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Posts posted by matticus396

  1. To me tiger stripe wolverine is more 90's than brown wolverine, and while I like the colors and the eye placement on the mask much better on the best of wolverine, you can't beat the comic style shadowing and definition that comes on wave 28 wolverine.

  2. My ideal wolverine through the ages set would have Team X Wolvie, Albert, Weapon X, and AoA Weapon Omega. That being said I'm very much looking forward to this set, I'm digging ultimate wolverine, it looks great and is a nice update, but the stand out of the set for me is space suit wolverine. Hope we'll get more info on this soon.

  3. Think we're going to change "Sauron" to "Reaper," since these guys have no pants and he's shared between both series, making him KIND of an army-builder. Not sure we'll sell more or less of him that way, but hey.

    Oops, probably shouldn't have mentioned the Reaper thing in the other thread, But it's awesome DST strives for perfection and is actually changing the name, I don't think most companies would have bothered. Either way way, super stoked for this wave!

  4. Ok after reading issue 2 of Savage Wolverine I really don't think we are getting Sauron. The Reapers just seem to be Savage Land anthropomorphic dinosaurs from the island this storyline is set in. So looks like we're getting four possible army builders in Wave 51, male Shield agent, female Shield agent, different Nova centurions and these Pteranodon.

    Yes, I think you are right.

    Really digging that new title though.

  5. Interesting, I didn't know that was why cyclops was killed off so abruptly.

    I liked the Clone Saga too. I started reading comics because of the FOX Spider-man Animated Series & the Clone Saga was taking place during that time period. I have a fondness for Scarlet Spider. Well actually I have a fondness for the entire cast. In fact, where is my Jackal Minimate?!

    I think there is a good chunk of us, that the only reason we're on this board right now is in part due to what FOX aired for its Saturday morning cartoons.

  6. I think it would be awesome to see the return of cyclops too, I don't think his character has gotten its chance to shine on the big screen the way it has in the comics. But like Miry said there are so many characters slated to be in the DOFP film that If not done just right, the movie has potential to massively suck.

  7. While they probably intended for her to be Emma Frost, They were Weapon X - is Singer really *needs* to do anything, he can pretty much give a throw-away line of dialogue that explins that she was a mutant being experimented on and given powers. It's exactly what he was doing with Wade Wilson.

    I doubt that Singer will bother to re-visit the character though.

    Very true
  8. And the Emma thing... please. They never call her by name in the movie, she's only reffered to by first name in the credits. And they used different visuals for both. Easily written off as two different Emma's with similar powers. It's only a problem if you decide it's going to be.

    Dont kid yourself, you know as well as I do that they intended that to be Emma Frost, then decided to ignore it for First Class, which didn't bother me or ruin the movie for me in any way, my point was that they have a history of not sticking to their own continuity, and they will most likely do the same with the recasting of Trask.
  9. I thought they already cast someone as Trask in X3, wasn't it Bill Duke? It would seem odd to recast one role when they're going out of their way to bring back everyone else. I know Trask isn't on the same level as the other characters, but I'm just surprised to hear that.

    they had Emma frost apear at the end if XMOW then recast her for the first class, same with beast, he was in a cameo in human form in X2 or X-men, but then he went full blue fury beast mode in first class, so I'd say they have always been pretty loose with continuity in this franchise.

    According to Bryan Singer, X3 never happened.

    I thought I read something different, I believe I read in an interview that he was keeping in mind every movie, but some directors went in different directions And made things a little difficult for him, he wasn't planning on ignoring any of the previous movies. Personally I'm hoping for a franchise reboot much like Star Trek.
  10. Blame it on that passage from the Savage Land into South America. A somehow radioactive mutant pteranodon makes it's way through it and attacks an expedition in the Andes, which included a young Carl Lykos. Several members of the party, including Carl's father are killed and Carl himself is bitten. Somehow, the creature's bite passes it's radioactivity to Lykos, making him something of a life-force vampire needing to drain others to survive. Carl does his best to control his condition, becoming a phsycian and hypnotherapist that drains a little of his patients' energy with each visit. But when Carl takes Alex Summers as a patient and gets his first taste of mutant energy, he transforms into into a pteradactyle like monster with hypnotic powers while retaining his energy draining nature. Thus began Lykos' Jekyll and Hyde existence. The more mutant power the self dubbed Sauron drains, the longer he can remain in monster form. There is some evidence to suggest he copies certian abilities along with a mutant's energy, he has claimed to have absorbed Wolverine's healing power on a number of occassions.

    These days, a stint with Weapon X gave him the ability to project bio-energy force bolts from his hands and the ability to breathe fire, though the latter ability maybe have been a hypnotic illusion.

    There is a race of flying lizard men native to the Savage Land called Pterons that look exactly like Sauron, but without any exotic powers. No firm conection between the Pterons and Lykos has ever been established. It's possible the Reapers are members of that race and maybe they'll explain why Carl transforms into essentially one of them.

    WOW, Miry your the man, this is like reading marvelwiki, I'm like Nessex, the only stuff I really knew about Sauron was from X-Men TAS, which stayed close but is not exactly like its source material.

  11. So I just re-read Savage Wolverine #1(Wolverines new Marvel Now title.) and its got me thinking that the pterodactyl like character we're getting may not actually be intended to be Sauron. There is a gang of pterodactyl men called the Reapers that attack Wolvie and shanna, and they're going commando just like our new mate, and seeing how they're packaged together and in the same story I'm thinking it might not be Sauron. But that's only one issue, Sauron could pop up in issue two buck naked, you never know. Just making an observation.

  12. Yep, this is why I wish marvel studios held the lisencing for x-men instead of fox. We would be getting the full treatment for this movie if they did. Instead, if I wasn't a die hard x-men fan I probably wouldn't even know this movie was comming out. No trailers, very little advertisement, I feel like I've heard more about the next spiderman movie and the DoFP movie than this one and its out this summer. But we will see I guess, the first class mates kind of came out of no where, so I will hold on to a small shred of hope.

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