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Posts posted by minivenom

  1. I have an early Venom figure in the console of my car. He's been there for just about 8 years now.

    As for carrying a figure on me, I most always have a LEGO minifigure in my pocket. No real rhyme or reason for it. Just started doing it one day and been doing it ever since. As Geohound said, I also tend to misplace things here and there so I will only carry a character if I have duplicates. Oh, and that is in addition to my LEGO Boba Fett keychain.

    When you actually type it out we all sound pretty freakin weird, huh? :lol:

  2. Like K80 said, when you get into the bulked up figures, you go in knowing you're getting a mate with limited movement already. Venom's been done to death, so I'm OK with the bulked up version. If it had been the ONLY Venom we've ever gotten, I'd be disappointed.

    I've always said that my favorite Minimates are the ones that look the most like a regular Minimate. In my ideal world without size restrictions, there would be no powerhouse torsos, and minimal sculpted pieces. Larger characters would be 2.5" mates. But, here in the real world, I just have to hate the powerhouse torsos. hahaha :lol:

  3. Conversely, I HATE that crummy chest-piece on the male Venom pictured next to the female one. I wish they'd retire that shit-piece TOOT SWEET. Yes, I have a big problem with not being able to full pose my minimates with their hands in the air like they just don't care.

    I think you and I are the only ones on the forum who feel this way... or at least we're the only ones who complain about it all the time. :biggrin:

    Totally love the bulked up Brock Venom, though. I've been wanting one of those to go with my standard Venom with Back in Black Spidey torso to avoid the torso piece.

  4. I'm excited about the new Super Heroes lines. I feel like the new Batwing is weak compared to the first one, but I like the new Joker copter and the new Batmobile better than the originals. The minifigs look great, and the 2 sided heads are a welcome touch.

    They don't have the paint apps or the articulation of Minimates, but LEGO figures are cool in their own way.

  5. Well, the old Batwing is way better than the new one, but I like the new Batmobile's design better than the old. I'm going to get some metallic grey parts to replace the yellow wheels, but otherwise it's a much better design, IMO.

    Old Batcave is better, but the new one is cheaper, so I'm OK with it. I like the new Minifig designs better than the older ones, but I still dislike LEGO's "headband" head for Batman. The head is useless without the cowl, so why not just make a shorter cowl, white out half the face on one side, and give a normal face on the other side in case you want to display Batman unmasked?

    I'm really liking these, but I really wish I had kept my old Batwing. :sad:

  6. The Batmobile set is the only one I don't have right now. Not because I don't like it, but because I spent all my money getting the others and it seems pretty easy to find. From online pics I've seen, the Batmobile does look outstanding. My only complaint is the bright yellow rims, but I'm hoping I can swap those out for black.

    The new Batwing OK, but it is a far cry from the original Batwing. The new Joker copter is great, though.

  7. Loving the looks of the Venom set. We get the bulked up version I thought we'd never see, and if I'm seeing it right we get a standard non-powerhouse torso on the first Venom shown. Yes!

    *EDIT* Crap! Just looked at the pics on my computer (was on my cell phone at first) and realized the first Venom is female!! Any chance there's a spider logo underneath the powerhouse Venom next to Eddie's wife?

  8. I kind of like the orangish lenses of the mask. Not nearly as good as white, but at least it mixes it up a little. As usual, I'm not too excited about ANY movie mates that also exist in comics form. Having said that, I usually end up buying a few to satisfy my craving for new minimates when there are no comic mates to buy. I'll get a few of these, especially if Emma Stone gets into the lineup. :teehee:

    And from the outline, it appears that the Lizard is going to have severely limited shoulder articulation. Come on, DST. Stop running the sculpts over the shoulders. :down:

  9. If they do more than just the 4 classic turtles, I might jump on board for the classics line. I loved the original TMNT line. The different characters were pretty cool and fun to collect, but were hampered by sucky articulation. The classics line has obviously addressed that. :)

  10. Stormbreaker is a great choice, but I prefer the classic heroic age box set Thor sold through Disney stores.

    The FA Thor is quite nice, though. Looks a lot like the wave 16 Thor minus the awful chest piece that ruined that figure,

    Considering the Balder that comes with FA Thor, I'd recommend both the Stormbreaker set and FA Thor.

  11. I played piano for a little over 10 years, got pretty good, and gave it up. I was pretty good, not professional good, but I really miss playing. Probably couldn't play anything now if I tried. Also played saxophone up until I started high school, and by virtue of a similar key structure, I found that I could also do a pretty decent job on the clarinet.

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