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Posts posted by minivenom

  1. LEGO has really been on a tear as of late. This is a great set, and is very reasonably priced for the piece count. I'm definitely getting one, but I haven't decided if I'm going to order it sometime in the next week or sometime in the next couple months. Gotta figure out the toy budget first. ;)

  2. I've got mixed emotions about this whole thing.

    On the one hand, I think the staff are a great bunch of guys and will help keep this the best forum on the internet.

    On the other hand, with Shanester's new found powers to ban people, I'll have to be much more careful throwing the term "shockini lover" in his general direction. :P

  3. Cute kid. I bet he loves to come to visit Uncle Shanester and see all the cool toys. There is one minor problem, though. Bubba is about 300 pounds too light to have "Bubba" for a nickname. I pray you haven't cursed him.

    Nice Hulk shirt. I never knew you were a fan. ;)

  4. Good luck to you, Ady. I've never been hooked on cigarettes, but I've known people who have struggled with quitting and I know how difficult it was for them. Right now, I have a co-worker who is trying to quit and I talk to her every day and encourage her to keep at it. She's been smoke-free for 2 1/2 weeks now, and though she's still not past the urges to smoke, she's doing a great job.

    You can do it, bro. Lay off the fags, for Christ's sake!! ;)

  5. Anyone want to go wave the MMMV banner over there?

    I wonder which part of the minimate makes it inferior to the Lego minifig. Is it the 14 points of articulation compared to Lego's 7? Or maybe the varying size scales?

    Man, I am with you!!!! How can they say Lego guys are better when they don't even have knees or elbows? And we have waaaaaaay better characters than Lego will ever get. I like to use Legos for building, but for people, I go MM all the way!!!

    Just a couple things I take issue with here. All in good fun, though. ;)

    Minimates beat minifigs in POA 14-7, making them a better figure. Since more POA = a better figure, all hail the mighty Shockini, with 18 POA!!

    Minimates have way better characters than LEGO? Have you not seen the Star Wars minifigs? They are incredible. Other notables include Harry Potter, Batman, and Exo-Force.

    Probably the most ridiculous thing I've read today is the comment from the LEGO collector who said that minimates are no good because they are "too squarish." How in the hell can a block figure collector dislike a figure because it is blocky??? WTF!?!?!?

    I was working up to a point here, but it's really late and I'm really tired and my brain has told me to lay off or it will start making me think I love Shockinis. Looks like it's bedtime. ;)

  6. $500? At least they include free shipping. ;)

    Really looking forward to your pics MV. I'd like to request a pre-build shot - all the bags and bags of bricks on the floor/table would be crazy to see! :D

    Oh, I imagine we'll make a huge production of it. I'll be so excited I'll need to share the experience. :)

  7. It's not quite as long as the UCS ISD (just over 3 feet long), but it's considered the biggest LEGO model because of the number of parts used. Until this, the UCS Death Star was the largest with 3449 pieces.

    I've already got mine preordered. It's due to ship the first week of October. It'll probably take me a week or so to build the damn thing, but I'll be certain to post some pics when I'm finished. :)

  8. I met a lot of the losers here on the old AA board and like to pop in occasionally to remind them how inferior they are to me and to feed my own ego. ;)

    Seriously though, I've known a lot of the folks here for several years now (though we've never met in person) and I really feel like we've got a great group of people in our little virtual family. This is definitely my favorite internet forum, and even if I were to quit collecting minimates altogether, I would still come here just to keep up with everyone.

    I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! :wub:

  9. Somebody help me understand these things, please. I can see the logic of buying these if you are an adult collector who collects toys for posing only, but what is the draw for kids? Toy manufacturers are always yapping about how they cater to the children's market, but what kid over 3 wants an "action figure" that doesn't move, or is permanently attached to its base? When I was a kid, I damn sure didn't want a toy to stand on a shelf. I wanted to play with it.

    Somebody set my poor wayward soul straight. :/

  10. Not that anyone cares, but I felt the need to tell everyone that I've just completed the Sweatin' difficulty on Elite Beat Agents. Damn, talk about a hard final level. It was one of the most difficult (if not THE most difficult) ending sequences of a video game that I've ever experienced. I can't recommend this game enough. If you have a DS, you NEED EBA.

    Yes, I'm proud of myself. Yes, I realize that makes me a much bigger geek than your average toy collector. No, I don't care. :)

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