5. Codename: Redzone

    Primary Power: Shadow Teleportation

    Secondary Power: Dark Force Manipulation

    The world Redzone grew up on was filed with techno-magic. Anything and everything was possible, as long as you're born into the right family. The higher an individual's class status the more powerful magical energies they were exposed to and the greater their power.

    Redzone grew up knowing nothing of this however. The Small town he lived in was remote and they didn't use high-level magic because they believed that it did nothing but hurt the planet. Everyone worked to sustain the village and in their free time they studied the old ways of science. Of course the Magic Elite couldn't allow such radicals to remain free spreading dissent among the lesser ranks. Those who weren't killed were taken prisoner to be kept as slaves.

    Redzone was in the process of escaping using his abilities to slide through shadows when Wildside and Hardline appeared. They were immediately attacked and Wildside teleported away. Somehow Redzone became trapped in Wildside's shadow because when they reappeared in the next reality Redzone stepped out. Since then he has stayed with the Runners and is the only one that has never asked to return to his home reality or tried to leave the Runners.

    His primary power allows him to manipulate and move through shadows and his second ability allows him to manipulate the shadows into solid objects. Usually he creates clubs or swords but occasionally he has created complex shapes such as guns and cars. Unfortunately they are only solid shapes used to trick an observer into believing that they are real. Since Takedown joined the group he spends most of his time with Wildside. As for his chosen name, Hardline once asked him why "Redzone" when his powers are darkness related. His only reply was that his favorite color is red. Hardline just shook his head and walked away muttering about stupid questions and answers.



  6. Codename: Hardline

    Primary Power: Life Force Manipulation

    Secondary Powers: Plant Control and Enhanced Strength

    Hardline was the first individual to get trapped in Wildside's sphere of influence. His world had collapsed into a constant state of war only a few month's before Wildside's arrival. Tensions between the Allied States of America and Europe and the Communist States of Asia. The protectorate of Japan, having finally rebuilt after the War and seeing the oppression that had taken place after the debacle in Korea, decided to join with the Allies rather than live under communism. In exchange for a treaty of non-aggression the C.A. demanded Cuba, the Allied State of Hawaii, and an agreement to not interfere with Communist aggressions on the Indian subcontinent.

    Even Cuba rejected the treaty, given the choice of becoming an Allied protectorate with self-determination or being ruled by over from Asia, Fidel Castro sided with the Allies.

    Hardline had just started his career as a respiratory therapist when he was drafted and retrained to be a battlefield medic. At the point where Wildside arrived there had been very little hand-to-hand combat the war was still in a state of constant bombings and artillery fire. Hardline was in a military hospital primarily treating civilians. He was particularly good at his job in triage. He had never made a wrong call, everyone he sent through for surgery recovered and anyone he passed over died within a few minutes. At least that was the case until Wildside arrived. Hardline passed him over since he was covered in burns and well beyond the limited help that could be provided. Instead a child that was worse off suddenly seemed to be mostly healed and was sent on to surgery.

    That morning when Hardline was finally off duty he was rather to awaken to Wildside holding a sword to his throat demanding answers. Hardline admitted that he had the ability to pull the life out of one individual and use that life force to heal him self or another. He had thought that Wildside was dying and rather than letting him suffer he had drained what life was left and gave it to a child that had a future. Wildside just laughed and teleported away, only to discover that Hardline had traveled with him likely because he had come into contact with Wildside's energy.

    Since it seems like Hardline is stuck with him Wildside decided to "adjust his genes" to give him the same sort of healing ability so that Hardline didn't have to steal energy from others. Instead all that happened was that Hardline gained enhanced strength and nearly bulletproof skin, possible due and interaction with his life draining abilities. As for Hardline's control of plants that started when he developed an allergy on a world where plants had become the dominant species. He recovered only after Wildside teleported them away. So far he hasn't used this power beyond quickly growing medicinal plants when they are needed and to recognized medical and poisonous properties of the plants he encounters in different realities.

    Hardline started out insisting that his powers and near indestructibility meant that he didn't need any weapons. However, after witnessing a village being gunned and being unable to stop it, he found the largest gun he could carry with his enhanced strength. He has upgraded several times but since he's started using "Ripley" he's passed over at least three larger guns.

