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Posts posted by neolego

  1. ...Might see if I can get Lex to watch The Incredibles or Finding Nemo....

    Just so you know, Both Nemo and The Incredibles has yet to be released. It is currently on the schedule for "Spring 2011", I would assume March as that is when Disney normally makes big releases. Currently those are the only 2 Pixar movies missing on Blu Ray. And if Lex hasn't seen Toy Story 3 yet, he will love it. It's the best of the Series, I took Kira and Cal to see it in 3D at the theater and they LOVED it! And I wasn't tearing up at the end, it was hayfever season...... :)


  2. Well, it's been quite, maybe everyone is actually busy PLAYING the games to talk about them ;). Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has picked up Kinect. As hard as it is to believe, my wife is actually asking for one for Christmas. I thought I was done with the 360, but maybe not, lol. So, any thoughts about Kinect from the multiverse?!? neo

  3. I have a modest Blu Ray collection, so I'll throw my hat into the game. On the TV side, LOST and Smallville on Blu Ray is nice, especially the last few seasons. Battlestar Galactica is probably my favorite TV set though!

    As for movies, there are so that are just most haves. The Dark Knight and Star Trek are simply the best Blu Ray transfers I have ever seen. Those two movies should be part of everyone's collection. As mentioned, Watchmen is a great transfer as well as Spider-Man 3 and X3 (of course, the latter two have nothing to do with MOVIE quality!). Iron Man 1 and 2 also look great as does the Pirates of the Carribean series, most impressive would be At World's End. Finally, just one word: Pixar. I have every Pixar Blu Ray released so far (Toy Story 1-3, Bug's Life, Cars, Monsters, Inc., Up, Wall.E, and Ratatouille) and every one is FLAWLESS!

    Also, the answer your question back a while ago, the main difference between VuDo and Netflix is that VuDo is only On-Demand (to my knowledge). That mean's it's streaming only, no physically DVD/BluRay sent to your home. It's also more expensive as you pay per movie, in HD is like $5 or $6 to rent. As opposed to a flat rate to watch as many as you like. However, the benefit is that you can get movies as soon as they are released with VuDo as opposed to several months later on Netflix. Again, you are paying more, but you have access to the movies earlier. As far as quality, I stream both VuDo and Netflix through my PS3 to my HDTV and both look great in 1080p and are instantly available, so I don't think quality is an issue either way.


  4. Ah....where can I start. The trailer looks like a really bad...REALLY bad joke. I cannot type into words how disappointing that trailer is to Movie Fans, Green Lantern Fans, and Ryan Reynolds Fans alike! The trailer has confirmed my worse fears (pun intended), they made GL a comedy.

    Now, for Jeff's sake :), I not ruling out the movie completely. In fact, good or bad I will see it opening weekend. All I am saying though is that WB couldn't have picked a worse way to promote the movie.

    From what I've seen in the trailer, watched it several times now, I have nothing be negatives. Where to start. I hate the costume, ring, and lantern. It looks like something from Cybertron. If you didn't know he needed a lantern you would never know what the heck that thing was and the ring looks like a HUGE 50 cent gumball ring. The suit is just ugly, it is made to look organic but comes across as a cheap man's vemon suit. Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little.

    As for the story, I don't mind the idea of Hal having fear. Basically, he is only as powerful as his willpower is, if he didn't struggle with it at some point it wouldn't be much of a movie. But everything else seems like forced comedy. Getting beat up by common thugs only to beat them down with a green fist. Really?!

    It has been said here before, but I will repeat it. This movie screams Flash. If you just changed the hues from green to red I would completely buy this movie. Flash is over the top fun, always with something smart to say, never taking anything too seriously. That is the movie I feel like I'm looking out. Hal would not even begin to act that way. In the end I think they are going to tarnish the character wholly to where no one will ever credit him as anything but a throw away comedian. In a line up of the JLA, GL should stand strong with Batman and Superman.......but here he looks more like the court jester. What a failure! neo

  5. Holy Cow, me and Timbo the papers ;).

    First, I will admit that "All Ghillied Up" is the best level of any CoD game, and probably the best level I've played in 10 years period. And I still think that Modern Warfare gets the nod as the best of the series based alone on it's change of pace. But I think that Black Ops is a fantastic story and great game that ranks up there. I've said before, I always prefer the grittier, historial based games as opposed to future style stories, that's just personal preference. And I don't mind the spawning, it keeps the action packed and keeps me on my toes. (and for the record, Infinity Ward created that style, and Treyarch just ported it). In the end, there will always been a Modern Warfare vs. Anything else in the CoD series debate and there will always be people that just prefer modern weapons and stories and opposed to people that perfer history and classic stories and weapons. In the end though, we all win because the games remain fantastic.

