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TM2 Dinobot

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Posts posted by TM2 Dinobot

  1. So I was thinking. If Mechacon does good this year, we were talking about an exclusive next year. I brought up minimates, and every one went "whats that?"

    So I thought I'd run my idea past you experts and see what you think. I was thinking a clear lime green (more lime green then Gama Hulk) with the Mechacon logo printed on the chest. Either that, or good ol' white. But here's the part that I thought would be fun. Do you think AA could do the first blank MM with a hair piece. I was thinking a molded hair piece done in an anime styling. I have some sketches.... somewhere...

    Anyways, I wanted y'alls opinion. What do ya think of this idea? I already asked Jaycen, and I assume he's busy with SDCC, cause he didn't get back to me. So what do yall think of that idea, exactally what would go into making it happen and (the big question) how much money are we talking here?

  2. Ya know, if this is the last movie that the director and stars are doing, I really hope they don't do #4. I hope it ends with Spidey basicly fighting the Sinister Six, and he says something like at the end of the last two. "This is my blessing. This is my curse. Who am I? I'm Spiderman!" And charges into the fray. Cause the movies can only go downhill without Sam Raimi (sp?)

  3. Not even a toy juggernaut like Marvel Legends is safe when controling interests start getting lazy or greedy.

    The new waves of Marvel minimates have not hit stores yet. Neither have ANY of the other licensed minis. Safe? Never say never. LOTR minis wave 3?

    Jah. That's kinda my point. When the producers stop seeing a way to make great toys and start looking like this: $_$ ...Then we have problems. :P

  4. But if they don't pull out a kick ass wave next time... I fear it may be the start of the end of Minimates. :P

    I think the demise of the Marvel line will take more than a little dissatisfaction on our part. There was a lot of talk about said demise in the period between the announcement of waves 13 and 14 but we were proven wrong. Not only that but they introduced 3 new licenses! No I think Minimates are here to stay.

    Well, I did mean Marvel MMs. Although... wondering what Hasbro will do... these may be the only Marvel toys we get for a while. :P

  5. You know I almost went nuts waiting for this. I've been wanting this ever since I was a kid. My first reaction was like on Galaxy Quest. "My God... It's real. It's really real..." Then I saw Bay's fat ol' name on the title and wanted to cry. :(

  6. The trailer is awsome! It stinks that in the the trailer that they only show Harry wearing the testing gear for the goblin glider and not his new suit.

    I just had a thought...what if Gwen becomes the Black Cat? That would be pretty cool. :D Or maybe Harry kills Gwen in this one.



    Man... this movie.... I almost peeded myself. This is so frickin awesome. I think I'm gona cry... and pee myself...

  7. Man, those rock so great. Batwoman is still my favorite. The looks better than she does in the comic.

    Off topic, you knwo what irritates me about her the mose? The way DC is treating her. I's not "shes a super hero that fights crime and lives for justice. he personality is she likes chocolate, boxing and is a lesbian". That'd be fin. They have a few like that that I'm okay with. But no. They're treating it like "L@@K!!! A gurl that kisses gurlz!!! 4 BOOBiES!!!!" And that's just degrading to the character and the readers.


  8. Yeah, I couldn't think of a better place to stick this, since no one is allowed to post in the message board forum ;)

    I have a question. i was just reading the board stats:

    Our members have made a total of 3,261 posts

    We have 92 registered members

    The newest member is Fizzle

    Most users ever online was 98 on Jun 7 2006, 06:32 PM

    How can we only have 92 members, but the most members onling was 98? Is any one else confused?

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