    Hardline, so far, is the only individual that Wildside has tried to leave behind. When Hardline met the woman of his dreams he insisted that he wanted to stay with her even if it meant that Wildside had to stay in that reality forever. Wildside honestly tried to fulfill Hardline's wishes by teleporting to the Pegasus Galaxy before jumping realities. Still Hardline was pulled through the jump with him. Though he wasn't overly angry as he quickly discovered that Takedown had "joined" the group.



  7. Wildside is fantastic! Great looking mate with a real sense of completion. He looks like he was designed that way with parts and colours just for him.

    Really nice work!

    Thanks, strangely enough Wildside is my first custom and his look, as well as all the Runners, has evolved and will continue to evolve as new and better parts become available. I'm still unhappy with the BSG pistol but the only replacement I like the look of, so far, is the one that comes with Halo wave 3. However unless it is eventually released in a darker gray or black and fits in the BSG holster it still isn't perfect.

    I guess that's just the thing that make me excited for each new release even if it does include another Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, or Wolverine. No matter how many rehashed mates there are it just means more parts for new customs and a chance at replacement part on a custom that just needs that little extra to really make it perfect.

  8. Reality Runners

    The Runners aren't so much a team as groups of unfortunate individuals that have gotten caught up in Wildside's reality teleportation sphere. Once caught in the sphere the individuals are transported along with him across the multiverse whenever he teleports. So far the group members have even tried to escape the teleport by traveling to another galaxy however when Wildside teleports they appear next to him when he arrives at his new destination. Not everyone that has traveled with Wildside has become stuck with him. There are a few similarities that they all share. So far none of them have been able to find a living counterpart in any of the universes they've so far traveled through. The other thing they have in common is that they are unhappy in the universe where they were born.

    Codename: Wildside

    Primary Power: High Level Molecular Psychokinetics

    Secondary Power: Healing Factor and Theriomorphic Shifting

    Wildside has been traveling the multiverse since he was thirteen, or so he claims. It is impossible to be sure of anything about Wildside's past considering how often he changes his story to suit the situation. Even after he started traveling with others it has been difficult to pin down any truth about their adventures simply because they, like him, make it up as they go.

    Wildeside's primary abilities are high-level molecular psychokinetics. It is possible that his telepathic and telekinetic abilities are on the same level as the entity known as the Phoenix Force in many realities. It is this mastery of energy that allows him to teleport between realities. It also allows him to manipulate any form of matter. This allows for simple things like turning ice into steam by exciting water molecules to turning coal into diamond by rearranging the carbon atoms. However it should be noted that he very rarely uses this power to full effect. Often the most visual use of his power is when he teleports between two areas within a single reality or using his telekinesis to move objects.

    His secondary power is an accelerated healing factor. He claims that he gained this power through self-genetic manipulation after traveling through a reality where it had been developed as a cure for death. Unfortunately life on that Earth had been driven completely to extinction due to the fact that the humans had consumed everything including each other. This ability however has been a curse to him as well. In another reality he was attacked by a weretiger. I know what you're thinking: "how could that happen considering his other powers?" He wanted the ability to change as well however his healing ability has been fighting against the therion infection. As it stand he has control over his transformations but so far he can only shift his eyes, ears, and hands. He also gains a bit of added strength.

    He carries two weapons a small pistol that he rarely uses and a large sword that he can focus his will through in order to charge the blade making it stronger and sharper. With intense concentration, or in tense situations he is also able to fire a psyonic blast through the blade with the destructive ability of a fragmentation grenade.

    Even though he is the undisputed leader he rarely talks to anyone outside the group allowing Hardline to take the lead in diplomatic situations. However when alone with the group it is almost impossible to get him to shut up. His biggest regret is that even when a group member wants to leave they are, so far, unable to do so. He tries to make up for this by taking them home to their own reality, when possible, to visit with those they left behind. However as far as anyone knows he has never returned to his on reality of origin.



  9. Codename: The Guard

    File Name: Unknown

    Other Names: Man in the Iron Suit

    Classification: Unknown (Human, possibly demonic or demoniacally possessed)

    Hometown: Unknown

    Location Discovered: Unknown

    Primary Specialty: Body Guard

    Secondary Specialty: Unknown

    I know almost nothing about Faust's guard other than the fact that he takes his job very seriously. He is encased in metal armor, including a metal helmet, which is then augmented with standard body armor. He also seems to enjoy other's pain. While he was beating Slasher, he was laughing. However, and I'm sure it is just because of his metal helmet; it was the most inhuman laugh I've ever heard. He is also inhumanly fast even with the added weight of all his armor. Until I know more I'm going to classify him as a full demonic entity and suggest that should the need arise for fighting him to take appropriate action on that basis.