    I also picked up MLB the show last week. I haven't played around with it much because of Black Ops but I played a little bit last night. It is probably the best baseball game I've ever played. I found it very cheap and it was worth every dime. neo

  6. Well, I spent a good part of the weekend with Black Ops. Still not finished with the single player yet, but I'm still loving every bit of it. It is, by far, the best single player CoD game yet. I've heard mixed things about the Multiplayer, but I haven't tried it yet so I'll reserve my opinions until then! Taking missions from JFK was great, and when you hit 'Nam the action goes through the roof!! neo

  7. Well, I broke open Black Ops last night, finally. Of course, by broke open I mean I was so frustrated by the time I got the plastic wrap off that I chunked the case across the room and it landed nice and face open on the kitchen tile.....but I digress....

    Anyway, Black Ops, and Call of Duty for that matter, is like my wife going on a week's vacation. It's nice to have some quite alone time with other things you like, but when she returns you remember that she's the true love of your life.......and then you spend all night long never leaving the bedroom.....but again, I digress.......

    I love the Call of Duty series, since CoD 3. To this point World at War has been my favorite. I'm a huge fan on Treyarch. Their games are a little more real world feel, a little more gritty, and I love that. Plus, I'm a history buff so I love that they take real world events and base the game around just feels more real than what Modern Warfare does (to me, of course). Anyway, my hype meter was very low leading up to Black Ops. In fact, the game was on my Christmas List and I wasn't even planning on buying it right now, but a came into some money and figured now is as good a time as any. And from the moment I start the game I'm completely in love...AGAIN. It's everything that I love, the shooting mechanic is flawless. The environments are beautiful and full of life. The story, even early on, is interesting. Using my metaphor from above, you get comfortable with a game when you play it so often, in this case MW2 and then you move on and you enjoy stuff like Red Dead Redemption and The Force Unleashed II and Lara Croft but then from the moment you boot up a game that you really love you are reminded at that moment why you bought the game in the first place.....and then you spend all night getting reacquainted.

    Anyway, I'm two stages in and completely hooked, once again. This will be my completely weekend, starting tonight. I like to play through the story first, but I may jump into a little multiplayer this weekend, we'll see (I've heard it's really good!!). Anyway, right now I still think Red Dead is my game of the year, but Black Ops has potential! If you are looking to play some multiplayer and you are on the PS3 and we aren't friends already, shoot me a request: neolego.


  8. Anybody played Black OPS yet?

    I have it, does that count ;). I broke down yesterday and picked up Red Dead again for the PS3 and then Black Ops. However, it was a busy night so I haven't played either. I plan to change that tonight. But, for the record, several of my friends have been playing and they say it's great. I actually prefer the Treyarch games to Infinity Ward so I'm excited! I'll post some thoughts later tonight or in the morning! neo

  9. There are a couple of good options, most have been mentioned.

    Most modern libraries have a good selection of Movies and Games, I would check there. Also, RedBox has started renting games, however the closet one to me is about 18 miles so I haven't tried the service yet so I can't speak for the quality or ease. And the idea of Netflix carrying games almost makes my head explode, that would be ideal.

    But, at the end of the day I don't think there is a better option available than GameFly. My biggest complaint, which again has been mentioned, is the lack of brand new released games. HOWEVER, it hasn't been enough of a problem for me to cancel, mainly because there is still stuff a few months old that I am looking to play. For instant, Spider-Man SD is on it's way. By the time I finish that, Fallout New Vegas will be more readily available, but if you want Fallout right now it's going to be hard to come by. But, at the end of the day, even if it takes you a week to beat 1 game, you are still looking at 4 quality games a month for the price of $15......and you can't beat that!


  10. Game Dev Story!!

    I downloaded this game a few days ago, it's iPhone only. It's a simulation game where you start a video game company. It is your job to hire, train, and level up your staff to develop and ship video games and ultimate become a successful company. And it is ruling my life!! I can't stop playing the dang thing. As a matter of fact, I was just playing and paused because I wanted to tell you guys about it, and as soon as I'm done typing this I will continue again. I'm working on an Adventure RPG called Sky Tower and it's going to be EPIC. I'm so glad my boss is on vacation today :). Anyway, if you have an iPhone you should pick this up. It's $4, but worth every penny. To this point Plants vs Zombies has been my favorite iPhone game......but that is starting to change.....I'll keep you posted! neo

  11. I think I'm going to pick up Red Dead for the PS3 today, I'm really interested in Undead Nightmare. I'm also looking

    I heard they are going to make undead nightmare into a $30 disc so you dont need to buy the full game and its coming out this month.If so im definetaly picking the $30 disc.

