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Posts posted by Prowlar

  1. If they go with blind bags then I, for one, won't go near them. I prefer to know what I'm getting so that I can have a full set before I start picking up packs for customs and army building. Not to mention the nightmare of seeing packs that have been ripped open (peeked at) like Lego, Megablocks, and Dr. Who blind packs stuffed in odd corners leaving the store reluctant to order in anymore of them.

  2. X.S.E. Strike File: Mockingbird (Bobby Morse-Barton)

    Morse-Barton is a former Shield agent proficient in multiple forms of armed and unarmed combat. His preferred weapons are a pair of batons that have been modified with electromagnetic stunners, designed by Peregrine, for fighting Sentinels. Mockingbird has been further enhanced, by Cooper, with a derivative of the original super soldier formula and Fury's Infinity formula giving him greater than human physical strength, agility, and healing abilities.

    Mockingbird was being held at the Vault in an attempt to lure his wife, the former Avenger known as Hawkeye, into custody. Unfortunately not only did he escape when Cooper broke in but then went on to join Cooper's War Birds team acting as a liaison between Cooper and Fury. It is unclear the significance of the fact that Morse-Barton is the only War Bird to kept his former code name as well as the fact that he hasn't been fitted with any sort of armor that would let him fly. It is important that Mockingbird is re-captured in order to use him as bait for capturing the terrorist Hawkeye.


  3. X.S.E. Strike File: Raven (Carol Rankin)

    From what we've been able to discover Rankin was meant to be Magneto's ultimate mutant weapon. After her first encounter with the original X-Factor unit she was left unable to control the combined powers of Cyclops, Angel, Marvel Boy, Ice-Woman, Scarlet Warlock, Quicksilver, Beast and Magneto. Being driven nearly to the point of madness she retreated to a remote cabin in the Canadian wilderness where her absorbed powers slowly regressed.

    The next mutant that she encountered was Weapon X. Though she was in a feral like state Mimic was able to copy her healing abilities. Sensing that Weapon X was in need of help Carol contacted the only mutant that she knew of, Magneto. Once Weapon X had left she was surprised to discover that she retained the healing abilities. After several years of adapting to her new abilities she again contacted Magneto in order to meet with another mutant. She had hoped to be able to regain Angel's wings to once again be able to fly. Unfortunately it was believed that Angel had died in an aircraft accident. Instead Magneto sent Colossus. After their meeting Mimic was surprised by the fact that she gained more control over her bio metallic form than Colossus had. In Mimic's case she was able to convert portions or all over her body into organic steel as well as developing Weapon X's metallic claws.

    Rather than send another mutant to train with Mimic, Magneto asked her to join an X-Factor cell in order to help stop the winged mutant calling herself Death. While reluctant at first Mimic agreed due to the chance that she would be able to gain wings, even if they weren't Angel's feathered ones. As soon as the battle started Mimic's wings returned only to quickly molt and reform to match Death's wings only formed of the same bio-steel as Mimic's body and claws. During the battle the mutant known as Storm was killed and his weather manipulation powers also passed to Mimic. In a rage she savagely attacked Death killing her in retribution. It was at this point that Death was unmasked and they discovered that she was actually Angel. The shock of killing the mutant that she most looked up to forced Mimic back into hiding where she remained until the Vault break-in with Cooper.

    Since forming the War Birds with Hawk Mimic has changed her name to Raven, possible in reference to the fact that she is stepping into Death's role. Whatever the case it seems that she has learned to control her abilities since she hasn't been seen to mimic any of the abilities of her fellow team members. With all of her abilities it is proving difficult to find a way to shoot this bird out of the air. Everything we throw at her seems useless. Even the God Killer rounds have little effect. If it is true that only the strong survive then it is possible that Raven will prove to be our greatest kill or the one to take down the X.S.E.




  4. X.S.E. Strike File: War Birds

    Dr. Val Cooper formed the War Birds team as a protest against the Super Human Control Acts and as a terrorist unit to destroy the X.S.E. All the members of the team are known terrorists that have worked under other aliases however it seems that to join the team they must take on an avian codename. For the most part the team seems to take missions in the North Western United States, with Denver and Seattle being the primary locations where incidents have taken place. Intercepted communications refer to their base of operations as The Aerie and that it is located in Colorado. Multiple attempts have been made to locate the base, most focused on the remains of the Worthington estate.