  10. Since I was ordered to create records for everyone involved with the Soldiers of Horror I'm writing up these two extra files. However, I'm doing so on an outside computer and then I'll be storing the only copy, with heavy encryption, inside Tech's memory. I've given the decryption code only to Blue and Rick since they are the only two with the skills to get at the files should they be needed.

    Codename: The Master

    File Name: Faust, Damien (A pseudonym, I hope)

    Other Names: The Devil, The Man in Black, Death

    Classification: Barely Human (Politician), Possible Demonic Entity

    Hometown: Unknown

    Location Discovered: Washington D.C.

    Primary Specialty: Politician

    Secondary Specialty: Torture

    Faust is our Government liaison and de-facto commanding officer. When he says jump we jump and pray that it is high enough for him. If evil incarnate exists and it isn't Faust then I'm sure it fears him. When he's on base most of the team members find someplace else to be. I only wish I had the option of hiding as well since he only come here in person to point out what we're doing wrong. He doesn't carry any real weapons other than his cell phone, something that no one else on the base is allowed to have, and a replica cane from "The Wolf Man" movie. However, I'm sure that the silver wolf's head on the end is really made of silver. When they are in the same room with Faust both Brayve and Howler act like they are scared of the cane even though we already know that they have no allergy to silver. Not that I'll ever let Faust know that fact. While he dresses in nice suits he always wears body armor underneath along with his signature blood red tie and gloves.

    As far as I've observed the only ones not afraid of Faust are Rick, Tech, and Geist. Both Muzzle and Leash do their best to hide their fear from everyone else. Most surprising is that while they are still afraid of him Brayve, Blue, and Tark actively hate him. Finally Slasher, in his typical fashion shows no emotion whatsoever around him unless Faust starts to threaten Howler and that has only happened once. Slasher cut off Faust's tie before Faust's guard could stop him. Unfortunately the guard beat Slasher to the point where we thought he wouldn't survive. He was in a medically induced coma for two months after that. Surprisingly he still shows no emotions when Faust is around but we also make sure that Howler isn't around while Faust is here. Which is probably for the best since we still aren't letting him know that Howler is sixteen years old when in his human form.


  11. Codename: Caliban

    File Name: Ru-62-B21 Alarik (Rick)

    Classification: Time Displaced Genetically Modified Human

    Hometown: Moscow Genetic Engineering Facility, Euroasian Autocracy (2332)

    Location Discovered: Classified

    Primary Specialty: Body Guard

    Secondary Specialty: Winter Survival

    Like Tark, Rick is a time-displaced individual that arrived here after an experiment designed to recreate the energy effect that surrounded my reappearance. The difference is that Rick comes from the future, the year 2332 according to our calendar. He was engineered to be a high level guard for the super city of Moscow in the Euroasian Autocracy. This new country includes all of continental Europe, Turkey, and Asia North of the Himalayas. However in the West what is currently known as the British Isles, Iceland, Greenland, and the Canary Islands and in the East Korea, the Japanese Islands, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand are part of the New American Republic.

    According to Rick, most of the human population has been genetically modified to the point that reproduction actually takes place in engineering facilities. However, unless the individual is created for a specific purpose, like himself, their genetic parents raise them. He admits that the world is currently in the grips of a nuclear winter. He refused to elaborate whether it was man made or from a catastrophe like a super volcano or meteor impact. He only admitted that there was an atmospheric problem with sunlight reaching the planet's surface when questioned about his white skin.

    Rick has enhanced reflexes and strength as well as the ability to see farther into both the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum than normal humans. He rarely goes out in full daylight and when he does he has to wear protective goggles and layers of sun block. He also has problems with high temperatures though I've personally seen him out in a pair of shorts napping on a beach chair moon bathing on a mission to Alaska when the temperature was forty degrees bellow zero.

    That is all the information we've so far been able to obtain on or from Rick. He insists that if a time comes when his knowledge of the future will help humanity he'll let us know but otherwise it isn't healthy knowing too much about things that may not become reality on our time line.