    Thanks for the heads up. I played the game originally on the 360, so I actually want to play through it again. Trophies and all :D. Plus, is is my Game of the Year so far, so it's worth another playthrough! neo

  12. With the baseball playoffs I haven't really been playing much . Go Rangers by the way!

    However, I did finish Costume Quest on the PSN yesterday (fitting, I know). That was a really fun little game. I think it was a little short and would be better served as a $10 game, but I enjoyed it very much and I'll buy another one next year if DoubleFine kicks one out!

    I think I'm going to pick up Red Dead for the PS3 today, I'm really interested in Undead Nightmare. I'm also looking forward to Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. It looks like the series might be over tonight :(, so I'll be back to playing soon! neo

  13. I would like to update some of my thoughts. First, if anyone caught the IGN 24 hours game marathon on Saturday, Greg Miller played DCUO for an hour and you could watch on their site. I have to say I still love everything that I've seen and read about the game. The game just looks great. It reminds me a little of City of Heroes, but with actualy console type gameplay. It looks great and the idea is so cool. You create your character including wether you are good or bad (you even get to pick your mention, the likes of Batman or Superman or Joker or Lex Luthor).

    However, it was confirmed again while they were talking about the game that it is a $15/month fee to play. I just can't support this right now. Maybe if I had no life and could sink hours and hours into a game, but I just can't do it. I have a family and a full time job. I spend maybe 5 hours a week (maybe), so that's 20 hours a month a spend playing games. And, this is total, not just one game. I love Modnation Racers and Madden and several other PSN titles. So, even if I spent let's say 15 hours of my 20 hours a month on this single game, I'm basically paying 1 dollar per play hour for the month. That is just not going to work. Now, for people that can play 50, 60, 80 hours a month, they are going to get their money's worth. But I am going to have to pass which kinda stinks.

    The answer, not that anyone cares, is that MMOs won't work on Consoles, but what does: Free Roam! I have to say that one of the best ideas came from Red Dead Redemption. The idea that you have a full, long, robust single player in a sandbox and then you can connect and play in that same free roam online MMO-type world. I just feel this is the closest thing we are every going to see to an working, fun MMO on the console unless these games start supporting Free-To-Play.

    In the end, I still have hope that DCUO has such horrible sales that it will drop to Free-to-Play (ala Lord of the Rings Online). The day that it does, I will buy it no questions asked! neo

  14. Does anybody know how much comic jumper is on the xbox 360?I heard its coming out on the ps3 but its not on the psn store yet.And I really want to know the price because I am really intrested in the game.

    First off, I've played a limited amount of Comic Jumper but I really liked it when I did. It's a mix of Splosion Man and Metal Slug.....with a comic twist.

    As for a PSN release. At this time it is Xbox Exclusive. The company that makes the game, "Twisted Pixel" has been Xbox only. Their credits include "The Maw" and "Splosion Man", both also Xbox/Windows exlusive. Now, there has been talk with Twisted Pixel about porting their games over to PSN, but at this point it is just talk. Nothing is confirmed for a PSN release. I'm hoping for a collection of sorts, I'd buy 'Splosion Man and Comic Jumper in a heartbeat off the PSN.

    On a side note, I finished up Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest over the weekend. It is low budget and you can tell, but I still had a very good time with it. It was a mix of Zelda and Lego Star Wars. Nothing difficult or too challenging, but a fun retelling of the great story from the movies. I'm playing back to through real quick to get the few items I missed to finish up the trophies and then I'm moving on. I wouldn't recommend this game at $60 (what I paid for it), but if you can find it in the $30-$40 range and are a LOTR fan I would say it is worth your time. neo

  15. I'm with you NINTENDOwii, I'm just out of the online scene. I just don't have the time to invest in games as an adult (And husband, and Father) and I get sick of getting killed non-stop and then verbally abused by groups of people who have never kissed a girl. The last game I played was MW2. I played the single player and loved it, and then I played the MP for about a week and my mind was made. I would literally respawn and be dead again in less than 30 seconds. That is just not fun. Maybe I do just suck at the games so I'm not complaining about people that enjoy it, but I just don't have the time devote to game to become that good and thus, I die....very fast. To top it off, I then have 10 year olds questioning my sex or challenging my race or taunting like they're Tiger Woods......just not down with that. So, I decided no more online and sold my Xbox and all my games. I am now a happy PS3 owner and am glad I made the change.