    X.S.E. Strike File: Dr. Valentine "Val" Cooper A.K.A. Cooper's Hawk or Hawk

    Cooper is perhaps one of the most wanted men that the world at large has never heard of. For years he worked for the U.S. government studying and training special powers units such as Freedom Force. However after the anti-super human laws went into effect, Cooper used his position, talents, and access to secret research to create a new strain of super soldier serum. A combination of multiple serums Hawk's formula replicated the speed enhancement of the villain known as Speed Demon, the indestructibility of Power Woman, the danger sense of Spider-Woman, the stamina of Captain America, and the healing abilities of the Weapon X projects. Of course he made sure that the formula was tailor made for his genetic structure before injecting himself. He then destroyed all notes, files, samples, and even the lab where the formula was created. The destruction was attributed to the former Freedom Force, now calling itself the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants, and the matter was buried. Cooper was demoted and later quit as a result.

    When Cooper next turned up the full extent of his betrayal was revealed as he and the mutant Mimic broke into the Vault, in what is believed to be an attempt to "power up" Mimic into the ultimate mutant. Whether this worked or not is open to interpretation. Another theory is that they were attempting to free Magneto however this is highly unlikely since, even with Cooper's clearance level He would not have known that Magneto is still alive. While there they did succeed if freeing the terrorists Mockingbird, Songbird, Beetle, and Yellow Jacket.


  5. I never imagined that Boom Boom would ever get made especially not in her pink and yellow uniform which didn't last long. That is one set I may have to have multiples of. Plus the completion of the New Mutants team! With this release all that's needed is another Original X-Force Box Set of Warpath, Sunspot, Siryn, and Stryfe or Copycat.

    What an awesome wave! What's the eighth figure?

    I'd like to see a standard Cypher to complete the New Mutants for me (maybe with either Legion or Headmaster Magneto). Plenty of other stuff I'd rather see before that, though.

    If Original X-Force was done completed as a wave I'd go with:

    Warpath and Mutant Liberation Front Moonstar

    Siryn and Strife

    Sunspot with Troop Builder Caliban Bulky "Death" version with tampos for thin version underneath

    Reignfire with Caliban Variant

    Now to get back on topic, any word on whether MvC3 Amaterasu will be in wave three? I'm hoping that she'll be packaged with hammer twirling Thor. I really want that figure released for a custom New Mutants Wolfsbane. Besides, Lockjaw is lonely.

    Since the wave appearers to be mostly made up of most wanted/redone

    characters I'm betting it'll be Bulky Rhino with Spider Sense Spider-Man.

  6. I never imagined that Boom Boom would ever get made especially not in her pink and yellow uniform which didn't last long. That is one set I may have to have multiples of. Plus the completion of the New Mutants team! With this release all that's needed is another Original X-Force Box Set of Warpath, Sunspot, Siryn, and Stryfe or Copycat.

  7. The Rejects newest member:

    Codename: Roswell

    File Name: Wellington, Ross

    Powers: Super Strength, Thick Skin, and Fire Breath

    Ross was the kid that no one ever paid any attention to. The middle child of a wealthy family he could never live up to the athletic status of his older brother or the genius savant of his little sister. Even in school he did well enough that he wasn't singled out for being overly smart or for under achievement. Even the bullies seemed to overlook Ross, not that he minded not being picked on. No one even noticed when he stopped talking. About the only thing that Ross had was his library card and his rock collection. Between reading science fiction and fantasy novels he'd spend his time reading about geology and survival. At first he would spend his summer vacation in the desert camping and classifying rocks and imagining he was on some alien world as part of a colonization recognizance team. Eventually he simply stopped going home and still no one noticed. When he did eventually return he was a very changed individual. He had found a glowing green stone that transformed him into a human-dragon hybrid and for the first time in years he became the center of attention. Unfortunately that attention was all hostile until he was rescued by the Rejects and become a member of their misfit group.


  8. I found myself watching all the Robocop movies tonight (because, you know, it's Wednesday) and couldn't stop thinking about how awesome he'd look minimated.