  12. Codename: Barbarian

    File Name: Tark

    Classification: Time Displaced Neolithic Human

    Hometown: Neolithic Nomad Camp on the Prussian Steppes (12,000 BCE)

    Location Discovered: Classified

    Primary Specialty: Body Guard

    Secondary Specialty: Stone Age Weapons

    Tark and Rick are my personal bodyguards. Their story is closely linked with my own. A group of scientists tasked with trying to recreate the energy signature that was recorded, as I appeared, succeeded for a total of 32 seconds. During that experiment the lead researcher was literally torn apart. First Tark fell through the resulting portal and then Rick joined him. After the portal closed all the power on the base went down. Of course we hadn't been informed of the experiment so when the generators kicked on we had to track down the source of the disturbance. Just the two of them took out most of both teams before Geist was able to stun them. Once we studied the researchers notes we realized that out visitors were actually pulled from different times. It was slow going teaching them to speak English and to learn their languages.

    Tark, seems to have come to us from some time in the early Neolithic Age, as determined by his tool making abilities, and after showing him extensive pictures of Europe and Asia, he seemed to think that the Russian Steppes looked most like where he came from. We're going to classify that as his origin location even though the European landscape was different during the Ice Age to what it is now.

    Tark is stronger than most modern humans with extensive knowledge in hunting, tracking, and fighting. While we have given him extensive training in modern weaponry he still prefers to make and use his own weapons. His primary weapon is the atl atl spear thrower and an obsidian knife. While he could easily be added to either team Tark, has made it clear that he only goes on missions as my personal bodyguard.


  13. Codename: Chief

    File Name: McCalyster, David James (D.J.)

    Classification: Human

    Hometown: Caldwell, Idaho (1919)

    Location Discovered: Bermuda Triangle, Gulf of Mexico

    Primary Specialty: Radio Communications

    Secondary Specialty: Extra Sensory Perception

    I find it extremely absurd that I have to write up a file on myself but seeing as I've been ordered to do so I'll do the best I can. Since most of my military record is already known I'll restrict myself to the reasons I'm here with "The Group". During World War II, I was a new recruit assigned to work as radio operator aboard a U.S. Battleship. We were on final maneuvers working the kinks out of the new systems and crew when a sudden storm came up. The next thing I knew I was waking up in a military hospital and being asked some rather odd questions. Not that it mattered since, as commanded, all they received was name, rank, and serial number.

    Eventually they told me that it was 2009 and that I'd been missing for 68 years. I didn't believe them for an instant. It was obviously a Nazi trick. It wasn't until they started giving me the daily newspaper and brought in a color television that I stated to realize that it was the truth. I guess when my battleship reappeared I was the only one found aboard and after I was taken off it disappeared again taking five members of the search crew with it.

    Since I was considered dead and I didn't have any family left I was hidden away. Within a few months I was reassigned to the Soldiers of Horror as the group commander. I guess it's because I'm, chronologically speaking, the oldest member of the military that could be found. Since it is my duty to follow orders I'm doing the best I can in the position though I fully expect to be replaced as soon as a better option becomes available to the-powers-above.

    As for abilities, I've been doing my best to become proficient with the technology that everyone takes for granted in this time. What military training I did have is so far out of date to be relatively worthless so I've also been taking time to train with the team members to get better. It also seems that I now have a "feeling" for paranormal phenomena which gives me a chance to go out into the field with the teams and my ever present guards in order to confirm whether or not we have a viable mission.


  14. Codename: Blue

    File Name: Untranslatable

    Classification: Alien

    Location Discovered: Chelsea, New York

    Primary Specialty: Alien Technology

    Secondary Specialty: Advanced Weapons systems

    Blue, our resident technical expert and genius on all things extraterrestrial, that refuses to tell us anything about his technology or aliens from outside the Sol system. I've been informed by high command on many occasions that I'm to keep a close watch on Blue at all times and he is never to be trusted. I've left the watching part to Muzzle and she takes that job very seriously. Too seriously according to the same people that told me to keep Blue under surveillance. So I watch Muzzle, she watches Blue, and Blue watches all of us.

