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Posts posted by ImABarRoomHero

  1. Thought I would share here since you dudes are cooler than most of the costuming forum folks. Here's my first finished accessory for my Red Son Batman costume.


    The material frayed a bit when I cut it, so I still need to do some minor careful trimming, but I am also going for the haggard steel look.

    I can't find a reference pic, but hopefully a few of you have read the series. Whad'ya think?

  2. Anywhere from 500 to 1500. Depends on who made the mold and how accurately you accessorize. I would say 80% of the 501st stormtroopers use the lower end TK kits, that way you can have more fun without worrying about damage.

  3. Are the clone commandera the guys from republic commando? Those there are some hard bastards.

    Cool costumes, id love one of those sormtrooper suits, theres a place near my father's that sells the official replicas... Was always fun having a look.

    Im not sure why now, but ive always had you down as a black guy.

    Nope, we are animated style clone commanders. As far as the store bought Stormtrooper sets. They are made by a really crappy licensed costuming brand called Rubies. They are over priced and look like garbage when stood next to most 501st members. As far as the black guy thing goes, it may either be due to my signature, which was taken from an awesome "black dude" shirt I saw, or it might be my large penis. Either way, that's awesome.

    cool stuff do you build the troopers costumes yourself or do you buy them premade? post more pics too, especially of the wifes butt :thumbsup:

    A little bit of both. There are a few "underground" parts makers. Generally people that have time, tools and parts at their disposal that will mass produce a few runs of basically giant model kits. Which are pretty much just uncut ABS vacu-formed molds. Then it's up to you to figure out how to size it and put it together. Most of the soft parts are either hunted and gathered or hand made, or they used to be.

    Also, here ya go.





    (Not one to hate on nerds, but that hotel room smelled SOOOOOO bad.)



    (Guess that was the dude that does Ben 10's voice. He lost his mind when he saw us.)



    (Hanging with Ray Park at FCBD 2010, he was a cool ass dude.)

    And because I can't deny it, she has a great ass.


    I cosplayed a couple times before I gained weight (I'm a little chubby, it's not like I'm obese or anything):

    Here I am as L from Death Note:


    And Hobo Phoenix Wright:


    I stopped cosplaying because nobody likes seeing fat people in costumes. I'm working on losing weight so I can cosplay again though.

    Man, don't let that bring ya down. Of course, I am not promoting un-healthiness or anything. But if it makes you happy, just do it, everyone else can suck it.

  4. Was just kind of curious if anyone does any kind of costuming (non Halloween kind). My wife and I have been a member of the 501st for the last few years, unfortunately last year we had to sell our sets after some money problems. Now we are getting into comic book costumes. She currently has a Wonder Woman and I am working on a Red Son Batman. Just thought it would be cool to see if anyone else is into this kind of hobby.

    Here's some pics.

    My Stormtrooper


    My Sandtrooper with a few of my buddies.


    My Commander Cody and my wife's Scout Trooper, posing with Tom Kane (Yoda, Magneto, Scrubbing Bubbles commercial etc.)


    And my friends and I as the Clone Commanders.


    Here's my wife's Wonder Woman costume, and me making sure creeps don't sneak pictures of her butt....


  5. Would love to see an uncanny xforce styled dethlok

    I would rather have a proper Luthor Manning Deathlok the Demolisher before some X-Force variant.

    A trillion times YES! Deathlok is one of those one-and-done characters that would really compliment the existing Marvel stuff AND is a great 70's classic character. I'm actually surprised we haven't seen him, as he's both a real curveball yet a complete natural choice for a minimate.

    I just haven't found Dethlok an interesting character until he popped up in UXF....but then again I'm kind of an Uncanny X Force fanboy...

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