    Imagine, if you will, The Robocop license acting like the Back to the Future license, with a four pack for each movie with a scattered two pack here and there. Here's how I would want it to break down:

    Robocop 1

    - RoboCop (duh)

    - Boddicker

    - Lewis

    - Dick Jones

    Robocop 2

    - Serve and protect Robocop (more opally than gunmetal grey)

    - Cain (as Robocop 2)

    - Cain (as a thug)

    - The Old Man

    Robocop 3

    - Robo with a jetpack

    - The Yakuza Ninja Cyborg (whatever his name was)

    - One of the resistance

    - an OCP Exec. Probably Johnson

    Toss in some two packs of random henchmen and some battle damaged Robos, you got a series I'd totally gush over.

    MAX Vehicle Series

    ED-209 with Anti-Tank Gun Robocop

    ED-209 with Kid from #3

    ED-209 from Robocop: Roulette Comic with skull (Punisher) paint with any character for the win.

  9. Would LOVE the Val Cooper in power suit & x-factor uniform with guns - but i'm reasonably sure that getting TWO Val Coopers before a Falcon/Winter Soldier/Toad/Kang minimate would cause something of an upset for a lot of boardies.

    (not for me :P but i sense i'd be in the minority)

    EDIT: I'm sure i'll sound like the a-hole in the minority here, but I can not tell you how much i DO NOT want a Stan Lee minimate. I'm pretty happy with getting 616 civilian minimates in a line, but i have no need for a Stan Lee in my collection. I get the he IS marvel, but he has his name on enough stuff already for everyone on the entire planet to know who he is and what he's responsible for. There are children in Uganda who don't know what the Coca-Cola logo looks like, but who know that Stan Lee made marvel!

    I could live with just the X-Factor Uniform Cooper and then QC her "Office/Freedom Force" versions.

    Stan Lee:

    I completely agree with you. With every movie line I expect to find him bumping a much more important character. For that matter I'm surprised that a Stan Lee figure isn't required in the license of each and every Marvel Movie line. The only way I'd pick up a mate of him is if it has a reversible head with the second look being a dead zombie with bullet hole in forehead. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him, it's just that when a creator is better known than his creations it's just a bit too much.

  10. I'd love a Val Cooper paired with X-Factor Multiple Man troop builder and a variant X-Factor uniform Cooper with Cable sized gun.

    Or in a Freedom Force Box set with Pyro, Blob, and Avalanche

    Or in an X-Factor Femme Fatales Set with Polaris, Mystique, and Shard/Wolvesbane

    Other Civilians

    Dakota North

    Misty Knight

    Colleen Wing

    New Warriors Hindsight Lad, just because I need some Maximum Zombie food.

  11. My impossible guess would be a completion/most wanted wave

    Black Knight/Songbird



    Mockingbird/Immortus (Still no Kang) :tongue:

    TRU corresponding Wave

    Black Knight/Songbird


    Comic First Class Beast/Comic First Class Bobby Drake (De-Iced)


  12. X.S.E. Strike File: Green Goblin (Norma Osborn Jr.)

    Shock can do strange things to an individual. For the Green Goblin the death of her greatest foe, Spider-Woman and Norma's best friend Petunia Parker, was the catalyst to heal the fracture between the two identities. Now she has only one overpowering objective the destruction of the X.S.E. For a long time we believed that the Goblin died in New York with most of Spider-Woman's other rogues gallery. However, with both Dr. Octopus and the Green Goblin once again causing problems we’ve come to the conclusion that the Sinister Six may not have been destroyed; for this reason the missing group members have been moved from the missing and presumed dead list to the active targets roster.


  13. A spider wave that I'd love to see would include:

    Cyber Spider-Man & Calypso

    Black Cat & Puma

    Hobgoblin/Demogoblin (2 head blocks) & Black Tarantula

    Hobgoblin/Demogoblin (2 head blocks) & Nightwatch

    TRU Tie in

    Cyber Spider-Man & Calypso

    New Spider-Man & Bulked up Rhino (Non-sticker Exclusive)

    Vulture (young) & Black Rose (Exclusive)

    Jack O'Lantern & Morbius (Exclusive)

  14. Final Fantasy Series


    Fullmetal Alchemist

    Venture Brothers

    Red Dwarf


    Early television shows like "Robin Hood", "Long John Silver", "Rin Tin Tin", and any/all Abbott and Costello. Each, when appropriate, should include an original version black and white exclusive pack to go with the Universal Monsters. Especially any Abbott and Costello figures.