    It's funny but Blue almost seems the most normal individual in the group, if you can look past the fact that he's a blue furred six armed alien that packs a sonic generator able to convert air particles into supercharged plasma blasts. He has a very good command of several human languages and can build just about anything I can imagine, though I admit my imagination is a bit limited due to my own past. He doesn't like destroying things like the rest of Beast Team however considering how good he is at it I'm keeping him with them.

    I've questioned his loyalty to the group, America, and to Earth in general and he has been very candid in his answers. He is completely loyal to the group we completely accept him for who and what he is and he thinks of us as family. His loyalty to the United States is tenuous at best. As long as we continue to treat him with respect and refrain from pushing him overly much about his past, information on weaponry, or other alien races that may or may not be visiting Earth then he will remain loyal to this country. Earth is now his home and should the day come where it has to be defended from extra terrestrial forces he will stand with us. I asked him if he would stand with us against his own people and after a long pause he said "I'll stand with you against any invading extra terrestrial force. I refuse to say anymore than that on the subject." While that isn't likely to be the exact answer that our overseers wanted that is likely to be the best we're going to get.



  15. Codename: Abyss

    File Name: N/A

    Classification: Gill-Man

    Location Discovered: Tutuila, American Samoa

    Primary Specialty: Deep Sea Demolitions

    Secondary Specialty: Aquatic Operations

    Abyss is the saltwater version of the Gill-Man species. The original being a fresh water dweller and Phosphor being a transitory form that can live in both environments. Now, having discovered three separate species in unconnected locations has convinced the scientists that they are in fact an actual evolutionary group rather than an isolated mutation. Granted Abyss showing up in the Pacific so close to nuclear testing sites didn't exactly promote the possibility. Unfortunately it is still being debated whether or not they are terrestrial or alien in origin. Blue naturally refuses to weigh in on the controversy though he doesn't seem to have any problem working with Abyss or Phosphor.

    Abyss was found, half dead, in the hold of a pirate whale-hunting vessel that has strayed into American Territorial waters. I was rather surprised that we were called in, but then it seems that there are "investigative agents" just about everywhere. We brought him home and nursed him back to health. He was placed with team Beast due to the fact that he loves making things explode underwater.

    Since he has joined us we've learned that the Gill-Men have their own language but it is beyond the range of human hearing and can only be transmitted through water. Also Abyss, while still being able to breath air for short amounts of time is uniquely adapted for living under the high-pressure conditions found in oceanic trenches. While on land he is stronger that Phosphor as well as having denser scales making him nearly bulletproof. He has great affection for Muzzle but seems to understand that she is already taken and he has no chance of gaining dominance over Blue. He still tends to follower her around like a love struck puppy. Should any more Gill-Men be discovered I suggest the capture team be made up of men and that the first woman that the Gill-Man encounters should have a significant other that is larger and proportionately stronger than the Gill-Man. Otherwise she should expect romantic problems to develop.


  16. Codename: Howler

    File Name: Wolf

    Classification: Werewolf

    Location Discovered: Pinyon, California

    Primary Specialty: Tracking

    Secondary Specialty: Transformation Combat

    We know very little about Wolf other than the fact that he is a werewolf that has complete control over his transformations. Muzzle dug up reports of a wild man living in the mountains outside Pinyon, California. Believing that we were actually on a Bigfoot hunt we were surprised to find, once we reached the town, that the locals were more than willing to talk about the wild man living in the forest and wandering through the town late at night. The sheriff's office had made several attempts to contact the vagrant however he always seemed to slip past them.

    That night we discovered Slasher sneaking into town and raiding dumpsters and cars for clothing, blankets and food. When we tracked him back to his forest lair we were confronted by a Howler. Capturing him wasn't a problem considering we had Brayve on the team and they both speak the same language as it were. That's when Slasher attacked us. Brayve was able to control Howler using "Alpha seniority" while Geist stunned Slasher with his energy stream.

    I'd considered leaving Slasher for the local authorities except for the fact that he had been living with a werewolf and it seemed he hadn't been infected and I wanted to know why. There was also the fact that Howler refused to obey unless Slasher we took Slasher with us. It is still unclear what it is that makes Slasher immune to lycanthropic infection but the two are nearly inseparable even now.

    I don't like sending Howler out on missions for several reasons but that is because of my own reasoning and has nothing to do with Howler as a warrior. In that capacity he is a good tracker and a mediocre fighter, for a wolf, but considering his teammates in Beast he often seems more like a mascot rather than force of destruction. If it weren't for his connection with Slasher I'd transfer him to team Ghost immediately.


