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Posts posted by screamfleet

  1. I dont know if it's hasbro missing the mark, or just not caring, or potential things for the future.

    They've got avengers and spider-man this year. Those are huge, bigger than any other summer super hero movies they've had before.

    I think maybe it's good they're going a bit light on MU this year, because retailers probably wouldn't want to carry it. I think Hasbro will step it up more next year.

    As for the SDCC helicarrier being a foot longer, well, then that makes sense as to why the box is so HUGE. Still looking at pictures, it never impressed me much. It just looks like one giant stand with rocket launchers.

  2. I did a mock up of first appearance beast

    Yea, it's pretty terrible shop. Really, I feel they have the parts. I use forearms from absorbing man, feet from namor. The only reason I used cyclops body was really for the uniform. You could make it any color. Absorbing mans upper body might work well. Maybe it's not as exaggerated as people would like, but it seems somewhat doable without a new mold.

  3. yea, that set is a tad frustrating.

    I have to pass, because I have the first class cyclops and jean. While I dont have gambit/sinister yet, I plan to get that.

    Red angel and iceman look good, and I dont have an apocalypse. So it's like.. 50/50 not enough to warrant it.

    And of course, astonishing beast doesn't do anything for me, so, perfect chance to do another beast. I can't imagine making a non-hairy beast is difficult. They could cannibalize him from other bucks and parts. No need for a new mold. Namor feet, ect.

  4. There's a bit more than just starscream's line

    "It's about time, Knock Out. I do not enjoy being kept waiting!"

    "Ah, it was a long drive, Starscream. I'm still picking bugs out of my grille."

    "Yes, right, you're one of those."

    "Come again?"

    "Never understood why any self-respecting Decepticon would choose 'automobile' as his vehicle mode when he could have flight!"

    "I like the way I look in steel-belted radials."

    He certainly at least comes off as metro.

    That and Knockout whistles at optimus

  5. I'd like to think that because the head is so Cobie Smulders and the buck is from Widow (since Cap uses the Cap Series buck, obviously they have other bucks available) that we might see a retail movie Hill some time.

    Of course, I also like to think that Hasbro exclusives will be available for more than two minutes. :rolleyes:

    Yea, it's interesting they went to all the work to make it resemble the actress just for the con. Then again, it may be something they were planning to put in the line, canceled it, and that's how it became a con exclusive.

  6. Really DC needs to slow down and think out a 5 year plan like Marvel, not pop a massice boner from the Avengers and say "WE SEX MONEY NOW!"

    WB has always been really bad at big picture franchises. The Matrix sequels were pitched as 1 sequel, 1 prequel. Instead we got the animatrix and 2 sequels.

    WB also brought us the Police Academy movies, one doofy comedy after another. Besides Harry Potter, and soon to be tied with batman, this is their most numerous franchise. I'm not joking.

    They're very much a studio that wants instant satisfaction. They're not very good at growing a brand.

  7. He said real custom. As in, actual custom-made figure. Not that anyone's is less real.

    Saying one is real would suggest the others are in someway not. The rules of the contest allowed various forms for entries. I think they all deserve respect, no matter the way they were made.

  8. Maybe it's because I primarily collect GI Joes, but when I first saw the Dragonfly I figured it was slapped together with pre-exsisting parts because they didn't have any of the new parts yet (Which Zach confirmed). I'm assuming many of the LRG guys aren't used to that concept happening in their toylines.

    I will say the dragonfly is the lesser of the three I've seen, but I expect the rest of the line will look more like the Gator and Vorin (and be awesome :) )

    LRG really just want the same exact thing we had in the 80's. Anything new at all is crap. They just can't seem to grasp that what they love still exists, and they're not making new ones. They're not use to concepts like, moving on, or letting things go.

  9. Congrats, guys! I really like that a "real" custom and a design won the first two spots! Well done everybody. Defenitely one of the best custom contests in the last few years.

    Because my drawing and bio was some how less "real"? Everyone seemed to have very real and valid entries.

  10. If what Zach says is true, that he was "just for fun" (Zik) because the others arent done....then I can only speculate the others are going to be as amazing as Vorin. b00sted....dont lose hope yet, wait for them to come out!

    I love it when SDCC exclusives are something I'm not interested in, cause I usually can't get them anyway.

  11. Blame Congress.

    US Toy Laws still prevent a mass market Megatron that transforms into a realistic gun. Ridiculously undersized pea shooters are apparently okay. So with 0 chance of it coming to the US market, or even being shipped here without contraversy, a real G1 Megs is unlikely.

    Galvatron would be a great choice all things considered.

    Not being released in the US has never stopped me from being able to get it.

    The problem with MP megatron isn't that he's a illegal to be released. It'd just not a well made toy, on par with the other MP toys. He has many technical issues. The gun mode probably doesn't lend very well to balancing out. A different alt mode with more freedom for design would be better. I don't care if he's a gun or not, or released in the US, I just want a well made toy.

  12. I really hope they revisit megatron now. Many people clamor for G2, but, Japan never had G2 Megatron. I like him being silver anyway. A tank would be fine, or a gun. The MP they have just, wasn't quiet right. He was top heavy, awkward transformation, know to break.

    Now that they re-did starscream and are doing soundwave, megatron just feels like he could use another. They seem to really be cranking out the MPs now.

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