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Posts posted by Polarboy

  1. When I look at the releases of minimates and see how some obscure characters or characters that haven't really been demanded have been released and it reminds me of how they are planning out the Masters of the Universe Classics line. They have said that they need to keep some of those highly demanded characters out of the lineup till later so that they can keep interest high as the line continues. Where minimates are doing really well (atleast it seems that way to me) they have to keep some of the characters that get mentioned over and over again here out of the lineup for a while to keep people wanting more!

    So far the few great new characters released here and there have kept my interest high. For exampe Mr. Sinister in this wave, and Omega Red in the TRU wave 10 keep me anticipating these releases and looking forward to getting them.

    What you say makes a lot of sense. The only problem is time and time again we see that this rational doesn't work. Just look at marvel legends, they are now pretty much dead in the water and we never got a complete 90's x-men (the only era they ever really worked on). DC Direct are also pretty good at never finishing teams. Minimates is doing better then these guys but I guess we all feel one day out of the blue minimates will be no more and out outback x-men will always be missing a couple of characters.

  2. My Illyana is certainly a lot more developed in the chest then the other new mutants girls. I was hopeing that she would hae come spare peices to swap out with her armour but I guess not. I don't mind the arm as she looked like that a lot in the book but the leg will annoy me somwhat. I suppose I will have to buy a 3rd box set to put her and doug in uniform. What are the chances do you think of a Magma , Moonstar two pack in the near future?

    Thanks for the pics! I got the X-Force/New Mutants sets with some Christmas money. I really like them, but I don't like how short Cannonball's blast stand is. It's the same height as a normal blast stand, but those connect to the figures' feet. I wish it was a little taller to compensate for connecting to his waist (which I love that it does). I'm hoping to find an extra that I can maybe combine them, or something.

    I agree. It's also a shame that they never got this stand sorted in time for the boxset. Mind you I imagine every peice in that set is a reuse. I have a fairly small collection and recognised everything but Sam's hair and I would bet it has turned up before.

  3. Not a huge X-Fan, but I can appreciate much needed characters like Jubilee, Bishop, Mr. Sinister and (hopefully) Banshee and Sunfire.

    But yeah, that Kang/Black Knight pairing is fast becoming my most wanted pairing ever. I hope we see those guys in 2011. And a Squadron Supreme set would be a lovely addition as well.

    My main gripe isn't with these so much as the AoA stuff-- a storyline that lasted for three months from which we've gotten 12 Minimates. That's a lot. Between that, the X-Force stuff (both "classic" and modern), the New Mutants, and the Jim Lee team, there hasn't been a lot of balance between the X-Men and and the rest of the Marvel Universe.

    And what's annoying is that, despite this, there still are several X-characters I want. Dazzler and Longshot especially, but also Banshee, Forge, classic Sunfire, Strong Guy, Moonstar... bah. Well, Mr. Sinister would have been on that list, so I'm not really complaining... well, I am, but I'm complaining more about the new TRU wave. ;)

    Make Kang and Black Knight already, dammit!

    I blame this stupid policy Art Asylum has with the box sets having four figures. The x-figures seem to be hardest hit by this for some reason.

    You had first apperance x-men five character four in the box

    first apperance x-factor five characters four in the box

    first apperance new mutants five characters four in the box

    Just for a change Excalibur five character three in the box plus a villian that appeared in about 2 issues of the original run

    original x-force anywhere from six to nine characters depending who you ask 2 in the box and a villian (that everybody wanted) and a sort of minor character.

    Maybe if they did these boxset properly and ajusted the price when needed, that would patch some of the holes. I wouldn't really care if the two pack were solely the same old crap if we got a half a dozen really nice boxsets a year. Things like the outback x-men or 90's x-factor but give us everybody in one hit, hell a lot of people might even get things like power pack or the new warriors if they could get everything in one box.

    To be honest I think only the X-Men FA and X-Factor boxsets are the only ones hit by the splitting of teams and I would say since then AA/DST-TRU may have learnt from that and adjusted any team building case ratio's accordingly.

    Only time will tell to be tuthfull but I cant see it being as bad as it was.

    As for the amount of minimates in a boxset 4 is fine, I can live with that knowing I may have to hunt for the other characters. I could see larger boxsets pricing some collectors out of the market.