    Now, just to clarify, I'm not against online play, if it's with friends and if it's Co-Op, but I'm just not a fan of competetive play. I like games like Little Big Planet or Castle Crashers or Madden Online Team and I will still play those with people I know. But outside of that, I play mostly single player games that I get to enjoy with no concern for online play in any form! neo

  16. This is why I don't play online anymore :).

    I have gotten back into Aragorn's Quest on PS3. I'm playing now just with the Dual Shock and it's much better. It's not an A+ title but I'm having a lot of fun! I also downloaded "Cut the Rope" on iPhone a couple days ago. If you guys haven't heard about it you should check it out. It's made by the same guys that did Angry Birds and it's just as fun and fact, I may actually like it better. Check it out! neo

  17. Alright, I downloaded Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light on Tuesday, but it's been a busy week so I haven't had a chance to sit down with it...until last night. I played for about 2 hours last night and I have to say I LOVE this game.

    For anyone that doesn't know, it's not a Tomb Raider game. It actually looks and feels more like Marvel Ultimate Alliance than any Tomb Raider game. It has an overhead view, like Ultimate Alliance, with large maps to roam and discover. But, unlike Ultimate Alliance, the combat is based around a Dual Stick Shooter mechanic (ala Geometry Wars). You move with the left stick, aim with the right stick, and shoot with the trigger. This works great and is a lot of fun. It also differs from a game like Ultimate Alliance because it is very much puzzle based, as a Lara Croft game should be. There is a lot of fighting and shooting, but there is equal swinging and climbing and switching your way through the map.

    So, two hours in and I can say this is one of the best games that I've played this year, and it's downloadable. It's funny because of my current rotation, the majority of what I play is downloadable games and I love that. I spend most time with Castle Crashers, Scott Pilgrim, Joe Danger, Deathspank, Madden 11, Sports Champtions, Modnation Racers, and now Lara Croft.

    Also, I played and beat Red Dead Redemption on the Xbox earlier this year. Now I'm PS3 only so I don't have the game anymore, but they released that zombie trailer this week and now I'm really wanting to play again.......just not sure I want to play the whole story again on the PS3.......dang Mexico! I probably will though. I hear a lot of people talking about Game of the Year, seems like Mass Effect 2 and Civ 5 are the leaders, but I haven't played either. I would say right now that Red Dead is my game of 2010, I loved that game! So, anyone else looking forward to Red Dead Zombies?!?


  18. Spent some more time with Aragorn's Quest and Sports Champion over the weekend. As well as Deathspank. I really do love Deathspank. I went ahead and bought Thongs of Virtue, even though I haven't finished the first yet. I'll get to it eventually. I am, by the way, a HUGE fan of downloadable games. Speaking of, I thought I'd take a few minutes to talk up the Downloadable side of things.

    Currently, I'm playing Worms Armageddon 2, Deathspank, Joe Danger, and Castle Crashers. Like I said above, I also picked up Thongs of Virtue which I'll get it to sometime. And it's still only September. I can honestly say that of my holiday buylist, about 85% of it is downloadable (PSN of course).

    Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

    -Getting great acclaim on XBLA, this Co-Op dual shock Shooter looks great!

    PixelJunk Shooter 2

    -The first Shooter was artistic and fun, it looks a formula from something like Geometry Wars and Super Stardust and made a full story out of it. I still play the first one.

    Pac-Man Champtionship DX

    -Another game that has been on XBLA for a while. We are finally seeing the DX Pac-Man delivered to the PSN with exclusive features. Seriously, the XBLA version is the best Pac-Man ever made....this will be even better!

    Costume Quest

    -This is one of my top 3 games I'm most looking forward too!! It's a turn based RPG about kids going trick or treating. It is also made by Double Fine who is responsible for Psychonauts and Brutal Legends. I can't wait for this game!!

    NBA Jam

    -Just announced, NBA Elite has been delayed so EA is releasing NBA Jam as a standalone product by the end of the year. Now, it hasn't been confirmed if it's an actual PSN game, so there is still a question. The Wii version is retail, but original you were going to get a downloadable voucher for an HD version with the retail purchase of Elite. So, my money is that this will stay a Downloadable game for the HD systems.......and I love me some NBA Jam!