  17. Codename: Slasher

    File Name: Voorhees, José Manuel

    Hometown: Roswell, New Mexico

    Primary Specialty: Edged Weapons

    Secondary Specialty: Survival

    Slasher is a deeply disturbed individual. Until the age of thirteen he was a gifted student with dreams of becoming a police officer, just like his father, and he loved horror movies. That dream died the night his entire family was killed by a gang in retribution for the arrest of their leader. Of the nine people that entered the house that evening only one walked out. Three members of the family had been tortured and killed. Some say that they were the lucky ones. Even the investigators don't know what actually happened that night. The only obvious thing was that all five gang members had been killed with edged weapons. At the time there was no sign of José. His fate wasn't discovered until the drug dealer that had sent the gang was released on bail. José dealt with the man in his own home and then turned himself in to the police. He was charged as an adult but the trial never took place, instead José was institutionalized and forgotten about.

    When he was fifteen he escaped the institution and disappeared for three years. As far as the state of New Mexico knows he is still missing. We found him living wild in the mountains outside Pinyon California when we were ordered to investigate reports of a wild manlike beast living in the forest and wandering through the town late at night. What we discovered was Slasher sneaking into town at night and stealing what he needed to survive. When we tracked him back to his forest lair we were confronted by a werewolf. At first we believed that we'd found what we'd been searching for so we captured the werewolf. Within minutes we discovered that Slasher and Howler were different individuals. I'm sure, if it weren't for Brayve and Geist's quick intervention, it would have been my last mission. It quickly became obvious that we couldn't take one without the other we ended up bringing both of them back to base.

    That is about everything we know about Slasher. He never speaks, at most he growls and that is about the only vocalization that I've ever heard out of him. He spends his of time watching horror movies, often with Howler curled up next to him. I'd considered assigning him to team Ghost but despite his lack of voice he more than makes up for it in blood thirst. I've noticed that even muzzle has a hard time controlling him, yet he understands Howler, no matter what form he is in, and always follows his lead.


  18. Codename: Muzzle

    File Name: Shackle, Mary Lynn

    Classification: Human, Formerly Conjoined Twin, Low Level Telepath

    Hometown: Cornwall, Connecticut

    Primary Specialty: Veterinary Science/Animal Control Agent

    Secondary Specialty: Crypto Zoology

    Muzzle leads Beast Team: Slasher, Howler, Abyss, and Blue. She is a real firecracker; short tempered, full of energy, and she never shuts up. Her code name was selected because every one she meets wishes she could be muzzled. Strangely Muzzle is often the one that sniffs out leads on new missions and recruits. About the only time she is quiet, she is still constantly mumbling into her recorder, is when she's reading or surfing the net.

    Our Government overseers frown upon her relationship with Blue; however, as far as I'm concerned, it has been a good thing for both of them. Muzzle is less prone to taking unnecessary risks and Blue has been much more willing to share his knowledge and technology with us. As long as this progression continues I'm willing to take the flack for their "unethical" and "immoral" actions. At least those related to their relationship; there's no way I'm going to be responsible for their actions dealing with destruction of government property. That is the responsibility of whatever Puzzle Palace Black Ops nut jobs that formed this group to begin with.

    While Team Ghost is our Stealth unit, Beast Team is the group we send in when heavy weapons and massive collateral damage is needed. They're really good at their job. Who needs to drop a nuke when you can turn Beast Team loose and receive the same effect with only a quarter of the radioactive fallout? I'm not so stupid as to say no fallout until we know more about some of the weapons that Blue comes up with.


  19. Codename: Tech

    File Name: N/A

    Classification: Robot

    Location Discovered: Hollywood, California

    Primary Specialty: Acting

    Secondary Specialty: Killing

    Tech was discovered in a pile of scrap props during the liquidation of a defunct Hollywood prop creation company. At that time he was nothing more than a head that kept threatening to kill all weak flesh based creatures. The guy that bought him quickly tired of the nostalgia when he discovered that he couldn't shut it off. Muzzle eventually picked him up on E-bay as a "Genuine" haunted movie prop as a joke. When the head arrived she was surprised when Tech started calling her names for not having him shipped as same day delivery.