    TMNT (also should include a black and white pack with all four weapons sets for purists)

    A Disney Movies series.

    Looney Tunes

  15. I thought there wasn't supposed to be anymore Marvel Zombies? Still, at least Wasp isn't going to feel so alone anymore. Everyone seems so upset over this am I the only one excited? So many customization possibilities, Hulkpool is the first that comes to mind.

    However after looking at that set now I really want a 2012 TRU exclusive to be Comic First Class Beast and Dogpool (with mini Squirrelpool accessory) set.

  16. Code Name: Freefall

    Primary Power: Gravity Control

    According to Freefall, he was the kid who was always positive that he could fly. At six he jumped off the roof. After a scolding he was asked if he learned his lesson and he said yes. An hour later he jumped off the barn roof and broke his leg. When asked what lessoned he learned earlier he said that the house wasn’t tall enough for a proper take off.

    At eighteen he enlisted with the military to become a paratrooper. When they asked him why he wanted to be a paratrooper he replied: "It was just getting to be too expensive to continue jumping on my own. This way, not only do I get to jump out of airplanes, I get paid to do it."

    Unfortunately Freefall's perfect life ended the day he jumped out of the plane and his parachute failed to deploy. As he reached for his backup he realized that he was no longer falling. Instead he'd come to a dead stop. It took him two days to gain enough control just to reach the ground where he was promptly captured by insurgent forces. Currently he is likely considered M.I.A. on his own world.

    I don't know how he got caught up in my reality teleportation rift but I really want to, considering he was likely on the other side of the planet when it happened. I'm not even really sure which reality he is from. Until we finally met up he believed that his gravity powers had somehow caused his random transportation between realities. Since joining the Runners he has gained enough control to lift just about anything but without a source of propulsion he can't truly fly. Not that it matters since his favorite hobby is to lift himself as high as possible and then freefall repeatedly.


  17. Thanks, just as soon as the Marvel vs Capcom wave is released I'll have the parts I need. Namely another Mega Man X hand, Red Iron Man boots, and helmet. Then with a bit of cutting on the helmet and adding dark red and silver paint it'll be complete.

    Code Name: Ghostdance

    Primary Power: Resurrection/Immortality/Regeneration

    Secondary Power: Time Displacement/Ghosting/Teleportation

    Ghostdance is an enigma wrapped in the impossible. In fact I hadn't intended to add her brother Breakdown or Ghostdance to the Runners. Their world, while not perfect, was the closest thing I've found to normal in all my travels. Sure there was a crazy terrorist organization who's members tended to dress in outlandish costumes and but when compared to some of the apocalyptic nightmares I've seen that's nothing to worry about. Still, when they showed up after a reality jump I just assumed that they'd somehow gotten bound to the team like the others.

    The world we arrived in wasn't a nice one, though not so bad that I couldn't wait the twenty-four hours needed for another safe jump. It was one where Egypt and the Pharaohs persisted in Africa and later Europe. The Imperial Dynasties of China had thrived in Asia and then expanded into Australia. In the Americas the Incan Empire had eventually spread out and incorporated the peoples of both continents into a single nation. Naturally once three superpowers came into conflict things destabilized and all three eventually fell leaving the world in a state of anarchy. I was only too happy to put that world behind me unfortunately when I jumped out Ghostdance and Breakdown were left behind. That's when I learned that Ghostdance had used her powers to tag along with the team the first time. A year later when I was finally able to return to that world to rescue them I discovered that they'd done rather well for themselves working as treasure hunters, tomb robbers, and mercenaries. Still they claimed that they had seen enough of that reality and they were more than happy to get back to adventuring.