    Sonic 4: Episode 1

    -It's Sonic, CLASSIC SONIC, you can't go wrong!

    Back to the Future

    -We don't know alot, but it's an adventure game from TaleTell and that's exciting enough, plus Christopher Llyod is lending his voice. Even if this game turns out to be bad I will probably still buy it.....I'm a Back to the Future fan that way.


    -Expodemon appears to be a mix between Mega Man and Mario. It's a side-scrolling platformer about an anime looking robot guy....that's enough for me. If it plays like a Mega Man game with some new mechanics thown in this may be a sleeper hit!

    Well, I just thought I'd give some love to my current list of most wanted games. There are only about 3 Retail titles that I've really looking forward this season, but the downloadable stuff looks GREAT! neo

  19. Alright, I've played a bit more Move so I thought I'd give some more thoughts, for those that care.

    Right now I only have Sports Champions and Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest. I'll start with the LOTR game. Let me say that the game itself is a lot of fun. It feels like a watered down version of Zelda set to the Lord of the Rings games. By watered down I just mean it's not as deep as Zelda games tend to least not yet (I am only about 1/3 of the way in). However, it plays similar. The biggest difference is the lack of puzzles. One thing that has always made Zelda great were the dungeon puzzles. So far, I haven't really had any of those in Aragorn's Quest, most of the game is made up of Fetch Quests and Action Sequences. But, I love the LOTR story and I am having a great time with the game......using a Duelshock 3! Thus the issue, the Move support is rushed and sloppy. It is very laggy and hardly works at times. I stuck with it for a while, but was getting frustrated so switched to the DS3 to try it and it is night and day different. It went from a budget title to a B+ effort by just getting the right controller. So, for any LOTR fans, this is a great game to pick up......but don't play it with the Move, in fact, forget that's an option and you'll be good!

    Now, Sports Champion is "killer app" if you will, to showcase the Move's potential. It is really a mixed bag. On the lower half I would put Gladiator Duel and Vollyball. Both games have you stationary which just don't work for the sports. Gladiator Duel is fun, but all you can do is side step and swing. It's a fun experiment with the 1:1 motion, but ultimiatly a weak tech demo. Vollyball is much like WiiSports Tennis in which you wait till the ball is close and then make either a volly or in the right place a spike motion. It works OK, but just isn't that fun. For some reason, even though it's basically the same as WiiSports Tennis, it just isn't as much fun and thus the problem. In the middle of the road I'd put Disc Golf and Pingpong. Disc Golf is pretty fun, but throwing a virtual frisbee with the accuracy needed to hit a pin can be difficult. It's like a mix of WiiSports Golf and WiiSportsResort Frisbee Toss. The difference is throwing a Frisbee to a dog doesn't require perfect accuracy, while Disc Golf does. However, I do feel of all the games, Disc Golf may be the one that you actually get better at with a lot of practice, so we will see. Pingpong is pingpong. It works, pretty good, but you still have the occasional too close/too far distance issue. I would top the list off with Archery and Bocce Ball. Bocce Ball is their answer to WiiSports Bowling. I won't bore you with the rules, but you throw a maker ball, and then try to get your calls close to that marker. The balls closer get awarded points. It's the same type motion as WiiSports Bowling, down to holding the trigger to release the ball. This so far is the only game my Wife has enjoyed and is interested in playing again. Archery, in my opinion, is the cream of the crop! There are a couple of reasons for this. Most notably is the controls, they are accurace and spot on almost every time! You put the controller to your back as if you were taking an arrow out of your quiver. You pull the trigger and aim at the screen, it just feels right. Everywhere I've read said this is better with 2 controllers, but I disagree. I had issues getting the two controllers lined up right each time, where with just one I was splitting arrows in a matter of minutes. The other great thing about Archery is the variety, there are several cool arcery modes, including a cool Tic-Tac-Toe mode and a Tug of War. The good things about Sports Champions are the variety of events and things to do. Each sport has a champtionship mode at a Bronze, Silver, and Gold level, so there is a lot to do. My biggest disappointment with the game is the Avatar selection. A game like this NEEDS a created character. I think most of the appeal of Wii Sports were Miis, and Kinect Games are going to feature Avatars, but Sony has nothing like that. The characters are all cliche type characters: The Toyboy, the Jock, the Hip Hop Guy, The Asian, The Dancer, etc. Somehow allowing your Playstation Home Character to become your Avatar would have not only helped people feel connected to the game more but would have also boosted Home support. Something that Sony let slip through their hands!