    After extensive testing we found that there was no way that whoever had built the prop used extremely advanced A.I. knowledge to program it. We believe that the whole thing may have originally been extraterrestrial in origin. Blue is being evasive about the whole thing but he was able to build a compatible body for Tech in very little time.

    While he has a very low opinion of flesh creatures he claims that the only reason for saying that he wanted to kill all humans was because that was his role in the movies. He was sick of being inactive in that junk pile so he did the only thing he could think of at the time in order to get someone to buy him by continuing with the role. However the human that had bought him put him in a case to keep in mint condition. That wasn't any better than being in the junk so he made sure that he was sold. In truth the only thing he wants is a body so that he can be mobile and to be allowed to peacefully exist since "flesh is weak and transitory, time is nothing to me; I will out last all of you without having to kill anyone".

    However it should be noted that he doesn't have any problem killing fleshlings when he's out on missions with Ghost Team. His skills include perfect aim, near indestructibility, and computer infiltration. Of course the added psychological impact from his movie career doesn't hurt either.


  20. Codename: Geist

    File Name: N/A

    Classification: Poltergeist

    Location Discovered: Adams, Tennessee

    Primary Specialty: Forward Observations

    Secondary Specialty: Barely contained force of nature

    Geist has been causing problems and growing in power for nearly two centuries. The first reported incident was at the Bell residence in 1817 where, after the senior Bell shot an unidentified cryptid, Geist introduced itself as a neighbor of the Bell's that they had upset. Whether this is true or not we have now way of knowing. We did discover Geist near the property and "she" is very evasive about anything "her" past.

    Geist insists that we refer to as female even though she is essentially genderless even when manifesting outside of her armor. The armor, even though it looks standard is actually a containment suit that allows Geist to maintain a physical presence, other than the occasional moving of objects. Her primary ability is being able to get into places and back out without anyone knowing any different. She really is the greatest stealth agent any organization could ever hope for; now if she would be a bit more cooperative in sharing the information once she gets it. Her other power is the ability to create exotic matter constructs. Her primary weapon is a whip that can stun a human at low level and can cut through titanium faster than any plasma torch when she really gets mad.

    Geist gets along well with her teammates in team Ghost, especially Tech, but she does seem to have problems with Blue from team Beast. Whether this is because Blue keeps trying to study her for use as a weapon power source or just the fact that he isn't from Earth, we have yet to discover.


  21. Codename: Phosphor

    File Name: N/A

    Classification: Gill-Man

    Location Discovered: Wakulla Springs, Florida

    Primary Specialty: Under Water Demolitions

    Secondary Specialty: Light Source

    Phosphor was the second known example of the gill-man species. The first was in a lake known as the Black Lagoon and subsequently rediscovered as put to work by a shadow arm of the C.I.A. However, Phosphor was discovered in the United States only recently. His age is hard to determine since he was in a perpetual catatonic state. We revived him and while he isn't the very talkative he seems to be capable of learning basic sign language.

    He is much stronger than the average human and he is lethal with both his claws and teeth. In one of Ghost teams latest missions we learned that not only is Phosphor immune to electric shock but he can also generate a powerful shock of his own when he is in the water. I'm not sure who was more "shocked" our observers, Phosphor, or the shark that had attacked him.

    When he was first introduced to Leash he tried to attack her, but even with all his strength and natural weapons he quickly found that she could outwit him and use his strength against him. At this point it seems he began to develop romantic feelings toward her. This could be a possible failing of the species or a general lack of female Gill-men. Never-the-less Brayve quickly put Phosphor in his place and for now he seems to understand that he is a member of a team, Leash is the leader, and if he makes any more romantic move on Leash, Brayve will make sushi out of him.


  22. Codename: Brayve

    File Name: Unrevealed

    Classification: Wolfwere

    Location Discovered: Elkhorn, Wisconsin

    Primary Specialty: Hand to Claw Combat

    Secondary Specialty: Tracking

    Brayve is a wolfwere, or a wolf that is able to transform into a human. Leash and Muzzle were investigating new reports of sightings of "The Beast of Bray Road" when they found Brayve severely wounded, likely run down by a panicked sightseer. He was in his wolf form and the sisters mistook him for a normal wolf. They believed that they had solved the mystery and that the sightings had all been of a wolf outside its normal territory. Having the necessary training and skills Muzzle contacted the local Fish and Wildlife services as they rushed Brayve to the nearest animal clinic. The veterinarian on duty told them to wait for animal control, as the animal was beyond help and needed to be put down but he wasn't authorized to do so. We are happy to report that the man is back with his family and is down to weekly psychiatric visits.