    The next world we landed on in the middle of a battle and I finally got to see Ghostdance's powers for myself. We came out of the jump and Ghostdance took an artillery shell to the chest. It was obvious that she was dead but the next instant she turned to smoke and then was back to normal. Since that time I've seen her do this multiple times as well as turning into smoke and teleporting to another location. Additionally I've noticed that she can use her powers to resurrect and teleport Breakdown from one location to another even if she doesn't travel with him. However he is the only one that she can extend her powers to so the rest of us are still relatively mortal.

    While they are both technically a part of the team they tend to wander off to explore different realities from time to time with the understanding that I'll come back and get them after a year or two. Most of the time I don't have a problem with this since they've usually got interesting stories to tell and from time to time a new weapon or bit of technology that we can use.


  18. Until I can finish the Box Robot and Blood Debt I'm moving on to the Reality Runners Universe once more.

    Codename: Breakdown

    Primary Power: Technology Incompatibility

    We picked up Breakdown after a bar fight where he took on a biker group who’s leader was wielding a chainsaw. I was rather surprised by his brazen attitude considering all the humans from his universe, though at the cusp of developing super human abilities, were still just human. At least that was what I thought at the time. It seems that Breakdown and his sister both have superhuman powers. In Breakdown's case, as he puts it "I'm technology incompatible", no matter how careful he is anything technical has a habit of breaking when he touches it. If the object has multiple moving parts or requires an electrical current it will break or short out when he touches it. It means he has to work twice as hard as everyone else, however his problem make him good at infiltration because locks and alarm systems never work and even though he can't use modern weapons is an expert with a bolt-action rifle. He was also proud of the fact that he can pick up just about any object that's lying around and use it effectively as a weapon.

    Since joining the Runners, Breakdown has learned to reduce his destruction field to just a few inches around his body and extend it out to about a hundred yards. He is currently working on extending the field like a lance with pinpoint accuracy for those times when he wants to destroy an enemy's weapon without damaging other equipment, like flash drives or smart phones, they might be carrying. Unlike the other Runners, Breakdown isn't a captive of the reality jump condition so he can come and go as he pleases however his one condition is that his sister, Ghostdance, travels with us.


  19. X.S.E. Strike File: Silver Samurai

    Country of Origin: Japan

    Powers: The ability to generate an energy field around nearly anything turning it into a weapon. Most often used to enable her sword to cut through anything except adamantium.

    It was a hard hit when we discovered that the Silver Samurai had joined the X-Patriots. Japan had seemed to be in out pocket with the mutant control acts. They were even excited to get the contracts for sentinel programming. Unfortunately with the passage of the False Gods acts everything seemed to fall apart. First the sentinel production contracts were canceled. Then many companies broke off ties with the U.S. even though it meant that they are now in danger of failure. Finally Japan is one of the few governments that openly admit to funding and supporting the X-Patriots.

    The Silver Samurai used to be a crime boss but it seems that many former criminals are turning in their small time status to join the major terrorist teams. Since joining the X-Patriots she has upgraded her armor even though that means that she has sacrificed the more traditional look of the samurai. The trade off seems to be working for her. The armor is made of Wakandan vibranium, we believe it was stolen by Reynard specifically for the new armor. Since engaging her in combat we have discovered that she is now able to use her mutant power to encase herself in an energy shield. So far all forms of weapons have proven unable to penetrate her double-layered defense.


  20. Metalsmith/Box (Madison Jeffries)

    Country of Origin: Canada

    Powers: Technopathy, the ability to communicate with machinery. Manipulation and control of metals, plastics, and glass.

    Jeffries' powers are similar to those of the Mutant Forge with the exception that she can mold the raw materials into whatever she can imagine rather than needing more complex parts. Metalsmith is perhaps one of the most dangerous foes we face due to her ability to technopathically take control of the sentinels and turn them back against us. If this wasn't bad enough she often goes into battle "wearing" the Box robot greatly increasing her strength as well as accessing a large array of built in weapons. However while in the robot she can't take control of the sentinels unless they get to close and she absorbs them directly into the armor. By absorbing additional materials she can increase the size of Box to giant proportions. The best tactics are to remain at a distance until Jeffries isn't merged with box and then take her down with a sniper.


    Here is my WIP Box Robot. I'll post another picture once I finish it.


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