    I'm going to disagree. In all reality adding a 5th figure to the boxsets should only add 3 or 4 dollars at most to the price of a boxset. So you would then have to weigh up what would put more people off the purchase, 4 dollars or a first apperance Avengers minus Thor?

    My guess is people would pay the extra for a complete 5 figure team. Things like new mutants they should have put the original 5 in one boxset and then did a second box with Illiyana, Doug, Warlock and Amara. The first box would have sold really well and most people who brought the first would have probably picked up the second slightly cheaper box as well.

  4. Not a huge X-Fan, but I can appreciate much needed characters like Jubilee, Bishop, Mr. Sinister and (hopefully) Banshee and Sunfire.

    But yeah, that Kang/Black Knight pairing is fast becoming my most wanted pairing ever. I hope we see those guys in 2011. And a Squadron Supreme set would be a lovely addition as well.

    My main gripe isn't with these so much as the AoA stuff-- a storyline that lasted for three months from which we've gotten 12 Minimates. That's a lot. Between that, the X-Force stuff (both "classic" and modern), the New Mutants, and the Jim Lee team, there hasn't been a lot of balance between the X-Men and and the rest of the Marvel Universe.

    And what's annoying is that, despite this, there still are several X-characters I want. Dazzler and Longshot especially, but also Banshee, Forge, classic Sunfire, Strong Guy, Moonstar... bah. Well, Mr. Sinister would have been on that list, so I'm not really complaining... well, I am, but I'm complaining more about the new TRU wave. ;)

    Make Kang and Black Knight already, dammit!

    I blame this stupid policy Art Asylum has with the box sets having four figures. The x-figures seem to be hardest hit by this for some reason.

    You had first apperance x-men five character four in the box

    first apperance x-factor five characters four in the box

    first apperance new mutants five characters four in the box

    Just for a change Excalibur five character three in the box plus a villian that appeared in about 2 issues of the original run

    original x-force anywhere from six to nine characters depending who you ask 2 in the box and a villian (that everybody wanted) and a sort of minor character.

    Maybe if they did these boxset properly and ajusted the price when needed, that would patch some of the holes. I wouldn't really care if the two pack were solely the same old crap if we got a half a dozen really nice boxsets a year. Things like the outback x-men or 90's x-factor but give us everybody in one hit, hell a lot of people might even get things like power pack or the new warriors if they could get everything in one box.

  5. That is correct.

    Take the hand off, put the fire blast on, put the hand on the end of the fire blast.

    Thanks to everybody who has replied in this post. I also really like that picture posted. I was actually after the excalibur rachael picture but the one posted is really nice too and I was totally unclear about what I want ed.

  6. :D I just got this series today (cause I'm such a trend setting forward thinking kind of guy)

    Anyway I only wanted the variant figure but it ended up cheaper buying the entire wave (Thanks to whom ever suggested that on the board). Anyway how cool are these guys? I have been happily swapping peices between them all afternoon (Am I the only one who does this?). So to my question in the rachel, sentinal pack what is the T shaped peice for? also where is the tiny fire peice supposed to go?

    Since I have gone to the trouble of writing this I might as well ask about the avengers box set as well. What is Iron mans accesory supposed to be?. Which outfit does Hanks bare arms go with?. Also which outfit do the wasp's red hands go with?


  7. I'm a bit dissapointed with the line up truth be told. When I think Excalibur I think the original run and all their unique villians so Jugganaut is such a waste of a slot. I'm really sick of this 4 pack nonsence just give us the original 5 together. Ok we have just gotten Cap and Kitty and both are still avalable at a resonably price but I missed Rachel and my gosh how much does she go for these days.

  8. Because I'm an idiot who loves paying over the odds for older figures I just got angel.

    Anyway if you look at him the wrong way his wings fall off. Were they all like this or did I get a dud?

    If this was common place I'm sure people found a solution, has anybody tried making the holes deeper? or is superlue the salvation here?

  9. Ok I have found lukes silver mane decal anyway a couple of questions if I open this in photoshop and try to print it it wants to print the thing the size of a page is there a specfic program to open it in? ok stupid question I can pick the head and torso bits, I guess the bottom peices go on the shins but where are the other decals supposed to go?

  10. The thing is I think im on top of the chest decal but if the character has a stripe down the arm and leg I think it will look kind of sloppy if I paint it or do it with markers. So i really want to do decals on the limbs but I'm not sure what to do with the joints.

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