    The twins took over and had Brayve stitched up and ready to be transported to the nearest wolf rehabilitation facility when he shifted in front of them. Pulling out his stitches and collapsing once more, by the time animal control finally arrived the Shackles were long gone. Leash nursed him back to health and they've been inseparable ever since. In some cases this is quite literally.

    While Brayve has never been observed to fully change into a human he does maintain his wolfman form most of the time while around other unit members. He has a complete set of wolf instincts as well as exhibiting many human abilities like being able to use technology at roughly a sixth grade level, which is significant considering some of the troopers on the base bare score at a third grade level. He has also developed a mental link with Leash, not to the extent of that between the twins, and she has insisted that he is mentally as evolved as some men. She of course points out that when she says that she is classing his intelligence well above most human men. We have no way of being sure whether the statement is true or if it is because of her feelings for Brayve. He has shown an aptitude for advanced tactics and how to follow orders, and that is enough for me.


  23. One last Joe shot and then I'm moving on to my next Custom Universe.

    I told you, ninjas shouldn't wear red. Especially out in the open, on a sunny day, when I'm the one in the pilot's seat.


    The inspiration for these customs goes to Punisher, and his C.I.A. Gill-Man from the alternate universe contest.

    Introducing the Soldiers of Horror

    In war there are missions that require great soldiers. Then there are times when those great men and women are called to undertake extraordinary tasks. Then there are things that would send these masters of the Herculean Tasks running for the safety of their mothers and leave them holding their breath hiding under their bed chanting "there's no such thing as monsters, there's no such thing as monsters." Those missions are the "easy" missions for the Soldiers of Horror. Not only do these troopers unflinchingly face their enemies, they also have to keep from being seen by allied forces, scientists, religious fanatics, and humanity in general.

    What is the pay off for being a part of this misfit outfit? You get three meals a day more or less depending on dietary requirements, no matter how exotic. Several large bases in a variety of locations where troopers can get out and stretch their limbs without the fear of being attacked, internet access to be able to interact with people even if they can't reveal their true identities, and a full range of health care specialists for any problems, both physical and mental, that may arise.

    Do you think you have what it takes? No? Too bad, you don't have a choice. If you know about us then you know why you're here. Your only choice is to be a part of the force or be confined by us. Make your choice.

    Codename: Leash

    File Name: Shackle, Elizabeth

    Classification: Human, Formerly Conjoined Twin, Low Level Telepath

    Hometown: Cornwall, Connecticut

    Primary Specialty: Robotic Engineering, Electrician

    Secondary Specialty: Paranormal Investigations

    Leash is commander of the ghost team consisting of Brayve, Phosphor, Geist, and Tech. She is the strong silent type and keeps a strict control over her team primarily using body language. Though she has never been observed reprimanding her soldiers we have never had an incident with any of them being out of control. Whether this is because they are better behaved than Muzzle's team or because they respect Leash is unknown.

    While the twins were born conjoined at the back of the head and Leash was the stronger of the two she was the one that spent the most time recovering after the separation. She has a telepathic connection to muzzle and with concentration the two can communicate as if they were in the same room even if they are on opposite sides of the planet (this ability has been observed and confirmed). This makes it possible for both teams to work on congruent operations in remote locations without the need of communications gear that the enemy may be able to tap into.

    Both the Ghosts and the Beasts are equipped to take on any mission; the Ghosts are our go to team when dealing with metaphysical phenomena. Whether they're after a free roaming vapor or "swamp gas" they always come back with a full accounting of their mission and often have "the problem" contained.

    While the powers that be were worried about the decision to place female soldiers in command of the teams it was quickly shown that they usually have a calming effect on both their team members and on their targets. Of course, if anyone does protest too much, we introduce him or her to the Furies. The current record for putting up with their persuasion tactics has been two hours. However, this record is deceptive, since we quickly did an investigation on the Senator and discovered her sexual tastes run to what many of her colleagues would consider dark and extreme. She was just recently re-elected on her platform of old fashion family values. Barring that aberration of the record no one had made it more than two minutes forty-six seconds.


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