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Posts posted by Polarboy

  1. 11 hours ago, thereasonsy said:

    No, I mean it's in the mainstream news/podcasts and actually driving conversations about Comics and race. Here are some press clippings.

    And this isn't even bringing up the current X-Men fiasco. Just because something is talked about doesn't mean it's good.

    Whats the X-Men fiasco? I used to love the x universe so much but now they have become like old school friends that occasionally pop up on face book with some out of context factoid now and then.

  2. I said elsewhere (maybe even earlier in this thread, Im old I can remember these damm things) that the whole point of Aunt May is that she is a burden, a big old boulder around his neck complicating life. The more I think about it, the more I think the Sally Fields Aunt May missed the point, she whined about money a bit but then she when out and got a qualification and got her self a job and was useful during the final crisis. Her story arch about needing Peter to buy her eggs was a bit lacking because she was more then capable of getting her own eggs. There really wasn't any reason Peter couldn't conveniently have gotten a European newspaper correspondent job and jetted off to London with his hot girlfriend. Now this Peter is younger and needs somebody in a guardian role, but it's going to be a whole different dynamic which I'm not sure will bring anything interesting to the characters conflict.  

  3. I wouldn't mind a clear Invisible woman/girl that came with some sort of shield and 3 or 4 clear hair pieces, a 60's first appearance style, an 80's mullet, a contemporary style and maybe a longer style that some artists drew her with.  

  4. In my x-men display I have the original Xavier in my 60's x-men,  hover chair Xavier in my 90's x-men and future Xavier in his wheeled wheel chair in my movie display and I haven't been overly taken with the need for an update by any of them.

  5. Oh my I have really been enjoying this, Also it seems to be a text book example of how a show should handle pacing and information revelation. I was concerned about the idea of an "unreliable narrator" which I was taking as carte blanche for the writters to do what they want, but it is being handled super well.

  6. 6 hours ago, SCW said:

    I have less of a problem with the money/tech stuff in this new movie universe, because the "struggle" has NEVER been a factor in the movies before. Peter always ends up with super costumes, awesome gadgets, whatever, with ease anyway in the movies,

    Gonna agree to disagree on this one, in the original trilogy he lived in his aunts tiny house then moved to a really crappy apartment with a pay phone in the hall, struggling to get by on what ever he could convince Jamison to give him, begging to get a permanent staff job. He was at college on a scholarship which they threatened to take away at one point and all he really had gadget wise was stuff he made in his room from junk. He even bitched about the cost of web fluid.

  7. I have decided that I don't like a young aunt May. Her defining character trait is that basically she is a giant pain in the arse, she needs to be a burden on Peter to create his characters struggle. Upon reflection even the Sally Field aunt May was too young, she ended up becoming a nurse and she was more then capable of getting her own damm eggs.

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