    Overall I am very happy with the Move. Do I really need it right now? No, there is no game that says you NEED this controller. But I am confident as good as it works there are going to be some killer games released in coming year. If you guys have any Move related questions I will be more than happy to answer them, just let me know!

    And, on a final note, I've also sqeezed in a few Franchise games of Madden (The Cowboys and the Jags are doing well on All-Pro mode). I have also spent a lot of time with DeathSpank and I LOVE that game. I also frequent Words with Friends, Chess with Friends, and Words with Pirates. If any of you guys have iPhones and wanna start a match, look me up, it's: neolego!


  20. Well, I spent most of my afternoon with the new Playstation Move. I picked up the Sports Champion Bundle, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest, an Extra Move Controller, and a Navigation Controller.


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    I started with Sports Champions. It is much like what you'd expect, an HD version of Wii Sports. While there are a few games that are stand outs, the majority of the set is just OK at best. Archery and Bocce Ball are by far the best the game has to offer.

    From there I played some of the Lord of the Rings game. I have mixed this point. I'm still very early in the game but was still hoping for more. Well, let's back up, the game is actually pretty cool. You have full quests and side quests to playthrough. I love the art style, and it's Lord of the can you not love it?!? My main issue is the controls do not appear to be 1:1. I was expecting something akin to The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword where your sword hand is 1:1 to the motion controller. However, so far, it's more akin to The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, where you can swipe side to side or up and down and it will register, but not 1:1. At the end of the day though, just the fact that I'm even comparing the game to any Zelda game is good news. Like I said, I'm still very early so I'm not ready to make any concrete statements!

    Finally, the bundle comes with a Demo disc. There are about 8 Demos, I've only played a few. Echochrome II, Time Crisis, a Paint Game, and Tumble. So far they have served the purpose of showing the various uses for the controller, but have not convinced me that any of those games need to be purchased!!

    At the end of the day, it's a sweet sorrow kind of victory. The hardward is fantastic and makes the Wii Remote look like a dollar store ripoff. But right now, the games are not justifying the price. Much like the Wii in took several months to start getting killer software, as will be the case here. Better software at release would have made this the Holiday purchase of the year.....but current it's just a quality product "moving" toward a bright future!


    P.S. I leave you with my son, who spend most of the afternoon trying to sing into my Move Controller.....


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  21. Geez Neo, who's pissed in your corn flakes lately. Your getting as cranky as us old timers :lol: Being in the middle of the Nexus myself, I can understand where you are coming from. It was hilarious watching the news this morning and seeing some of reporters clearly out of their depth when it came to reporting :P I'll most likely pick mine up next week. I could have gotten up and went down the street to a local store for their Halo Party, but decided against it. That being said, I can remember standing in line for the Phantom Menace figure back when my wife and I were dating. So I can't fault folks for getting excited about something.

    I've stood in line before. I was in line to get tickets for Phantom Menance's first screening (of course, after seeing episode 1 I didn't wait in line for the other two ;) ). I was in line as well to get an extra Xbox 360 and Wii to resell (I reserved both of mine). I also waited in line for my iPhone 3. But the thing I was getting at is, all of my lines were first come first serve. This dude had Reach RESERVED! It wasn't going anywhere. Whether he stayed there or walked in a day later he would have his copy waiting for him. Sitting in line for 10 hours serves him no purpose..........

    Anyway, Worms Armegeddon 2 came to PSN yesterday. One of my favorite games of all time. Worms 2 is the best of the franchise that I've ever played. It also adds trophies and Playstation centric helmets (Helgasts, Lemmings, Sackboy, etc). I played several single player missions last night and I can't wait to get some more time on it this week.

    Of course, that will all be leading up to Playstation Move this Sunday. I'm actually really excited, let's hope I stay that way :). neo

  22. Seriously, I will get around to play Reach at some point, but this game is more Hyped than anything I've ever seen.....and it's already burned me out. I will not play this at all this year for that reason......let it breath people! I went to GameStop yesterday at around 1:30pm (I'm looking for a used copy of Shattered Dimisions) and there was a kid IN LINE to pick up his RESERVE at midnight. You already paid for the game, you will have a copy, all you have to do is walk in at 12:01am and pick it up.......and this dude is going to sit in a line for 11 hours just to pick up his! neo

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