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Posts posted by murderofcrows

  1. not stretching the creativity very much. but here is my cobra, next to his leader cobra commander. COBRA.jpg?t=1182916396

    he is made up of

    helmet (hasbro dtc cobra trooper)

    head (assault punisher)

    body, arms and upper legs (cain from bsg)

    lower legs or jack boots (blade)

    holster, weapons (assault punisher)

    mask and straps (stickers)

    If ANYONE can hook me up with a real transfer for his chest with a cobra logo... I would be happy to pay you for your troubles just pm me.

    hope you like


  2. Here's my Lord of Darkness from Legend. He's still a work in progress, even though I've been working on him for over 3 weeks now. I'm not sure if I'll have time to finish him and get my entry in for the poster contest so I wanted to post him at least.


    The big guy is a heavily modified 3" Minimate. His head is scratch-built from Milliput with the ears coming from a plastic toy horse. His musculature and extended legs are also made from Milliput and his hooves come from a plastic toy ox. His arm bands and cape are hand sewn from leather, and the cape has a woven black fabric lining as well.

    WOW!!! I love it!

    You are a custom master! i bow before you

  3. My 2 Cents

    An exclusive for a liscenced character: We could do it, if there was one that was already out there, and there was a commitment to DST in the form of a check. This would be hard to do because we are a group of individuals, and saying "i would pay x for an exclusive" sounds easy, but somebody has to front the bill at first...that would be the hard part.

    The blanks are cheaper I am sure, but once again same scenario exists.


    My suggestion, is to create a fund we can contribute to, and then not to get a "blank" but instead get a white, red, or black minimate and instead of a chest logo, but a set of eyes on it , like a ninja mask. Then we could have a "blank" non liscenced mini, that has a face (ninja mask) that people could army build. Red could be the "hand" ninjas for marvel fans, or "gi joe" fans. If you need an example of what i am talking about, does anyone remember the storm shadow design from minimate headquarters? I think we could get people behind a blank ninja army builder mate

    What do you think?

  4. Holy shit dude, were you lookin in my back window, ;) lol....i'm in the process of using almost those same exact pieces for my newest CC, a helmeted version, and a hooded version thanks to our pal fujis. looks great!

    What different pieces are you using?

    I would love to see it when you are done. A hooded version? are you using the hood from the 3 3/4 inch line?

  5. OK

    So this probably isn't new, or all that exciting, but I was playing around with my extras, and come up with this

    Cobra Commander...


    Parts Used

    Helmet: Cobra Trooper Hasbro DTC wave from TRU

    Head: X Men Colussus (backwards)

    Body: Cain from BSG

    Belt and holster: Apollo BSG

    Gloves: Cat Woman

    Shoulder Deco Wonder Womans lasso

    Anyways, this might help the less artistic (like me) still get a cobra commander


  6. I say the two girls from Wild Things. With their line of Moviemates coming strong, it would make for an interesting surprise, plus it would meet the quota for boobs to keep the review scores up on MMC.

    Maybe the emphasis should be on DRIVE and not wild

    So it maybe Speed Racer Series 2 Mates (Trixie and the weird looking dude)

  7. $20 says it has nothing to with "WILD" being a character name or in the title....Damn misdirection.... Sometimes I think chuck is an illusionist.

    But on the other hand, I totally foresee an exclusive Giant Man Minimates Max......

    Has Chuck really sent alot of misdirection?

    I mean I know he out and out told us it wasn't thor, which turned out to be a fib.

    But for the most part haven't their hints been pretty on the money? just askin..

    but to that I am sure you may be right may not have a dog gone thing to do with wild

  8. HMMMMM..... wild...lets see

    Marvel: Wild Pack: silver sable and one of her goons?

    Wild Child from AOA with Sabretooth?

    DC: Johna Hex? Wild Dog?

    Movies: Wild Thing: Melanie Griffith and Jeff Daniels?

    awww hell I don't know maybe it is the Iluminati ;)

  9. Picture005.jpg?t=1179456446

    Fire Hawk

    The power house of the team. Fire Hawk has the ability of flight, can create a protective heat based force field, and can create fire plasma bursts from his hands.

    Lured out of retirement to join the Contingency, Fire Hawk was the product of one of the many attempts to re-create the super soldier program in the late 1960's. He has the experience, the power and the patience to help mold the younger members of The Contingency from brash wild cards into real super heroes.

    Fire Hawk is the second member of The Contingency stay tuned for more...

  10. OMG, you're so persistent!! :blink: TRUST me it actually might not be the minimate mail-away from target. Sheesh! And no it's not turning in to the defenders illuminati thing, just trust that maybe I know someone who knows someone or maybe it's a customer service thing or hell maybe radicals is sending out stuff again! You never know. So let's just wait to see if there's a way to tell.

    I have no reason to TRUST anything other than the fact we all sent in for a free minimate promotion. to a company that has been bought out by the same one the product was sent by...jeez

  11. Hey I got something too but I'm not sure if it's for this....What was the reference on the bottom of the label here it says "Approp. No.: "

    I'm just wondering how you're supposed to know its from the target thing....

    Is it a free minimate you got in the mail? then I would hazzard a guess it is the target thing

    True, it is a free minimate bu I think this is something else... Anyone, the "Approp. No." thing? anything, anyone???

    nope it is the target thingl. I mean I know you WANT it to be something else, so there is still a chance you might get the silver spidey. but come on. Free Minimate in the mail. Obviously target thing.

  12. I have a good friend that lives in Spain, I could prob source these fairly easily if they are not so off the scale they look bad.

    I'm worried that 3.3" is too big to work with mates though.


    TBT if you are serious about the hook up, please let me know...I NEED that baxter building

    I am not worried about scale. The 5 inch batcave worked perfectly for them and this looks waaay better

  13. Toy Karma is a cool topic and I think a direct result of places just like this.

    You see someone post a few times, maybe they make you laugh, maybe they have a kick ass custom, and you think "hey this guy is just like me" It develops a true community, where one may have not existed before. So when we form these friendships we think...yea i wanna help these guys out.

    In return, it comes back to you. and that is very cool.

    I know I have had some cool toy karma happen to me, and in return I hope I have given some people some good toy karma as well.

    I know I wouldn't have half of the minimates I have without the help of my online plastic crack addicts.

    now if anyone needs any bsg mates, let me know I have an extra 2 sets. :)

  14. We're getting Dr Strange. Does it really matter what team it is? Are any of you not going to buy the set if its the Defenders? How about if it is Illuminati? Secret Defenders with Darkhawk, Thunderstrike and Nomad? No? Then why argue about it? Thye're minimates. You're going to buy them all - you know it, I know it and AA/DST knows it.

    Feel free to throw your theories out there, but please play nice gang.

    While I agree we will buy them no matter what, it just gets under my skin, when people are "told" (defending the dst offices, how much clearer does it have to get?) what they are going to be and STILL insist it will be something else. :angry:

    I understand where you're coming from MOC. Really, I do. Honestly until DST reveals all, it's just speculation at this point.

    I was talking to a co-worker yesterday about an issue in the office. (Employee A had used employee B 's chair and adjusted the seat. Employee B was very upset - to the point of tears.) I found out then that my co-worker's father has just recently been diagnosed with a fairly deadly form of cancer. (Is there any other kind of cancer, btw? Isn't it all deadly?) At that point, it kind of put the office drama into the proper perspective for me. So if it seems like I'm blowing you off about this issue, I apologize. That's not my intent - there are just bigger things to get worked up over than speculation over which characters will be included in the box set. ¿Comprendé? :thumbsup:

    I wasn't busting your balls over this, just frustrated

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